Minutes - 6/11/2024

The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at 4:30 p.m. Board members present were Ung (phone), Nelson, Bittinger II, Taylor (phone), and Radig. Staff members present were Karen James, Board Administrative Assistant, Melissa Thomas, Human Resources Director, Dennis Butler, Budget and Finance Director, and Patrick Gill, Auditor/Clerk to the Board.
The regular meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and a Moment of Silence.
Motion by Bittinger second by Radig to approve the agenda for June 11, 2024. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Radig second by Nelson to approve the following items by consent:
To approve minutes of the June 4, 2024, meeting. Copy filed.
To approve the claims totaling $1,526,831.37. Copy filed.
To approve the reappointment of Kim Peterson, 515 N Pine St, Lawton, and Carol Nelson, 1514 Jasper Ave., Moville, to the Woodbury County Library Board of Trustees. Copy filed.
To approve the reappointment of Joseph Donovan, 3300 Walden Ave., Sioux City, to the Veteran Affairs Commission. Copy filed.
To approve the reappointment of Charles Hertz, 719 Stable Path, Sergeant Bluff, to the Civil Service Commission. Copy filed.
To approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign a Resolution approving petition for suspension of taxes for Bryan UitDeFlesch, parcel #894823127003, 2240 Roosevalt St.
WHEREAS, Bryan UitDeFlesch, as titleholder of a property located 2240 Roosevalt St., Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa, and legally described as follows:
Parcel #894823127003
WHEREAS, Bryan UitDeFlesch of the aforementioned property has petitioned the Board of Supervisors for a suspension of taxes pursuant to the 2017 Iowa Code section 427.9, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors recognizes from documents provided that the petitioner is unable to provide to the public revenue; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors hereby grants the request for a suspension of taxes, and hereby directs the Woodbury County Treasurer to so record the approval of this tax suspension for this property.
SO RESOLVED this 11th day of June 2024.
Copy filed.
To approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign a Resolution approving abatement of taxes for Dreamhomes LLC, VIN #50300416F.
WHEREAS, Dreamhomes LLC is the titleholder of a mobile home
VIN #50300416F located in Woodbury County, Iowa and legally described as follows:
VIN #50300416F Year/Model 1993 Spears
WHEREAS, the above-stated mobile home has taxes payable including special assessments and the mobile home is owned by Dreamhomes LLC.
WHEREAS, these taxes are uncollectable or impractical to pursue collection through personal judgement or tax sale.
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors sees that good cause exists for the abatement of these taxes and;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Woodbury county Board of Supervisors hereby abates the taxes owing on the above mobile home according to Code of Iowa, 445.16 for the taxes owed and hereby directs the Woodbury County Treasurer to abate these aforementioned taxes from the tax records.
SO RESOLVED this 11th day of June, 2024.
Copy filed.
To approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign a Resolution approving abatement of taxes for Bonnie Lou Jones, VIN #4752761322.
WHEREAS, Bonnie Lou Jones is the titleholder of a mobile home
VIN #4752761322 located in Woodbury County, Iowa and legally described as follows:
VIN #4752761322 Year/Model 1975 Atlas Mfg
WHEREAS, the above-stated mobile home has taxes payable including special assessments and the mobile home is owned by Bonnie Lou Jones.
WHEREAS, these taxes are uncollectable or impractical to pursue collection through personal judgement or tax sale.
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors sees that good cause exists for the abatement of these taxes and;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Woodbury county Board of Supervisors hereby abates the taxes owing on the above mobile home according to Code of Iowa, 445.16 for the taxes owed and hereby directs the Woodbury County Treasurer to abate these aforementioned taxes from the tax records.
SO RESOLVED this 11th day of June, 2024.
Copy filed.
To approve an application for a 12-month, Class C Retail Alcohol License for Abu Bekr Shrine, effective 06/21/24 through 06/20/25. Copy filed.
To approve the permit to work in the right of way for Nick Haugen. Copy filed.
To approve the permit to work in the right of way for Randy Kleinberg. Copy filed.
To approve the separation of David Almendarez, Civilian Jailer, County Sheriff Dept., effective 6-05-24. Resignation; the appointment of Jake Erdmann, Civilian Jailer, County Sheriff Dept., effective 06-17-24, $23.97/hour. Job Vacancy Posted on 4/24/24. Entry Level Salary: $23.97/hour.; the appointment of Jacey Tadlock, Civilian Jailer, County Sheriff Dept., effective 6-17-24, $23.97/hour. Job Vacancy Posted on 4/15/24. Entry Level Salary: $23.97/hour.; the appointment of Logan Trobaugh, Civilian Jailer, County Sheriff Dept., effective 6-17-24, $23.97/hour. Job Vacancy Posted on 4/18/2024. Entry Level Salary: $23.97/hour.; the other of Heather Satterwhite-Van Sickle, Executive Secretary/Public Bidder, Board of Supervisors Dept., effective 7-01-24, $30.72/hour, 10%=$2.84/hr. Effective 7-1-24: Moving to Grade 6/Step 5 AFSCME Pay Scale.; the other of Letitia Brice, Secretary III, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 7-01-24, $30.72/hour, 10%=$2.84/hr. Effective 7-1-24: Moving to Grade 6/Step 5 AFSCME Pay Scale.; and the other of Katie Parker, Secretary III, Human Resources Dept., effective 7-1-24, $30.72/hour, 10%=$2.84/hr. Effective 7-1-24: Moving to Grade 6/Step 5 AFSCME Pay Scale. Copy filed.
To approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign the Authorization to initiate the hiring process for Civilian Jailer, County Sheriff Dept. CWA Civilian: $23.97/hour. Copy filed.
Carried 5-0, Nelson abstained from the item to approve the reappointment of Kim Peterson, 515 N Pine St, Lawton, and Carol Nelson, 1514 Jasper Ave., Moville, to the Woodbury County Library Board of Trustees.
The Canvass was held for the Primary Election held on June 4, 2024.
It was reported by Steve Hofmeyer, Deputy Elections.
There were four (4) provisional ballots of which three (3) were accepted and added to the tally and one (1) was rejected. There were six (6) after-election ballots of which one (1) was accepted and added to the tally and five (5) were rejected.
United State Representative District 4 – Dem
Ryan Melton Received One Thousand and Twenty-Four (1,024) votes
Scattering Received Six (6) votes
Total One Thousand and Thirty (1,030) votes
State Representative District 1 – Dem
J.D. Scholten Received Two Hundred and Eighty-Eight (288) votes
Scattering Received Four (4) votes
Total Two Hundred and Ninety-Two (292) votes
State Representative District 2 – Dem
Jessica Lopez-Walker Received Three Hundred and Thirteen (313) votes
Scattering Received One (1) votes
Total Three Hundred and Fourteen (314) votes
State Representative District 13 – Dem
Scattering Received Eleven (11) votes
Total Eleven (11) votes
State Representative District 14 – Dem
Scattering Received Eighteen (18) votes
Total Eighteen (18) votes
County Board of Supervisors District 1 – Dem
John Herrig Received Nine Hundred and Eighty-Six (986) votes
Scattering Received Nine (9) votes
Total Nine Hundred and Ninety-Five (995) votes
We therefore declare: John Herrig to be duly nominated for the office of County Board of Supervisors District 1 – Dem.
County Board of Supervisors District 3 – Dem
Scattering Received Forty-Three (43) votes
Total Forty-Three (43) votes
County Board of Supervisors District 5 – Dem
Lincoln Ryan Received Nine Hundred and Fifty-Five (955) votes
Scattering Received Nine (9) votes
Total Nine Hundred and Sixty-Four (964) votes
We therefore declare: Lincoln Ryan to be duly nominated for the office of County Board of Supervisors District 5 – Dem.
County Auditor and Recorder – Dem
Pat Gill Received One Thousand and Eighty-Eight (1,088) votes
Scattering Received Nine (9) votes
Total One Thousand and Ninety-Seven (1,097) votes
We therefore declare: Pat Gill to be duly nominated for the office of County Auditor and Recorder – Dem.
County Sheriff – Dem
Scattering Received Forty-Nine (49) votes
Total Forty-Nine (49) votes
United State Representative District 4 – Rep
Randy Feenstra Received Two Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty-One (2,281) votes
Kevin Virgil Received One Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty (1,450) votes
Scattering Received Fourteen (14) votes
Total Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Forty-Five (3,745) votes
State Representative District 1 – Rep
Josh Steinhoff Received Three Hundred and Seventy-Five (375) votes
Scattering Received Four (4) votes
Total Three Hundred and Seventy-Nine (379) votes
State Representative District 2 – Rep
Robert Henderson Received Nine Hundred and Twenty-Three (923) votes
Scattering Received Seventeen (17) votes
Total Nine Hundred and Forty (940) votes
State Representative District 13 – Rep
Travis M. Sitzmann Received Four Hundred and Sixty (460) votes
Noah Wieseler Received Three Hundred and Eighteen (318) votes
Scattering Received Two (2) votes
Parker Hanson Received Ten (10) votes
Total Seven Hundred and Ninety (790) votes
State Representative District 14 – Rep
Jacob Bossman Received One Thousand One Hundred and Thirty-Three (1,113) votes
Scattering Received Twenty-Three (23) votes
Total One Thousand One Hundred and Fifty-Six (1,156) votes
County Board of Supervisors District 1 – Rep
Kent T. Carper Received Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Three (2,803) votes
Scattering Received Twenty-Seven (27) votes
Total Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty (2,830) votes
We therefore declare: Kent T. Carper to be duly nominated for the office of County Board of Supervisors District 1 – Rep.
County Board of Supervisors District 3 – Rep
Willard Brian McNaughton Received One Thousand and Forty-One (1,041) votes
Mark Nelson Received Two Thousand Three Hundred and Forty-Eight (2,348) votes
Scattering Received Eleven (11) votes
Total Three Thousand Four Hundred (3,400) votes
We therefore declare: Mark Nelson to be duly nominated for the office of County Board of Supervisors District 3 – Rep.
County Board of Supervisors District 5 – Rep
David Dietrich Received Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty-Three (2,833) votes
Scattering Received Twenty-Eight (28) votes
Total Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty-one (2,861) votes
We therefore declare: David Dietrich to be duly nominated for the office of County Board of Supervisors District 5 – Rep.
County Auditor and Recorder – Rep
Keith Radig Received One Thousand One Hundred and Sixty (1,160) votes
Michelle K. Skaff Received Two Thousand Five Hundred and Forty-Five (2,545) votes
Scattering Received Eleven (11) votes
Total Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixteen (3,716) votes
We therefore declare: Michelle K. Skaff to be duly nominated for the office of County Auditor and Recorder – Rep.
County Sheriff – Rep
Chad Sheehan Received Three Thousand Four Hundred and Four (3,404) votes
Scattering Received Forty-Three (43) votes
Total Three Thousand Four Hundred and Forty-Seven (3,447) votes
We therefore declare: Chad Sheehan to be duly nominated for the office of County Sheriff – Rep.
United States Representative District 4 – Lib
Scattering Received Sixteen (16) votes
Total Sixteen (16) votes
State Representative District 1 – Lib
Scattering Received Zero (0) votes
J. D. Scholten Received One (1) votes
Blank Received One (1) votes
Total Two (2) votes
We therefore declare: J.D. Scholten to be duly nominated for the office of State Representative District 1 – Lib.
State Representative District 2 – Lib
Scattering Received Six (6) votes
Total Six (6) votes
State Representative District 13 – Lib
Scattering Received Zero (0) votes
Noah Wieseler Received One (1) votes
Total One (1) votes
We therefore declare: Noah Wieseler to be duly nominated for the office of State Representative District 13 – Lib.
State Representative District 14 – Lib
Scattering Received Zero (0) votes
Jessica Lopez-Walker Received One (1) votes
Jacob Bossman Received One (1) votes
Total Two (2) votes
We therefore declare: Jessica Lopez-Walker, by drawing lots, to be duly nominated for the office of State Representative District 14 – Lib.
County Board of Supervisors District 1 – Lib
Scattering Received Eleven (11) votes
Total Eleven (11) votes
County Board of Supervisors District 3 – Lib
Scattering Received Nine (9) votes
Total Nine (9) votes
County Board of Supervisors District 5 – Lib
Scattering Received Ten (10) votes
Total Ten (10) votes
County Auditor and Recorder – Lib
Scattering Received Thirteen (13) votes
Total Thirteen (13) votes
County Sheriff – Lib
Scattering Received Eight (8) votes
Chad Sheehan Received Seven (7) votes
Total Fifteen (15) votes
We therefore declare: Chad Sheehan to be duly nominated for the office of County Sheriff – Lib.
Motion by Radig second by Nelson to receive for signatures the canvass of the Primary Election held on June 4, 2024. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Bittinger second by Nelson to receive final report and Zoning Commission recommendation from the 5/29/24 Zoning Ordinance Map Amendment (Rezone) from Agricultural Preservation (AP) to the Agricultural Estates (AE) Zoning District on a portion of Parcel #874705200001. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
A public hearing was held at 4:40 p.m. on the Zoning Ordinance Map Amendment (Rezone) from AP to AE on a portion of parcel #874705200001. The Chairperson called on anyone wishing to be heard.
Motion by Radig second by Nelson to close the public hearing. Carried 5-0.
Motion by Radig second by Nelson to approve the 1st Reading of the Zoning Ordinance Map Amendment (Rezone). Carried 5-0.
Motion by Nelson second by Ung to approve the appointment of Zane Chwirka to the Veteran Affairs Commission. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Radig second by Nelson to approve quit claim deed for vacated county rights of way in the platted Town Luton for Michael & Carla Swingen. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Reports on committee meetings were heard.
Kevin Nelson, Salix, discussed the proposed Salix drainage district with the Board.
Board concerns were heard.
The Board adjourned the regular meeting until June 18, 2024.
Meeting sign in sheet. Copy filed.