Minutes - 11/15/2022


The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, at 4:30 p.m. Board members present were De Witt, Taylor, Ung and Radig; Wright was absent. Staff members present were Karen James, Board Administrative Assistant, Dennis Butler, Budget and Finance Director, Joshua Widman, Assistant County Attorney, Melissa Thomas, Human Resources Director, and Patrick Gill, Auditor/Clerk to the Board.

The regular meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and a Moment of Silence.

There were no citizen concerns.

Motion by Radig second by De Witt to approve the agenda for November 15, 2022. Carried 4-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Taylor second by De Witt to approve the following items by consent:

To approve minutes of the November 8, 2022, meeting. Copy filed.

To approve the claims totaling $513,339.17. Copy filed.

To approve the reclassification of Steven Pickering, Civilian Jailer, County Sheriff Dept., effective 11-28-22, $25.26/hour, 4%=$.98/hour. Per CWA Civilian Officers Contract agreement, from Class 2 to Class 1.; the reclassification of Michael Trowbridge, P/T Youth Worker, Juvenile Detention Dept., effective 11-28-22, $21.72/hour, 3.9%=$.83/hour. Per AFSCME Juvenile Detention Contract agreement, Grade 1/Step 1 to Grade 1/Step2.; the end of probation of Richard Mogensen, Equipment Operator, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 11-28-22, $26.92/hour, 3%=$.81/hour. Per CWA Secondary Roads Contract agreement, End of Probation Salary Increase.; and the appointment of Kari Kamradt, Civilian Jailer, County Sheriff Dept., effective 11-28-22, $23.33/hour. Job Vacancy Posted 9-21-22. Entry Level Salary: $23.33/hour. Copy filed.

To approve the property tax refund for Kellie Bock, parcel #47968666608, in the amount of $125.00. Copy filed.

To approve the lifting of tax suspension for petitioners who failed to re-certify their income or income does not qualify for continued tax suspension. Copy filed.

To approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign a Resolution approving petition for suspension of taxes for Donald Brown, 3227 22nd St., Sioux City, parcel #894723152014.




WHEREAS, Donald Brown, is the titleholder of property located at 3227 - 22nd St., Sioux City, IA, Woodbury County, Iowa, and legally described as follows:

Parcel #894723152014


WHEREAS, Donald Brown is the titleholder of the aforementioned property have petitioned the Board of Supervisors for a suspension of taxes pursuant to the 2017 Iowa Code section 427.9, and

WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors recognizes from documents provided that the petitioner is unable to provide to the public revenue; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors hereby grants the request for a suspension of taxes, and hereby directs the Woodbury County Treasurer to so record the approval of this tax suspension for this property.

SO RESOLVED this 15th day of November, 2022.


Copy filed.

Carried 4-0.

The Canvass was held for the General Election on November 8th, 2022.

It was reported by Steve Hofmeyer, Deputy Elections.

There were 31 provisional ballots of which 26 were accepted and added to the tally and 5 were rejected. There were 17 after-election ballots of which 3 were accepted and added to the tally and 14 were rejected.


United State Senator

Michael Franken, DEM
Received Ten Thousand Four Hundred and Nine (10,409) votes

Chuck Grassley, REP
Received Eighteen Thousand One Hundred and Sixty-One (18,161) votes

Received Sixty-Six (66) votes

Total Twenty-Eight Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty-Six (28,636) votes


United State Representative District 4

Ryan Melton, Dem
Received Nine Thousand Six Hundred and One (9,601) votes

Randy Feenstra, REP
Received Eighteen Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty-Four (18,234) votes

Bryan Jack Holder, LBC
Received Five Hundred and Thirty-Three (533) votes

Received Sixty-One (61) votes

Total Twenty-Eight Thousand Four Hundred and Twenty-Nine (28,429) votes


Governor and Lt. Governor

Diedre DeJear and Eric Van Lancker, DEM
Received Nine Thousand and Fifty-Three (9,053) votes

Kim Reynolds and Adam Gregg, REP
Received Eighteen Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-Two (18,982) votes

Rick Stewart and Marco Battaglia, LIB
Received Five Hundred and Ninety-One (591) votes

Received Thirty (30) votes

Total Twenty-Eight Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-Six (28,656) votes


Secretary of State

Joel Miller, DEM
Received Nine Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty (9,780) votes

Paul D. Pate, REP
Received Eighteen Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety-One (18,491) votes

Received Twenty-Four (24) votes

Total Twenty-Eight Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety-Five (28,295) votes


Auditor of State

Rob Sand, DEM
Received Twelve Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty (12,280) votes

Todd Halbur, REP
Received Fifteen Thousand Nine Hundred and Two (15,902) votes

Received Thirty (30) votes

Total Twenty-Eight Thousand Two Hundred and Twelve (28,212) votes


Treasurer of State

Michael L. Fitzgerald, DEM
Received Eleven Thousand Five Hundred and Eleven (11,511) votes

Roby Smith, REP
Received Sixteen Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-Six (16,656) votes

Received Twenty-Four (24) votes

Total Twenty-Eight Thousand One Hundred and Ninety-One (28,191) votes


Secretary of Agriculture

John Norwood, DEM
Received Nine Thousand Three Hundred and Thirty-Seven (9,337) votes

Mike Naig, REP
Received Eighteen Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty-Four (18,754) votes

Received Twenty-Four (24) votes

Total Twenty-Eight Thousand One Hundred and Fifteen (28,115) votes


Attorney General

Tom Miller, DEM
Received Eleven Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty-Seven (11,957) votes

Brenna Bird, REP
Received Sixteen Thousand Two Hundred and Forty-Six (16,246) votes

Received Twenty-Two (22) votes

Total Twenty-Eight Thousand Two Hundred and Twenty-Five (28,225) votes


State Senator District 1

Jackie Smith, DEM
Received Six Thousand Two Hundred and Fifty-Six (6,256) votes

Rocky De Witt, REP
Received Seven Thousand Seven Hundred (7,700) votes

Received Thirty (30) votes

Total Thirteen Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-Six (13,986) votes


State Senator District 7

Kevin Alons, REP
Received Eleven Thousand Two Hundred and Eighteen (11,218) votes

Received Two Hundred and Eighty-Nine (289) votes

Total Eleven Thousand Five Hundred and Seven (11,507) votes


State Representative District 1

J.D. Scholten, DEM
Received Three Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety-Three (3,593) votes

Received Two Hundred and Sixty-Three (263) votes

Total Three Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-Six (3,856) votes

Steve Hansen, DEM
Received Three Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety-Eight (3,598) votes

Robert Henderson, REP
Received Four Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty-Nine (4,849) votes

Received Seven (7) votes

Total Eight Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty-Four (8,454) votes


State Representative District 13

Ken E. Carlson, REP
Received Three Thousand Two Hundred and Thirty-Two (3,232) votes

Amy Janowski, Lib
Received Five Hundred and Thirty-Seven (537) votes

Received Ten (10) votes

Total Three Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-Nine (3,779) votes


State Representative District 14

Jacob Bossman, REP
Received Seven Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty-Two (7,782) votes

Received Two Hundred and Twenty-Five (225) votes

Total Eight Thousand and Seven (8,007) votes


Constitutional Amendment 1

Received Nineteen Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty-Six (19,946) votes

Received Six Thousand Nine Hundred and Five (6,905) votes

Total Twenty-Six Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-One (26,851) votes


Supreme Court Justice – Matthew McDermott

Received Sixteen Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty-Three (16,353) votes

Received Five Thousand Nine Hundred and Twelve (5,92) votes

Total Twenty-Two Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty-Five (22,265) votes


Supreme Court Justice – Dana L. Oxley

Received Fifteen Thousand and Nine (15,009) votes

Received Six Thousand Two Hundred and Eighty-Eight (6,288) votes

Total Twenty-One Thousand Two Hundred and Ninety-Seven (21,297) votes


Court of Appeals Judge – Paul B. Ahlers

Received Fifteen Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-Nine (15,859) votes

Received Five Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty-Six (5,266) votes

Total Twenty-One Thousand One Hundred and Twenty-Five (21,125) votes


Court of Appeals Judge – Gina Badding

Received Fourteen Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-Three (14,893) votes

Received Five Thousand Five Hundred and Twenty-One (5,521) votes

Total Twenty Thousand Five Hundred and Four (20,504) votes


District 3B Judge – Steven Andreasen

Received Fifteen Thousand Nine Hundred and Four (15,904) votes

Received Four Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifteen (4,915) votes

Total Twenty Thousand Eight Hundred and Nineteen (20,819) votes


District 3B Judge – James N. Daane

Received Fifteen Thousand Five Hundred and Ninety-Three (15,593) votes

Received Five Thousand One Hundred and Seven (5,107) votes

Total Twenty Thousand Seve Hundred (20,700) votes


District 3B Judge – Jeffrey A. Neary

Received Fifteen Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixteen (15,816) votes

Received Five Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty-Four (5,354) votes

Total Twenty-One Thousand One Hundred and Seventy (21,170) votes


District 3B Judge – Roger L. Sailer

Received Fifteen Thousand Three Hundred and Two (15,302) votes

Received Five Thousand and Fifty-One (5,051) votes

Total Twenty Thousand Three Hundred and Fifty-Three (20, 353) votes


District 3B Judge – Patrick H. Tott

Received Sixteen Thousand and Ninety-Six (16,096) votes

Received Four Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighteen (4,918) votes

Total Twenty-one Thousand and Fourteen (21,014) votes


District 3B Associate Judge – Kristal L. Phillips

Received Sixteen Thousand Five Hundred and Forty-Nine (16,549) votes

Received Four Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty-Five (4,585) votes

Total Twenty-One Thousand One Hundred and Thirty-Four (21,134) votes


County Board of Supervisors District 2

Jeremy Dumkrieger, DEM
Received Ten Thousand Five Hundred and Ten (10,510) votes

Daniel A. Bittinger II, REP
Received Seventeen Thousand Two Hundred and Sixty-Three (17,263) votes

Received Thirty-Four (34) votes

Total Twenty-Seven Thousand Eight Hundred and Seven (27,807) votes

We therefore declare:

Daniel A. Bittinger II to be duly elected for the office of County Board of Supervisors District 2 for the term of 4 years.


County Board of Supervisors District 4

Matthew A. Ung, REP
Received Twenty-One Thousand Three Hundred and Ten (21,310) votes

Received Nine Hundred and Eight (908) votes

Total Twenty-Two Thousand Two Hundred and Eighteen (22,218) votes

We therefore declare:

Matthew A Ung to be duly elected for the office of County Board of Supervisors District 4 for the term of 4 years.


County Treasurer

Tina M. Bertrand, REP
Received Twenty-One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty (21,820) votes

Received Five Hundred and Ninety-two (592) votes

Total Twenty-Two Thousand Four Hundred and Twelve (22,412) votes

We therefore declare:

Tina M. Bertrand to be duly elected for the office of County Treasurer for the term of 4 years.


County Attorney

Patrick PJ Jennings, DEM
Received Eleven Thousand Four Hundred and Forty-Eight (11,448) votes

James D. Loomis, REP
Received Sixteen Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy (16,770) votes

Received Twenty-Four (24) votes

Total Twenty-Eight Thousand Two Hundred and Forty-Two (28,242) votes

We therefore declare:

James D. Loomis to be duly elected for the office of County Attorney for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee Arlington Township

Pamela Clark
Received One Hundred and Two (102) votes

Received Zero (0) votes

Total One Hundred and Two (102) votes

We therefore declare:

Pamela Clark to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Arlington Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Clerk Arlington Township

Vicki Hulse
Received One Hundred and Three (1030 votes

Received Zero (0) votes

Total One Hundred and Three (103) votes

We therefore declare:

Vicki Hulse to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Arlington Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee Banner Township

Willard Brian McNaughton
Received One Hundred and Twenty-Two (122) votes

Received Four (4) votes

Total One Hundred and Twenty-Six (126) votes

We therefore declare:

Willard Brian McNaughton to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Banner Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Clerk Banner Township

Received Four (4) votes

Beth Roberts
Received Four (4) votes

Total Eight (8) votes

We therefore declare:

Beth Roberts to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Banner Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee Concord Township

Karl Braun
Received Four Hundred and Fifty-Two (452) votes

Received Three (3) votes

Total Four Hundred and Fifty-Five (455) votes

We therefore declare:

Karl Braun to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Concord Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Clerk Concord Township

Nancy E. Flammang
Received Four Hundred and Sixty-Three (463) votes

Received Seven (7) votes

Total Four Hundred and Seventy (470) votes

We therefore declare:

Nancy E. Flammang to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Concord Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee Floyd Township

Noel Plummer
Received Two Hundred and Forty-Four (244) votes

Received One (1) votes

Total Two Hundred and Forty-Five (245) votes

We therefore declare:

Noel Plummer to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Floyd Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Clerk Floyd Township

Received Zero (0) votes

Robert Packard
Received One (1) votes

Anthony Thompson
Received One (1) votes

Lori Hinds
Received One (1) votes

Donald Wohlert
Received One (1) votes

Gary Walters
Received One (1) votes

Courtney Lahrs
Received One (1) votes

Norman Washburn
Received One (1) votes

Mike Moyer
Received One (1) votes

James Amick
Received One (1) votes

Katie Herrich
Received One (1) votes

Brad Harper
Received One (1) votes

Received One (1) votes

Total Twelve (12) votes

We therefore declare:

Robert Packard to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Floyd Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee Grange Township

Cody Williams
Received Eighty-Eight (88) votes

Received Two (2) votes

Total Ninety (90) votes

We therefore declare:

Cody Williams to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Grange Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee To Fill Vacancy Grange Township

Received Zero (0) votes

Joe Pieper
Received One (1) votes

Bryce Gerking
Received One (1) votes

Received Two (2) votes

Total Four (4) votes

We therefore declare:

Joe Pieper to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee To Fill Vacancy Grange Township.

Township Clerk Grange Township

Received Two (2) votes

Chad Brady
Received Two (2) votes

Total Four (4) votes

We therefore declare:

Chad Brady to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Grange Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee Grant Township

Received Three (3) votes

Derek Kolbaum
Received Two (2) votes

Total Five (5) votes

We therefore declare:

Derek Kolbaum to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Grant Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee To Fill Vacancy Grant Township

Received Zero (0) votes

Derek Killbaum
Received One (1) votes

Chase Benson
Received One (1) votes

Pat Matgun
Received One (1) votes

Betty Nelson
Received One (1) votes

Total Four (4) votes

We therefore declare:

Derek Kollbaum to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee To Fill Vacancy Grant Township.

Chase Benson to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee To Fill Vacancy Grant Township.


Township Clerk Grant Township

Received Zero (0) votes

Total Zero (0) votes


Township Trustee Kedron Township

Ronald Cockburn
Received Eighty-Six (86) votes

Received Zero (0) votes

Total Eighty-Six (86) votes

We therefore declare:

Ronald Cockburn to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Kedron Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Clerk Kedron Township

Bill O’Connell
Received Eighty-One (81) votes

Received Zero (0) votes

Total Eighty-One (81) votes

We therefore declare:

Bill O’Connell to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Kedron Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee Lakeport Township

Terry Small
Received Seventy-Seven (77) votes

Received Zero (0) votes

Total Seventy-Seven (77) votes

We therefore declare:

Terry Small to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Lakeport Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Clerk Lakeport Township

Robert Gay
Received Seventy-Six (76) votes

Received One (1) votes

Total Seventy-Seven (77) votes

We therefore declare:

Robert Gay to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Lakeport Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee Liberty Township

Adam J. Lee
Received Two Hundred and Thirty-Four (234) votes

Received One (1) votes

Total Two Hundred and Thirty-Five (235) votes

We therefore declare:

Adam J. Lee to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Liberty Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Clerk Liberty Township

Barbara Parker
Received Two Hundred and Seven (207) votes

Received Eleven (11) votes

Total Two Hundred and Eighteen (218) votes

We therefore declare:

Barbara Parker to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Liberty Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee Liston Township

Adam Cameron
Received Seventy-Two (72) votes

Received Zero (0) votes

Total Seventy-Two (72) votes

We therefore declare:

Adam Cameron to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Liston Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Clerk Liston Township

Mary Ann Sohm
Received Seventy-Three (73) votes

Received Zero (0) votes

Total Seventy-Three (73) votes

We therefore declare:

Mary Ann Sohm to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Liston Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee Little Sioux Township

Received One (1) votes

Dick Hallowell
Received Two (2) votes

Total Three (3) votes

We therefore declare:

Dick Hallowell to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Little Sioux Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee to Fill Vacancy Little Sioux Township

Received Zero (0) votes

Scott Blakely
Received One (1) votes

Total One (1) votes

We therefore declare:

Scott Blakely to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee to Fill Vacancy Little Sioux Township.


Township Clerk Little Sioux Township

Received Zero (0) votes

Paul Frahm
Received One (1) votes

Total One (1) votes

We therefore declare:

Paul Frahm to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Little Sioux Township for the term of 4 years.

Township Trustee Miller Township

Received Zero (1) votes

Brett Baldwin
Received Eight (8) votes

Doug Spies
Received One (1) votes

Paul Rosauer
Received One (1) votes

Barbara Ludwig
Received One (1) votes

Matt Mead
Received One (1) votes

Kyle Baldwin
Received One (1) votes

Bernard Ketelsen
Received One (1) votes

Received One (1) votes

Total Fifteen (15) votes

We therefore declare:

Brett Baldwin to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Miller Township for the Term of 4 years.


Township Clerk Miller Township

Received Zero (0) votes

Barbara Ludwig
Received Nine (9) votes

Mark Baldwin
Received One (1) votes

Andy Rosauer
Received One (1) votes

Matt Mead
Received One (1) votes

Colt Baldwin
Received One (1) votes

Bernard Ketelsen
Received One (1) votes

Total Fourteen (14) votes

We therefore declare:

Barbara Ludwig to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Miller Township for the term 4 years.


Township Trustee Morgan Township

Jason Hamann
Received Forty-Seven (47) votes

Received One (1) votes

Total Forty-Eight (48) votes

We therefore declare:

Jason Hamann to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Morgan Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee To Fill Vacancy Morgan Township

Martin Davis
Received Forty-One (41) votes

Received Three (3) votes

Total Forty-Four (44) votes

We therefore declare:

Martin Davis to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee To Fill Vacancy Morgan Township.


Township Clerk Morgan Township

Received Two (2) votes

Lance Hamann
Received Four (4) votes

Total Six (6) votes

We therefore declare:

Lance Hamann to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Morgan Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee Moville Township

David W. Bennar
Received One Hundred and Fifty-Eight (158) votes

Received Four (4) votes

Total One Hundred and Sixty-Two (162) votes

We therefore declare:

David W. Bennar to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Moville Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Clerk Moville Township

Karen J. Bennar
Received One Hundred and Fifty-Eight (158) votes

Received One (1) votes

Total One Hundred and Fifty-Nine (159) votes

We therefore declare:

Karen J. Bennar to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Moville Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee Oto Township

Received Zero (0) votes

Joe Collins
Received One (1) votes

Dave Dorale
Received One (1) votes

Frank Weber
Received One (1) votes

Joseph L. O’Connell
Received One (1) votes

Cole Magnuson
Received One (1) votes

Received One (1) votes)

Total Six (6) votes

We therefore declare:

Joseph L. O’Connell to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Oto Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Clerk Oto Township

Received Zero (0) votes

Joseph O’Connell
Received One (1) votes

Dave Dorale
Received One (1) votes

Heath Cassins
Received One (1) votes

Received One (1) votes

Total Four (4) votes

We therefor declare:

Health Cassins to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Oto Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee Rock Township

Jason Meins
Received Eighty-Four (84) votes

Received One (1) votes

Total Eighty-Five (85) votes

We therefore declare:

Jason Meins to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Rock Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Clerk Rock Township

Kristen Meins
Received Eighty-Two (82) votes

Received One (1) votes

Total Eighty-Three (83) votes

We therefore declare:

Kristen Meins to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Rock Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee Rutland Township

Charles Reinking
Received One Hundred and Nine (109) votes

Received One (1) votes

Total One Hundred and Ten (110) votes

We therefore declare:

Charles Reinking to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Rutland Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Clerk Rutland Township

Wayne Rieckmann
Received One Hundred and Six (106) votes

Received Zero (0) votes

Total One Hundred and Six (106) votes

We therefore declare:

Wayne Rieckmann to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Rutland Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee Sloan Township

Todd Copple
Received Forty-Three (43) votes

Received One (1) votes

Total Forty-Four (44) votes

We therefore declare:

Todd Copple to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Sloan Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Clerk Sloan Township

Vicki Kron
Received Forty-Three (43) votes

Received One (1) votes

Total Forty-four (44) votes

We therefore declare:

Vicki Kron to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Sloan Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee Union Township

Keith Goodwin
Received Eighty-Nine (89) votes

Received Zero (0) votes

Total Eighty-Nine (89) votes

We therefore declare:

Keith Goodwin to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Union Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Clerk Union Township

Andrew Linn
Received Ninety (90) votes

Received Zero (0) votes

Total Ninety (90) votes

We therefore declare:

Andrew Linn to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Union Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee Westfork Township

Charles Holst
Received One Hundred and Seven (107) votes

Received Zero (0) votes

Total One Hundred and Seven (107) votes

We therefore declare:

Charles Holst to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Westfork Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Clerk Westfork Township

Michael Baird
Received One Hundred and Ten (110) votes

Received Zero (0) votes

Total One Hundred and Ten (110) votes

We therefore declare:

Michael Baird to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Westfork Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee Willow Township

Sylvia Dietrich
Received Ninety-Seven (97) votes

Received One (1) votes

Total Ninety-Eight (98) votes

We therefore declare:

Sylvia Dietrich to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Willow Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Clerk Willow Township

David Folsom
Received Ninety-Seven (97) votes

Received One (1) votes

Total Ninety-Eight (98) votes

We therefore declare:

David Folsom to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Willow Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee Wolfcreek Township

Roger L. Wilson
Received Seventy-Five (75) votes

Received Two (2) votes

Total Seventy-Seven (77) votes

We therefore declare:

Roger L. Wilson to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Wolfcreek Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Clerk Wolfcreek Township

Jeannie Krueger
Received Seventy-Four (74) votes

Received Three (3) votes

Total Seventy-Seven (77) votes

We therefore declare:

Jeannie Krueger to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Wolfcreek Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee Woodbury Township

Jerry Holder
Received Two Hundred and Fifty-Five (255) votes

Alexcia Boggs
Received One Hundred and Eighty-One (181) votes

Received Six (6) votes

Total Four Hundred and Forty-Two (442) votes

We therefore declare:

Jerry Holder to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee Woodbury Township for the term of 4 years.


Township Trustee To Fill Vacancy Woodbury Township

Corey A. Buss
Received Two Hundred and Seventy-Two (272) votes

Tina Kilpatrick
Received One Hundred and Ninety-Two (192) votes

Received Six (6) votes

Total Four Hundred and Seventy (470) votes

We therefore declare:

Corey A. Buss to be duly elected for the office of Township Trustee To Fill Vacancy Woodbury Township.


Township Clerk Woodbury Township

Brittni Benscoter
Received Four Hundred and Seventeen (417) votes

Received Five (5) votes

Total Four Hundred and Twenty-Two (422) votes

We therefore declare:

Brittni Benscoter to be duly elected for the office of Township Clerk Woodbury Township for the term of 4 years.


Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioner

John T. Nelson
Received Ten Thousand One Hundred and Eighty-Five (10,185) votes

Gary Walters
Received Ten Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty-Five (10,635) votes

Kelly Ingenthron
Received Eleven Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty-Four (11,454) votes

Received Two Hundred and Twenty (220) votes

Total Thirty-Two Thousand Four Hundred and Ninety-Four (32,494) votes

We therefore declare:

Gary Walters to be duly elected for the office of Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioner for the term of 4 years.

Kelly Ingenthron to be duly elected for the office of Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioner for the term of 4 years.


Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioner – To Fill Vacancy

Theodore Bromander
Received Nineteen Thousand One Hundred and Four (19,104) votes

Received Two Hundred and Thirty-Nine (239) votes

Total Nineteen Thousand Three Hundred and Forty-Three (19,343) votes

We therefore declare:

Theodore Bromander to be duly elected for the office of Soil and Water Conservation District Commissioner – To Fill Vacancy.


County Agricultural Extension Council Member

Jennifer Beeson
Received Eight Thousand and Twenty-Six (8,026) votes

Paul Boyle
Received Six Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-Eight (6,488) votes

Lane Tabke
Received Four Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty-Nine (4,959) votes

Ike Rayford
Received Four Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-Four (4,654) votes

Carol P. Nelson
Received Six Thousand and Seventy-Four (6,074) votes

Tracy L. Kunkel
Received Six Thousand Three Hundred and Eighty-Four (6,384) votes

Benjamin Uhl
Received Nine Thousand and Eighty-Four (9,084) votes

Kevin Pottebaum
Received Eight Thousand Nine Hundred and Forty-Eight (8,948) votes

Deb Vohs
Received Five Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy-Two (5,572) votes

Sarah Beery
Received Five Thousand Two Hundred and Four (5,204) votes

Kerri A. Weaver
Received Six Thousand Five Hundred and Seventy-Two (6,572) votes

Kelley Locke
Received Five Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-Four (5,854) votes

Received Two Hundred and Thirty-Eight (238) votes

Total Seventy-Eight Thousand and Fifty-Seven (78,057) votes

We therefore declare:

Jennifer Beeson to be duly elected for the office of County Agricultural Extension Council Member for the term of 4 years.

Paul Boyle to be duly elected for the office of County Agricultural Extension Council Member for the term of 4 years.

Benjamin Uhl to be duly elected for the office of County Agricultural Extension Council Member for the term of 4 years.

Kevin Pottebaum to be duly elected for the office of County Agricultural Extension Council Member for the term of 4 years.

Kerri A. Weaver to be duly elected for the office of County Agricultural Extension Council Member for the term of 4 years.

Motion by Radig second by Taylor to receive for signatures the canvass of the General Election held on November 8th, 2022. Carried 4-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Radig second by Taylor to postpone action to approve the title/job description change and grade change for Lisa Robinson. Carried 4-0. Copy filed.

A public hearing was held at 4:40 p.m. on the issuance of the conduit revenue bonds for Siouxland mental Health Center Project. The Chairperson called on anyone wishing to be heard.

Motion by Taylor second by De Witt to close the public hearing. Carried 4-0.

Motion by Taylor second by Radig to approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign a Resolution relating to the holding of a public hearing and authorizing and providing for the issuance of not to exceed $4,000,000 aggregate principal amount of mental health center revenue bonds (Siouxland Mental Health Center Project) in one or more series, for the purpose of lending the proceeds thereof to the borrower; the execution and delivery of a loan agreement, an indenture of trust, a bond placement agreement; the approval of a private placement request; the placement of the bonds; and the execution of other documents related thereto. Carried 4-0.













WHEREAS, the County of Woodbury, State of Iowa (the “Issuer”), is a county and political subdivision authorized and empowered by the provisions of Chapter 419 of the Code of Iowa, 2022, as amended (the “Act”), to issue revenue bonds or notes for a project located within, or within eight miles of, the Issuer for the purpose of financing the cost of acquiring, by construction or purchase, land, buildings, improvements and equipment, or any interest therein, suitable for the use of any facility for an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (the "Code”) which is exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(a) of the Code (a "Tax Exempt Organization”), to refund any bonds issued pursuant to the Act, and to retire any existing indebtedness on a facility for a Tax Exempt Organization; and

WHEREAS, Issuer has been requested by Siouxland Health Services, Inc. (the “Borrower”), a Tax Exempt Organization, to issue its Mental Health Center Revenue Bonds (Siouxland Mental Health Center Project), Series 2022 (the “Bonds”), in one or more series, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $4,000,000 for the following purposes: (1) to finance all or a portion of the costs of acquiring, constructing, improving, equipping and furnishing a mental health clinic facility (the “Project”) to be located at 4265 Sergeant Road, Sioux City, Iowa 51106; and (2) to pay for certain costs of issuance of the Bonds; and

WHEREAS, it is proposed to finance the foregoing through the issuance of the Bonds and to loan the proceeds from the sale of the Bonds to the Borrower pursuant to a Loan Agreement (the “Loan Agreement”) pursuant to which loan payments will be made by the Borrower in amounts sufficient to pay the principal of and interest and premium, if any, on the Bonds, as and when the same shall be due; and

WHEREAS, the Bonds, if issued, shall be limited obligations of the Issuer, and shall not constitute nor give rise to a pecuniary liability of the Issuer or a charge against its general credit or taxing powers, and the principal of and interest and premium, if any, on the Bonds shall be payable solely out of the revenues derived from the aforementioned Loan Agreement or otherwise as provided therein; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to published notice of intention, this Board has conducted a public hearing, as required by Section 419.9 of the Act and Section 147(f) of the Code, and this Board deems it necessary and advisable to proceed with the issuance of the Bonds and the loan of the proceeds of the Bonds to the Borrower; and

WHEREAS, the Borrower has arranged for the placement of the Bonds by UMB Bank, n.a. (the “Placement Agent”), such placement to be made pursuant to one or more placement agreements (together the “Bond Placement Agreement”) setting forth the original purchasers, the final maturities, interest rates and terms of the Bonds.

NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED by the Board of the Issuer, as follows:

Section 1. That, in order to finance a portion of the costs of the Project, and to pay a portion of the costs of issuance of the Bonds, the Bonds be and the same are hereby authorized and ordered to be issued pursuant to the Indenture of Trust (the “Indenture”) by and between the Issuer and UMB Bank, n.a., a national banking association (the “Trustee”), in substantially the form as has been presented to and considered by this Board and containing substantially the terms and provisions set forth therein, and the forms, terms and provisions of the Bonds and the Indenture are hereby approved, with such changes therein as shall be approved by the officers of the Issuer executing the same, and with changes, modifications, additions and deletions thereto as may be made in connection with the placement of the Bonds, and the Chairperson and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Indenture, and the Chairperson and the County Auditor are further authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Bonds as provided in the Indenture, including the use of facsimile signatures as therein provided. It is the intent hereof that the Bonds be issued in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $4,000,000. The Bonds shall bear interest at rates which result in a yield on the Bonds of each series of not to exceed 7.00% per annum and shall mature on the dates and in the amounts and shall be subject to mandatory sinking fund redemption on such dates and in such amounts as shall be finally determined by the Borrower and the Placement Agent. The execution and delivery of the Indenture by the Chairperson and the County Auditor shall constitute approval by this Board and the Issuer of the final terms and provisions of the Bonds, including the final principal amount thereof, the interest rates thereon, the dates and amounts of maturities thereof and the redemption provisions relating thereto.

Section 2. That the Issuer loan the proceeds of the Bonds to the Borrower for the purposes set out in the preamble hereof, such loan of the proceeds of the Bonds to be pursuant to the Loan Agreement by and between the Issuer and the Borrower, in substantially the form as has been presented to and considered by this Board and containing substantially the terms and provisions set forth therein, and the form, terms and provisions of the Loan Agreement are hereby approved, with such changes therein as shall be approved by the officers of the Issuer executing the same, and with changes, modifications, additions and deletions thereto as may be made in connection with the marketing of the Bonds, and the Chairperson and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Loan Agreement.

Section 3. That the Chairperson and the County Auditor are authorized to execute and deliver the Bond Placement Agreement in substantially the form as submitted to and on file with the Issuer with such changes therein as determined at the time of the placement of the Bonds and agreed by the parties, all of which shall be deemed to be approved by the Issuer upon the execution and delivery thereof by the Chairperson and the County Auditor.

Section 4. That the use by the Placement Agent of a preliminary Private Placement Request and final Private Placement Request in connection with the placement of the Bonds in form approved by counsel to the Issuer is hereby approved.

Section 5. That it is hereby found, determined and declared that the Bonds will be special limited obligations of the Issuer. The principal of and interest and premium, if any, shall be payable solely and only from the revenues derived from the Loan Agreement and the debt obligations of the Borrower delivered pursuant thereto; and no part of the cost of financing the Project will be payable out of the general funds or other contributions of the Issuer (except the proceeds of the Bonds and any subsequent issues of bonds permitted under the Loan Agreement and the Indenture). The Bonds shall never constitute the debt or indebtedness of the Issuer within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory provision or limitation, and shall not constitute nor give rise to a pecuniary liability of the Issuer or a charge against its general credit or taxing powers. No holder of the Bonds shall ever have the right to compel any exercise of the taxing power of the Issuer to pay the Bonds.

Section 6. That the Issuer hereby finds, determines and declares, pursuant to Section 419.5 of the Act, that based upon information provided by the Placement Agent and the Borrower, the amount necessary in each year to pay the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds proposed to be issued is set forth in the Loan Agreement and the debt obligations of the Borrower delivered pursuant thereto as a formula which will insure that the Borrower is obligated to pay amounts sufficient to pay the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds and the payment of such amounts by the Borrower to the Trustee pursuant to the Loan Agreement is hereby authorized, approved and confirmed.

Section 7. That the Chairperson and County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all documents and do any and all things deemed necessary to effect the issuance and sale of the Bonds and the execution and delivery of the Loan Agreement, the Indenture and the Bond Placement Agreement, and to carry out the intent and purposes of this Resolution, including the preamble hereto; are hereby authorized and directed and the execution by the Chairperson and, if required, the County Auditor, of the Bonds, the Indenture, the Loan Agreement and the Bond Placement Agreement with the approval of the Issuer’s counsel shall constitute conclusive evidence of their approval and this Board’s approval thereof and of any and all changes, modifications, additions or deletions therein from the respective forms thereof now before this meeting.

Section 8. For the sole purpose of qualifying the Bonds as “qualified tax-exempt obligations” pursuant to Section 265(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, the Issuer designates the Bonds in an amount not to exceed $4,000,000 (or such other amount so that together with the amount of any other tax-exempt obligations issued in calendar year 2022, such amount does not exceed $10 million) as qualified tax-exempt obligations and represents that the reasonably anticipated amount of “tax-exempt obligations” (including the Bonds) which will be issued by the Issuer during the current calendar year 2022 will not exceed $10 million. The foregoing designation may be modified by the Issuer’s closing certificate delivered at the time of issuance of the Bonds.

Section 9. That the provisions of this Resolution are hereby declared to be separable and if any action, phrase or provision shall for any reason by declared to be invalid, such declaration shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the sections, phrases and provisions.

Section 10. All resolutions or parts thereof in conflict herewith are repealed, to the extent of such conflict.

Section 11. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval.

Passed and approved November 15, 2022.


Copy filed.

Motion by Taylor second by De Witt to approve applying fiscal year wage increases for wage plan salaried individuals to the biweekly amount for FY 24 and forward. Carried 4-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Taylor second by Ung to approve county contribution of $600 from Gaming Funds to ISAC for the Soil Compaction Project. Carried 4-0. Copy filed.

Motion by De Witt second by Radig to approve the Amendment #2 to the Intergovernmental Agreement creating the Woodbury County Information and Communications Commissions. Carried 4-0. Copy filed.

Bid letting was held for project #M-PCC(K45)—7X-97. The bids are as follows:

Godberson Smith Const., Ida Grove, IA $318,847.40

Bainbridge Const., Kingsley, IA $336,798.25

Steve Harris Cons., Homer, NE $434,582.98

Motion by Radig second by De Witt to receive the bids for project #M-PCC(K45)—7X-97and return them to the County Engineer for recommendation. Carried 4-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Radig second by Taylor to award the bid for project #M-PCC9K45)—7X-97 to Godberson Smith Const. for $318,847.40. Carried 4-0. Copy filed.

Reports on Committee Meetings were heard.

There were no citizen concerns.

Board concerns were heard.

The Board adjourned the regular meeting until November 22, 2022.

Meeting sign in sheet. Copy filed.

Related Documents · 11/15/2022 Meeting

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This content was printed from the County website at woodburycountyiowa.gov on March 25, 2025.