Emergency Services


121 Deer Run Trail
Climbing Hill, IA 51015
Driving Directions

Contact Information

712-876-2228 (Fax)


Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
24/7 EMT and paramedic services
Holiday Closures

Our Team

Drew Baier
712-389-0954 (Cell)

Emergency Services

Woodbury County Emergency Services responds when dispatched to all fourteen rural Woodbury County communities to provide assistance to EMS responders with advanced care, man power and equipment for both medical and fire emergencies.

Mission Statement

"The mission of Woodbury County Emergency Services is to provide the most efficient services for our county. We will act and perform in a safe, courteous and professional manner. As emergency responders we have chosen to protect lives and property, our members take pride in representing Woodbury County Emergency Services. We will strive to maintain a strong bond with the emergency responder community and citizens by involving them in education, prevention, and protection."

Map & Directions

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This content was printed from the County website at woodburycountyiowa.gov on September 14, 2024.