The Woodbury County Treasurer is responsible for the administration of the Annual Tax Sale and must offer for sale parcels in which taxes have become delinquent, per Iowa Code Chapter 446.

The purpose of the tax sale is to collect unpaid property taxes. The Annual Tax Sale takes place the 3rd Monday in June each year. Delinquent taxes on a parcel subject to sale will be advertised around June 1st in an official county newspaper and put on-line.  To avoid publication, payment(s) must be received in our office by (to be determined).

Beginning (to be determined) to June 13, 2025, ALL DELINQUENT tax payments must be in certified funds (cash, cashier's check or money order). NO on-line payments will be accepted during this time. To avoid the Tax Sale, payments must be received in our office by 4:30pm on June 13, 2025.  

Tax Sale Registration

The tax sale is an online event that is held on the 3rd Monday in June at 9:00 a.m.  The  next tax sale will be held on June 16, 2025.  You may register for the sale around mid-May and find the "Official" listing of parcels at around June 1st. The "official" listing of parcels will be updated daily on the Iowa Tax Auction website until the tax sale.  See terms and conditions of tax sale below for specific dates and costs.

The investor is responsible for all research on parcels available for auction.

For more information, please contact the Woodbury County Treasurer's Office at 712-279-6495, option 2.


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This content was printed from the County website at on March 26, 2025.