Minutes - 11/14/2023

The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, November 14, 2023, at 3:15 p.m. Board members present were Nelson, Ung (by phone, Bittinger II, Radig, and Taylor. Staff members present were Karen James, Board Administrative Assistant, Dennis Butler, Finance and Budget Director, Joshua Widman, Assistant County Attorney, Melissa Thomas, Human Resources Director, and Michelle Skaff, Deputy Auditor/Clerk to the Board.
Motion by Talyor second by Nelson to go into closed session per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(c). Carried on 4-0 roll-call vote.
Radig entered the meeting at 3:20pm.
Ung was disconnected from the phone line mid-meeting.
Motion by Radig second by Bittinger to go out of closed session per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(c). Carried 4-0 on roll-call vote.
Motion by Taylor second by Nelson to go into closed session per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a). Carried 4-0 on roll-call vote.
Motion by Taylor second by Bittinger to go out of closed session per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a). Carried 4-0 on roll-call vote.
The regular meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and a Moment of Silence.
Ung was connected via phone.
Motion by Taylor second by Bittinger to approve the agenda from November 14, 2023 with one item added after the consent agenda to correct a clerical error on the December 6, 2022 meeting minutes. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Taylor second by Nelson to approve the following items by consent:
To approve minutes of the November 7, 2023 meeting. Copy filed.
To approve the claims totaling $2,043,793.86. Copy filed.
To receive the appointment of Thomas H. Petersen III, PO Box 214, Anthon, IA, as Kedron Township Trustee, previously held by Larry Wink, until the next general election. Copy filed.
To approve the separation of Devin Collins, Sheriff Reserve Deputy, County Sheriff Dept., effective 1-01-22. Separation.; the reclassification of Seth Butler, Deputy Sheriff, County Sheriff Dept., effective 11-27-23, $32.71/hour, 16%=$4.57/hr. Per CWA Deputy Sheriff Contract agreement, from Class 2 to Class 1; and the reclassification of Adair Perez-Ariza, Clerk II, County Treasurer Dept., effective 11-27-23, $20.52/hour, 4.9%=$.97/hr. Per AFSCME Courthouse Contract agreement, from Grade 3/Step 2 to Grade 3/Step 3. Copy filed.
To approve the renewal of Woodbury County’s medical plan. Copy filed.
To approve the underground utility permit for Dan Lee. Copy filed.
Carried 5-.0.
Added Motion by Taylor second by Radig to amend the 12-6-2023 meeting minutes to state “to approve the funding for FFE at the new Law Enforcement Center from Woodbury County’s FY23 ARPA funds, in the amount of $941,000 contingent on amendment of the lease” due to a clerical error. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
The 1st tier canvass of the November 7, 2023 City/School Election was held. Motion by Radig second by Nelson to receive for signatures the canvass. Carried 5-.0. Copy filed.
It was reported by Steve Hofmeyer, Deputy Commissioner of Elections as follows:
There were 4 provisional ballots; 2 were accepted; 2 were rejected; 1 because they didn’t have ID/ 1 because their ID was expired.
There were 18 after election ballots; 16 were rejected because they were late; 2 safe at home ballots were accepted, they were on time.
City of Anthon – Mayor
Thomas Leroy Luckel Received Nineteen (19) votes
Lisa Petersen Received On Hundred and Twelve (112) votes
Scattering Received Seven (7) votes
Total One Hundred and Thirty-Eight (138) votes
We therefore declare:
Lisa Petersen to be duly elected for the office of City of Anthon – Mayor for the term of 4 years.
City of Anthon – City Council At-Large
Anthony J. McFarland Received One Hundred (100) votes
Ross Baldwin Received One Hundred and Fifteen (115) votes
Scattering Received Eight (8) votes
Total Two Hundred and Twenty-Three (223) votes
We therefore declare:
Anthony J. McFarland to be duly elected for the office of City of Anthon – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Ross Baldwin to be duly elected for the office of City of Anthon – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
City of Anthon – City Council At-Large to Fill a Vacancy
Amy Buck Received One Hundred and Twenty-Two (122) votes
Scattering Received Six (6) votes
Total One Hundred and Twenty-Eight (128) votes
We therefore declare:
Amy Buck to be duly elected for the office of City of Anthon – City Council At-Large to Fill a Vacancy.
City of Bronson – Mayor
Jason Garnand Received Eighty-Four (84) votes
Scattering Received Six (6) votes
Total Ninety (90) votes
We therefore declare:
Jason Garnand to be duly elected for the office of City of Bronson – Mayor for the term of 2 years.
City of Bronson – City Council At-Large
Jeff Keleher Received Eighty-Three (83) votes
Dave West Received Seventy-Five (75) votes
Scattering Received Zero (0) votes
Total One Hundred and Fifty-Eight (158) votes
We therefore declare:
Jeff Keleher to be duly elected for the office of City of Bronson – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Dave West to be duly elected for the office of City of Bronson – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
City of Correctionville – Mayor
Paul Briese Received Forty (40) votes
Ken Bauer Received Eighty-Nine (89) votes
Ronald Sanderson Received Forty-Six (46) votes
Scattering Received Three (3) votes
Total One Hundred and Seventy-Eight (178) votes
We therefore declare:
Ken Bauer to be duly elected for the office of City of Correctionville – Mayor for the term of 2 years.
City of Correctionville – City Council At-Large
Daniel Volkert Received Seventy-Four (74) votes
Colin Eickholt Received Eleven (11) votes
Adam Petty Received Ninety-Three (93) votes
Nathan Heilman Received Ninety (90) votes
Brenda Volkert Received Twenty-Nine (29) votes
Jonathan Zahner Received Forty-Two (42) votes
Scattering Received One (1) votes
Total Three Hundred and Forty (340) votes
We therefore declare:
Adam Petty to be duly elected for the office of City of Correctionville – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Nathan Heilman to be duly elected for the office of City of Correctionville – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
City of Cushing – Mayor
Donald Joy, Jr. Received Eighteen (18) votes
Scattering Received Three (3) votes
Jesse VanHouten Received Thirty-Four (34) votes
Total Fifty-Five (55) votes
We therefore declare:
Jesse VanHouten to be duly elected for the office of City of Cushing – Mayor for the term of 2 years.
City of Cushing – City Council At-Large
Jesse VanHouten Received Twenty-Seven (27) votes
Scattering Received Sixteen (16) votes
Brennan Hoaglund Received Twenty-Five (25) votes
Total Sixty-Eight (68) votes
We therefore declare:
Jesse VanHouten to be duly elected for the office of City of Cushing – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Brennan Hoaglund to be duly elected for the office of City of Cushing – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
City of Danbury – City Council At-Large
Joseph Allen Received Forty-Four (44) votes
Michael P. Gaspers Received Forty-Nine (49) votes
Sheryl R. Welte Received Forty-Two (42) votes
Scattering Received Fifteen (15) votes
Total One Hundred and Fifty (150) votes
We therefore declare:
Joseph Allen to be duly elected for the office of City of Danbury – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years
Michael P. Gaspers to be duly elected for the office of City of Danbury – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years
Sheryl R. Welte to be duly elected for the office of City of Danbury – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
City of Hornick – Mayor
Scott Mitchell Received Twenty-Nine (29) votes
Scattering Received Three (3) votes
Total Thirty-Two (32) votes
We therefore declare:
Scott Mitchell to be duly elected for the office of City of Hornick – Mayor for the term of 4 years.
City of Hornick – City Council At-Large
Mat Andresen Received Twenty-Nine (29) votes
Steve Holst Received Thirty-Two (32) votes
Scattering Received Two (2) votes
Dustin Johnston Received Seven (7) votes
Total Seventy (70) votes
We therefore declare:
Mat Andresen to be duly elected for the office of City of Hornick – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Steve Holst to be duly elected for the office of City of Hornick – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Dustin Johnston to be duly elected for the office of City of Hornick – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
City of Hornick – City Council At-Large To Fill a Vacancy
Scott Matthias Received Thirty-Six (36) votes
Scattering Received Zero (0) votes
Total Thirty- Six (36) votes
We therefore declare:
Scott Matthias to be duly elected for the office of City of Hornick – City Council At-Large To Fill a Vacancy.
City of Lawton – Mayor
Jesse Pedersen Received Two Hundred and Ninety-Five (295) votes
Scattering Received Thirty-Four (34) votes
Total Three Hundred and Twenty-Nine (329) votes
We therefore declare:
Jesse Pedersen to be duly elected for the office of City of Lawton – Mayor for the term of 2 years.
City of Lawton – City Council At-Large
Erin Nelson Received Two Hundred and Twenty-Seven (227) votes
Matthew Otto Received Two Hundred and Twenty-Three (223) votes
Jeremy P. Baltushis Received One Hundred and Fifty-Two (152) votes
Kevin Heiss Received Two Hundred and Thirty-Three (233) votes
Scattering Received Forty-Eight (48) votes
Total Eight Hundred and Eighty-Three (883) votes
We therefore declare:
Erin Nelson to be duly elected for the office of City of Lawton – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Matthew Otto to be duly elected for the office of City of Lawton – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Kevin Heiss to be duly elected for the office of City of Lawton – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
City of Moville – Mayor
Scott Linden Received Two Hundred and Thirty-Five (235) votes
Scattering Received Seven (7) votes
Jim Fisher Received Seventy-Four (74) votes
Total Three Hundred and Sixteen (316) votes
We therefore declare:
Scott Linden to be duly elected for the office of City of Moville – Mayor for the term of 2 years.
City of Moville – City Council At-Large
Calvin Mellies Received Two Hundred and Thirty-Two (232) votes
Jared Rapp Received Two Hundred and Seventy-Two (272) votes
John E. Parks Received Two Hundred and Sixty-Eight (268) votes
Scattering Received Fourteen (14) votes
Total Seven Hundred and Eighty-Six (786) votes
We therefore declare:
Calvin Mellies to be duly elected for the office of City of Moville – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Jared Rapp to be duly elected for the office of City of Moville – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
John E. Parks to be duly elected for the office of City of Moville – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
City of Oto – Mayor
Kevin Rayevich Received Seven (7) votes
Scattering Received Six (6) votes
Total Thirteen (13) votes
We therefore declare:
Kevin Rayevich to be duly elected for the office of City of Oto – Mayor for the term of 2 years.
City of Oto – City Council At-Large
Teri Lunnon Received Twelve (12) votes
Jennifer Weber Received Eleven (11) votes
Linda Nepper Received Twelve (12) votes
Scattering Received One (1) votes
Total Thirty-Six (36) votes
We therefore declare:
Teri Lunnon to be duly elected for the office of City of Oto – City Council At-Large for the term of 2 years.
Jennifer Weber to be duly elected for the office of City of Oto – City council At-Large for the term of 2 years.
Linda Nepper to be duly elected for the office of City of Oto – City Council At-Large for the term of 2 years.
City of Pierson – Mayor
Doyle Struve Received Twenty-Three (23) votes
Scattering Received Three (3) votes
Dallas Groen Received Thirty-Eight (38) votes
Total Sixty-Four (64) votes
We therefore declare:
Dallas Groen to be duly elected for the office of City of Pierson – Mayor for the term of 2 years.
City of Pierson – City Council At-Large
Peter Schieuer Received Fifty-Two (52) votes
Alex Krier Received Sixty-Three (63) votes
Louis Young Received Eighteen (18) votes
Daniel Sistrunk Received Fifty (50) votes
Scattering Received Twenty-Five (25) votes
Total Two Hundred and Eight (208) votes
We therefore declare:
Peter Schieuer to be duly elected for the office of City of Pierson – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Alex Krier to be duly elected for the office of City of Pierson – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Daniel Sistrunk to be duly elected for the office of City of Pierson – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
City of Salix – City Council At-Large
Nick Black Received Forty-Four (44) votes
Denise Burkhart Received Forty-Six (46) votes
Stacy Collins Received Twenty (20) votes
Scattering Received One (1) votes
Total One Hundred and Eleven (111) votes
We therefore declare:
Nick Black to be duly elected for the office of City of Salix – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Denise Burkhart to be duly elected for the office of City of Salix – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
City of Sergeant Bluff – City Council At-Large
Dustin Thelander Received One Hundred and Fifty-Nine (159) votes
Andrea Johnson Received Two Hundred and Sixty-Three (263) votes
James Linafelter Received Two Hundred and Fifty-Seven (257) votes
Mark Reinders Received Twon Hundred and Eighty (280) votes
Scattering Received Two (2) votes
Total Nine Hundred and Sixty-One (961) votes
We therefore declare:
Andrea Johnson to be duly elected for the office of City of Sergeant Bluff – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Mark Reinders to be duly elected for the office of City of Sergeant Bluff – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
City of Sergeant Bluff – City Council At-Large To Fill a Vacancy
Joe Profera Received Two Hundred and Thirteen (213) votes
Kirk Moriarty Received Two Hundred and Seventy (270) votes
Scattering Received Three (3) votes
Total Four Hundred and Eighty-Six (486) votes
We therefore declare:
Kirk Moriarty to be duly elected for the office of City of Sergeant Bluff – City Council At-Large To Fill a Vacancy.
City of Sioux City – Mayor
Bob Scott Received Five Thousand One Hundred and Ninety-Two (5,192) votes
Scattering Received Three Hundred and Seventy-One (371) votes
Total Five Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty-Three (5,563) votes
City of Sioux City – City Council At-Large
Tom Murphy Received Three Thousand and Fifty-Three (3,053) votes
Julie Schoenherr Received Three Thousand One Hundred and Sixty (3,160) votes
Scattering Received Thirty-Two (32) votes
Total Six Thousand Two Hundred and Forty-Five (6,245) votes
City of Sloan – Mayor
Robert Copple Received Two Hundred and Fifteen (215) votes
Scattering Received One (1) votes
Total Two Hundred and Sixteen (216) votes
We therefore declare:
Robert Copple to be duly elected for the office of City of Sloan – Mayor for the term of 4 years.
City of Sloan – City Council At-Large
Scott E. Brekke Received One Hundred and Eighty-Three (183) votes
Mitchell Stoulil Received One Hundred and Fifty-One (151) votes
Justin Mitchell Received One Hundred and Thirty-Three (133) votes
Jocelyn Murray Received One Hundred and Five (105) votes
Scattering Received Thirty-Two (32) votes
Total Six Hundred and Four (604) votes
We therefore declare:
Scott E. Brekke to be duly elected for the office of City of Sloan – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Mitchell Stoulil to be duly elected for the office of City of Sloan – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Justin Mitchell to be duly elected for the office of City of Sloan – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
City of Sloan – Public Measure WM
Yes Received One Hundred and Fifty (150) votes
No Received Seventy-Three (73) votes
Total Two Hundred and Twenty-Three (223) votes
We therefore declare the public measure “City of Sloan – Public Measure WM” to be adopted.
City of Smithland – Mayor
Troy McKenna Received Twenty (20) votes
Scattering Received Five (5) votes
Total Twenty-Five (25) votes
We therefore declare:
Troy McKenna to be duly elected for the office of City of Smithland – Mayor for the term of 2 years.
City of Smithland – City Council At-Large
Don Sulsberger Received Twenty-Seven (27) votes
JoAnne Hinrickson Received Eighteen (18) votes
Scott Blakely Received Twenty-Six (26) votes
Megan McKenna Received Seventeen (17) votes
Scattering Received One (1) votes
Total Eighty-Nine (89) votes
We therefore declare:
Don Sulsberger to be duly elected for the office of City of Smithland – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
JoAnne Hinrickson to be duly elected for the office of City of Smithland – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Scott Blakely to be duly elected for the office of City of Smithland – City Council At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Kingsley-Pierson School Director At-Large
Phillip Herbold Received Ninety-One (91) votes
Lindsay Smit Received Sixty-Nine (69) votes
Curtis Motz Received Sixty-Four (64) votes
Scattering Received One (1) votes
Total Two Hundred and Twenty-Five (225) votes
Kingsley-Pierson School – Public Measure RM
Yes Received Forty-Three (43) votes
No Received Fifty-One (51) votes
Total Ninety-Four (94) votes
Lawton-Bronson School Director At-Large
Bryan Mesz Received Eight Hundred and Eleven (811) votes
Scattering Received Thirty-Eight (38) votes
Total Eight Hundred and Forty-Nine (849) votes
Lawton-Bronson School Director District 1
Chad Michael White Received Seven Hundred and Sixty-Three (763) votes
Scattering Received Fifteen (15) votes
Total Seven Hundred and Seventy-Eight (778) votes
Lawton-Bronson School Director District 2
Blake Sappingfield Received Seven Hundred and Forty-Eight (748) votes
Scattering Received Twenty-Five (25) votes
Total Seven Hundred and Seventy-Three (773) votes
Lawton-Bronson School Director District 3
Nicole Scott Received Three Hundred and Forty (340) votes
Dennis Reinke Received Five Hundred and Eighteen (518) votes
Scattering Received Nine (9) votes
Total Eight Hundred and Sixty-Seven (867) votes
Lawton-Bronson School – Public Measure WJ
Yes Received Four Hundred and Fifty-One (451) votes
No Received Five Hundred and Thirty-Seven (537) votes
Total Nine Hundred and Eighty-Eight (988) votes
Maple Valley-Anthon Oto School Director District 2
Laura M. Streck Received One Hundred and Ninety-Nine (199) votes
Scattering Received Three (3) votes
Total Two Hundred and Two (202) votes
Maple Valley-Anthon Oto School Director District 4
Jeremy Schram Received Two Hundred and Twenty-Two (222) votes
Scattering Received Three (3) votes
Total Two Hundred and Twenty-Five (225) votes
OABCIG School Director District 1
Lex Jacobson Received Three (3) votes
Scattering Received Zero (0) votes
Total Three (3) votes
OABCIG School Director District 2
Jeff Rasmussen Received Two (2) votes
Scattering Received Zero (0) votes
Total Two (2) votes
OABCIG School Director District 5
Brad Lundell Received Two (2) votes
Scattering Received Zero (0) votes
Total Two (2) votes
OABCIG School Director District 6 To Fill a Vacancy
Dathan Loger Received Two (2) votes
Scattering Received Zero (0) votes
Total Two (2) votes
River Valley School Director At-Large
Adam Kelly Received One Hundred and Forty-Five (145) votes
Kory Dausel Received One Hundred and Forty (140) votes
Scattering Received Five (5) votes
Total Two Hundred and Ninety (290) votes
River Valley School Director District 2
Bobbi Dewitt Received Two Hundred and Thirty-Seven (237) votes
Scattering Received Twenty-Eight (28) votes
Total Two Hundred and Sixty-Five (265) votes
River Valley School Director District 3
Amanda Heilman Received One Hundred and Six (106) votes
Jacie Pyle Received One Hundred and Twenty-Seven (127) votes
Karmen Beazley Received Sixty-Six (66) votes
Scattering Received Two (2) votes
Total Three Hundred and One (301) votes
Sergeant Bluff-Luton School Director At-Large
Jeff W. Wright Received Four Hundred and Forty-Eight (448) votes
Tammy Matthey Received Four Hundred and Seventy (470) votes
Jason Gehling Received Four Hundred and Seventy-Nine (479) votes
Scattering Received Thirty-Nine (39) votes
Total One Thousand Four Hundred and Thirty-Six (1,436) votes
We therefore declare:
Jeff W. Wright to be duly elected for the office of Sergeant Bluff-Luton School Director At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Tammy Matthey to be duly elected for the office of Sergeant Bluff-Luton School Director At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Jason Gehling to be duly elected for the office of Sergeant Bluff-Luton School Director At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Sioux City School Director At-Large
Treyla M. Lee Received Three Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty-One (3,531) votes
Earl Miller Received Three Thousand and Seventy-Five (3,075) votes
Trisha Rivers Received One Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty-Five (1,585) votes
Dustin Rhoades Received One Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty-Eight (1,428) votes
Philip Hamman Received Two Thousand Four Hundred and Forty-Five (2,445) votes
John P. Meyers Received Two Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-Three (2,793) votes
Marguerite Margo Cortez Received Two Thousand Three Hundred and Seventeen (2,317) votes
Lance D. Ehmcke Received Two Thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty-Nine (2,889) votes
Jebediah Hibbs Received Eight Hundred and Twenty-Eight (828) votes
Scattering Received Sixty-Seven (67) votes
Total Twenty Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty-Eight (20,958) votes
Sioux City School Director At-Large To Fill a Vacancy
Dan Greenwell Received Three Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty-Eight (3,538) votes
Semehar Ghebrekidan Received Two Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty-Four (2,624) votes
Scattering Received Thirty-Seven (37) votes
Total Six Thousand One Hundred and Ninety-Nine (6,199) votes
Sioux City School – Public Measure WK
Yes Received Four Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty-Nine (4,689) votes
No Received One Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety (1,290) votes
Total Five Thousand Nine Hundred and Seventy-Nine (5,979) votes
Westwood School Director At-Large
Jeffrey Berg Received Three Hundred and Forty-One (341) votes
Andy Clayton Received Three Hundred and Twelve (312) votes
Dan Lee Received Three Hundred and Sixty-Five (365) votes
Elliott Johnson Received Two Hundred and Eighty-Five (285) votes
Scattering Received Six (6) votes
Total One Thousand Three Hundred and Nine (1,309) votes
Westwood School – Public Measure WL
Yes Received Three Hundred and Sixty-Seven (367) votes
No Received One Hundred and Twenty-Eight (128) votes
Total Four Hundred and Ninety-Five (495) votes
Woodbury Central School Director At-Large
Nathan Mellies Received Two Hundred and Fifty-Nine (259) votes
Kirsten Biggerstaff Received Two Hundred and Eighty-Seven (287) votes
Adam Lloyd Received Two Hundred and Sixty-Two (262) votes
Eric F. Nelson Received Two Hundred and Thirty-Five (235) votes
Scattering Received Twenty-Eight (28) votes
Total One Thousand and Seventy-One (1,071) votes
We therefore declare:
Nathan Mellies to be duly elected for the office of Woodbury Central School Director At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Kirsten Biggerstaff to be duly elected for the office of Woodbury Central School Director At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Adam Lloyd to be duly elected for the office of Woodbury Central School Director At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Eric F. Nelson to be duly elected for the office of Woodbury Central School Director At-Large for the term of 4 years.
Western Iowa Tech Community College Director District 3
Blanca I Martinez Received One Thousand One Hundred and Thirty-Nine (1,139) votes
Scattering Received Fourteen (14) votes
Total One Thousand One Hundred and Fifty-Three (1,153) votes
Western Iowa Tech Community College Director District 4
Linnea Fletcher Received Four Hundred and Seventy-Three (473) votes
Scattering Received Twelve (12) votes
Total Four Hundred and Eighty-Five (485) votes
We therefore declare:
Linnea Fletcher to be duly elected for the office of Western Iowa Tech Community College Director District 4 for the term of 4 years.
Western Iowa Tech Community College Director District 6
Scattering Received Ninety-Nine (99) votes
Maribel Parker Received Nine (9) votes
Total One Hundred and Eight (108) votes
We therefore declare:
Maribel Perker to be duly elected for the office of Western Iowa Tech Community College Director District 6 for the term of 4 years.
Western Iowa Tech Community College Director District 7
Jeremy R. Ogle Received One Thousand One Hundred and Sixty-Five (1,165) votes
Al Aymar Received Five Hundred and Twenty-One (521) votes
Scattering Received Ten (10) votes
Total One Thousand Six Hundred and Ninety-Six (1,696) votes
We therefore declare:
Jeremy R. Ogle to be duly elected for the office of Western Iowa Tech Community College Director District 7 for the term of 4 years.
Motion by Taylor second by Radig to approve reallocation of $470,000 standard allowance to the Law Enforcement Center project to assist in the completion of the project. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Taylor second by Nelson to authorize four additional correctional officers to be hired one month before the opening date of the LEC and two new x-ray machines for security in the new LEC building, funding source to be determined. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Updates were given by Mark Nelson, Board of Supervisors, on the Law Enforcement Center project.
Reports on committee meetings were heard.
There were no citizen concerns.
Board concerns were heard.
The Board adjourned the regular meeting until November 21, 2023.
Meeting sign in sheet. Copy filed.