Minutes - 9/20/2016


The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 4:30 p.m.  Board members present were Monson, Ung, Clausen, Taylor, and Smith.  Staff members present were Dennis Butler, Budget/Tax Analyst, Karen James, Board Administrative Coordinator, Ed Gilliland, Human Resources Director and Patrick Gill, Auditor /Clerk to the Board.

There was no general relief appeal heard.

The meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and a Moment of Silence. 

Charles Nelson addressed the Board with concerns about a drainage ditch.

Motion by Taylor second by Smith to approve the Agenda for September 20, 2016 with an additional item to receive the canvass of the Upper Wolf Creek Drainage District.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

A public hearing was held at 4:35 p.m. for the sale of parcel #122580, 2600 Center St.  The Chairperson called on anyone wishing to be heard.

Motion by Clausen second by Taylor to close the public hearing.  Carried 5-0.

Motion by Monson second by Clausen to approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign a Resolution for the sale of this parcel to Rigoberto Zavala & Maria Aguirre, 2606 Center St., for real estate parcel #122580, 2600 Center St., for $206.00 plus recording fees.  Carried 5-0.




BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Woodbury County, Iowa, that the offer at public auction of:

By   Rigoberto Zavala and Maria G. Aguirre in the sum of Two Hundred Six Dollars & 00/100 ($206.00)-----------------------------------------------------dollars.

For the following described real estate, To Wit:  

Parcel #122580

Lot Twelve Block Nine Crescent Park Addition, Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa

(2600 Center Street)

Now and included in and forming a part of the City of Sioux City, Iowa, the same is hereby accepted: said Amount being a sum LESS than the amount of the general taxes, interests, costs and penalties against the said Real Estate.

BE IT RESOLVED that payment is due by close of business on the day of passage of this resolution or this sale is null and void and this resolution shall be rescinded.

BE IT RESOLVED that per Code of Iowa Section 569.8(3 & 4), a parcel the County holds by tax deed shall not be assessed or taxed until transferred and upon transfer of a parcel so acquired gives the purchaser free title as to previously levied or set taxes. Therefore, the County Treasurer is requested to abate any taxes previously levied or set on this parcel(s).

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman of this Board be and he is hereby authorized to execute a Quit Claim Deed for the said premises to the said purchaser.

SO DATED this 20th Day of September, 2016.


Copy filed.

Motion by Monson second by Ung to approve the minutes of the September 13, 2016 Board meeting.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Clausen second by Taylor to approve the claims totaling $679,586.06.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Good news report on energy efficiency rebates of over $320,000 and newly identified rebates for +$36,000 for steam traps plus other project management help.  

Motion by Smith second by Taylor to approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign a Resolution setting the public hearing date and sale of parcel #447046, 1811 Douglas St.  Carried 5-0.



WHEREAS Woodbury County, Iowa was the owner under a tax deed of a certain parcel of real estate described as:

N Forty-One Feet Lot Four, Block Fourteen, Sioux City Rose Hill Addition of Sioux City, in the County of Woodbury and State of Iowa

(1811 Douglas Street)


BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Woodbury County, Iowa as follows:

1.  That a public hearing on the aforesaid proposal shall be held on the 4th  Day of October, 2016 at 4:35 o’clock p.m. in the basement of the Woodbury County Courthouse.      

2.  That said Board proposes to sell the said parcel of real estate at a public auction to be held on the 4th Day of October, 2016, immediately following the closing of the public hearing.      

3.  That said Board proposes to sell the said real estate to the highest bidder at or above a total minimum bid of $606.00 plus recording fees.

Dated this 20th Day of September, 2016.


Copy filed.

Official Canvass results for Upper Wolf Creek Drainage District results were as follows:

Upper Wolf Creek Drainage District Election held on  09/10/2016

For the office of Upper Wolf Creek Drainage District Trustee there were one thousand, one hundred, thirty-eight (1,138) ballots cast as follows:

Richard C. Benson  received  one thousand, one hundred, thirty-eight (1,138) votes

Patrick B. Maguire  received  one thousand, one hundred, thirty-eight (1,138) votes

Arthur N. Kohlhof   received  one thousand, one hundred, thirty-eight (1,138) votes

Scattered write-ins   received  Zero (0) votes

We therefore declare Richard C. Benson, Patrick B. Maguire, and Arthur N. Kohlhof duly elected to the office of Upper Wolf Creek Drainage District Trustee for a term of three years (2016, 2017, 2018).

Motion by Monson second by Ung to receive the canvass of the Upper Wolf Creek Drainage District Election held on September 10th, 2016.  Carried 5-0.  

Motion by Clausen second by Smith to approve the separation of Cory Gaston, Civil Engineer Intern, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 9-21-16.  Resignation.; the separation of Gene Hacker, Sheriff Deputy, County Sheriff Dept., effective 10-04-16.  Retirement.; the separation of Shirley Michaud, Civilian Jailer, County Sheriff Dept., effective 10-31-16.; Retirement.; and the separation of Alan Shinkunas, Jail Sergeant, County Sheriff Dept., effective 11-30-16.  Retirement.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Monson second by Taylor to authorize the Chairperson to sign the Authorization to initiate the hiring process for Civilian Jailer, County Sheriff Dept., CWA $18.00/hour; for Jail Sergeant, County Sheriff Dept., CWA:  $26.68/hour.; and for Civil Engineer Intern, Secondary Roads Dept., Wage Plan:  $55,435 to $58,634/year.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Information was presented on Policy updates to the revised the Employee Handbook.  Copy filed.

Motion by Monson second by Ung to approve the Fiber Optic Exchange Agreement with FiberComm, LLC.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

 Motion by Monson second by Smith to receive the rezoning petition for GIS Parcel #884723200001 with referral to the Zoning Commission for public hearing and recommendation.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Smith second by Monson to receive the rezoning petition for GIS parcels #884723200007 and #884723200008 with referral to the Zoning Commission for public hearing and recommendation.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Monson second by Taylor to approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign a Resolution fixing date for a public hearing on the proposition of a lease/purchase agreement for new radio equipment for the Sheriff’s office.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.




WHEREAS, the Sheriff’s Department proposes to purchase radios compatible with the new statewide radio system using a lease purchase method; and       

WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary and advisable that Woodbury County, Iowa should enter into a lease-purchase agreement with Motorola Solutions, Inc. with costs not to exceed $700,743.33, as authorized by Sections 331.301(10)(d) and 331.443 of the Code of Iowa, for the purpose of providing funds to pay costs of acquiring these radios; and       

WHEREAS, the term of the proposed lease does not exceed the economic life of the personal property to be acquired; and       

WHEREAS, the lease-purchase agreement shall be payable from the debt service fund; and

WHEREAS, before a lease-purchase agreement may be authorized, it is necessary to comply with the provisions of the Code, and to publish a notice of the proposal and of the time and place of the meeting at which the Board proposed to take action for the authorization of the lease-purchase agreement and to receive oral and/or written objections from any resident or property owner of Woodbury County, Iowa to such action.       

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED a Public Hearing on this proposal to execute a lease-purchase agreement for radios compatible with the new statewide radio system for the Sheriff’s Department shall be held at 4:40  p.m. on Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at the Board Room, Woodbury County Courthouse, 620 Douglas Street, Sioux City, Iowa; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Woodbury County Auditor is directed to publish the attached Notice of Public Hearing.

SO DATED this 20th day of September, 2016.


Copy filed.

Motion by Monson second by Taylor to approve a CMBA Contract agreement.  Carried 4-1; Clausen opposed.  Copy filed.

Motion by Taylor second by Monson to approve to reallocate 2017 C.I.P. #B6-17 funds to LEC Optimization Plan.  Carried 4-1; Clausen opposed.  Copy filed.

Information on updates & positive outlook on County projects and energy efficiency steps.  Copy filed.

Receive the bids for reinforced box culverts structure P76.  The bids are as follows:

Graves Construction, Spencer, IA  $164,657.50

Dixon Construction, Correctionville, IA $107,799.00

Motion by Monson second by Ung to refer the bids to Secondary Roads Engineer for review and recommendation.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

The Board recessed for a meeting of the Orton Slough Drainage District.

The Supervisors meeting was called back to order.

Motion by Ung second by Monson to receive for signatures a Resolution thanking and commending Jim Clark for service to Woodbury County.  Carried 5-0.






WHEREAS, James “Jim” Clark, Jr. has demonstrated himself to be an outstanding citizen of Woodbury County by contributing decades of his life to the critical needs of emergency planning and preparedness, most recently as Assistant Fire Chief for Sioux City Fire Rescue, but including roles such as Program Coordinator for Regional Hazardous Materials, Commissioner for State Emergency Response, President for Iowa Hazardous Materials Task Force, and contributing author of the Joint City/County Emergency Operations Plan for the Management Team; and

WHEREAS, his Co-Chairmanship of the Design Team for the state-of-the-art Security Institute was instrumental in creating generational education partnerships, critical training and emergency operations space for disasters of all magnitudes, and unified infrastructure for Woodbury County’s E911 Communications Center and for our regional Siouxland Tri-state Area Radio Communications; and  

WHEREAS, his expert advice shared with the 71st WMD Civil Support Team, the Iowa National Guard, and in training hundreds of first responders has raised a proper standard; and        

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF WOODBURY COUNTY, IOWA that the undersigned members of this Board thank and commend Jim Clark for his  years of service to Woodbury County; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is the wish of all those signing below that the future hold only the best for this very deserving person, Jim Clark.

BE IT SO RESOLVED this 20th day of September, 2016.


Copy filed.

The Chairperson reported on day to day activities.

The Board members reported on their committee meetings.

There were no citizen concerns.

Board members presented their concerns and comments.       

The Board adjourned the regular meeting until September 27, 2016.

Meeting sign in sheet.  Copy filed.

Related Documents · 9/20/2016 Meeting

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This content was printed from the County website at woodburycountyiowa.gov on March 25, 2025.