Frequently Asked Questions

Resources & Services
Commission Meetings Commissioners Flag Resources Newsletter Services Available FAQ Department HomeHow do I receive assistance from the Woodbury County Veteran Affairs Office?
Please call us at 712-279-6606 to make an appointment.
How do I receive a copy of my DD-214/discharge paperwork, service records, and/or medals?
Please call us at 712-279-6606 to make an appointment.
What is the process to have "Veteran" added to my driver's license?
Provide a copy of your DD-214 and visit our address so that we may assist.
What makes a veteran eligible for the VA Healthcare?
Veterans are eligible by meeting income guidelines or Active Duty Service or a Service-Connected.
Where do I apply for Veteran License Plates?
Provide a copy of your DD-214 and visit our office so that we may assist.
How do I apply for a Military Property Tax Exemption?
You can apply at the Woodbury County Assessor's Office and your DD-214 must be recorded at the Woodbury County Recorder's Office.
What are the eligibility requirements for Guard and Reserves for Veteran Benefits?
Please contact our office at 712-279-6606 for review of your discharge paperwork.
How does my Surviving Spouse qualify for Survivor's Pension?
- You or your spouse must have served during a wartime period of service.
- Contact our office at 712-279-6606 for recognized federal wartime dates.
What is the difference between Pension and Compensation?
- Pension is an income-based program with federal wartime-service requirements.
- Compensation is based on a service-connected injury or illness sustained or aggravated while on active duty.
What is the difference between Survivors Pension and Widows DIC?
- Survivors Pension is for the widows of wartime veterans that would qualify for Pension.
- Widows DIC is for widows of veterans who die of a service connectable disability.