Civil Service Commission

Commission members
- Charles T. Hertz, Chairman
- Glenn J. Parrett, Commissioner
- Lloyd "Buck" Trout, Commissioner
- Lisa Wilson, Personnel Director
Covered Employees
The classified civil service positions covered by this chapter include persons actually serving as deputy sheriffs who are salaried pursuant to section 331.904, subsection 2, but do not include two chief deputy sheriffs, two second deputy sheriffs in counties with a population of more than one hundred thousand, and four second deputy sheriffs in counties with a population of more than two hundred thousand. See Iowa Code Chapter 341a.7 for a complete description of covered employees.
Minimum Requirements
- Be a U. S. Citizen and a resident of Iowa or intend to become a resident upon being employed;
- Be 18 years of age at the time of appointment;
- Hold a valid Iowa driver's license;
- Not be addicted to drugs or alcohol [modified for Chapter 400 civil service positions by §400.17 of the Code of Iowa>;
- Be of good moral character as determined by a thorough background investigation including a fingerprint search conducted of local, state and national fingerprint files and have not been convicted of a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude;
- Successfully pass physical fitness tests;
- Not be opposed to use of force to fulfill duties;
- Have a high school diploma (or the equivalent), or four (4) years of active military service, or Iowa law enforcement certification with five (5) years of service;
- Have uncorrected vision of not less than 20/100 in both eyes, corrected to 20/20, and color vision consistent with the Occupational demands of law enforcement;
- Have normal hearing in each ear (hearing aids are acceptable if a candidate can demonstrate sufficient hearing proficiency to perform all necessary duties of a law enforcement officer);
- Be examined by a physician and meet the physical requirements necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of a law enforcement officer;
- Undergo psychological testing;
- Undergo cognitive (Basic Skills) testing.
Civil Service Examinations
All appointments to and promotions to classified civil service positions in the office of the county sheriff shall be made solely on merit, efficiency, and fitness, which shall be ascertained by open competitive examinations and impartial investigations. Current Certified list expiration dates are as follows, please contact the personnel director for further information:
- New Hire Deputies : expires June 30, 2025
- 1st Line Promotional (Sergeant) expires February 7, 2026
- 2nd Line Promotional (Lieutenant) expires May 31, 2025
If you have any questions regarding the Woodbury County Civil Service Commission, please contact Lisa Wilson at 712-251-9302 or by email.
Testing for Civil Sworn Deputy Sheriff
General Qualifications
Applicant must be a United States citizen, able to speak, read and write the English language. Applicants must be between the ages of eighteen and sixty.
Applicants must be able to furnish and accompany the application:
- Current Iowa Driver’s License: Hold a valid Iowa driver's license*
*As referenced in Iowa Administrative Code 2.1(3), Railway special agents who are approved by the commissioner of public safety as special agents of the department and officers who are allowed to reside in an adjacent state shall be required to possess a valid driver’s or chauffeur’s license of the state of residence of the officer - Birth certificate
- Military discharge papers
- High school diploma (or equivalency).
All applicants, other than lateral transfers, must pass the physical exam and written exam. All applicants, lateral transfers included, must pass the oral exam, back-ground check and must be finger printed. Applicants will be tested solely on merit, efficiency and fitness, which shall be ascertained by open competitive examinations and impartial investigations as provided by Section 341a.8 of the Code of Iowa. Full details of qualifications are not set out herein, physical agility requirements along with additional minimum requirements may be found on the ILEA website.
Lateral transfers will be accepted provided the candidate is with 12 months of separation from service. The application must clearly state Lateral Transfer.
For more information, consult the Personnel Director for the Civil Service Commission at 712-251-9302.
Online Application Paper Application
Applicants must return signed application packets by mailing them to the Civil Service Commission for Deputy Sheriff, % Human Resources, 620 Douglas, 7thst Floor, Sioux City 51101, postmarked no later than Friday, October 28, 2022 by 4:30pm or by delivering the application to the address listed above by 4:30pm. Sealed envelopes must be marked Civil Service Application enclosed.
Testing Date - Physical Agility and Written Exam
Does not pertain to lateral transfers.
Date and Time
Date and Time TBD
Sheriff’s Conference and Training Center
1600 County Home Road
Sioux City, Iowa
Unless you are a lateral transfer, you will be required to pass all parts of the physical agility test to move onto the written test examination. Each candidate will be notified in writing upon passage of the written examination. Each eligible candidate will be contacted via writing to schedule an oral examination. You must bring a valid ID to enter both parts of the test.
Dated by the order of the Woodbury County Civil Service Commission for Deputy Sheriffs: October 17, 2024
Legal Notice Rules & Regulations