Minutes - 6/28/2016


The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, June 28, 2016 at 4:30 p.m.  Board members present were Monson, Ung, Smith, Clausen, and Taylor.  Staff members present were Karen James, Board Administrative Coordinator, Ed Gilliland, Human Resources Director and Patrick Gill, Auditor/Clerk to the Board.

The meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and a Moment of Silence. 

Karen Mackey representing the Siouxland Pride Alliance, presented a letter to the Board addressed to Supervisor Ung.  Copy filed.

Sharon Susie, Sioux City, addressed the Board with concerns about an issue with the City Assessor’s Office.

Motion by Monson second by Clausen to approve the Agenda for June 28, 2016.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Ung second by Taylor to approve the minutes of the June 21, 2016 Board meeting.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Monson second by Ung to approve the claims totaling $633,880.49.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

The Board presented a resolution thanking and commending Mark Peterson, Woodbury County Conservation Dept. for years of service.  Copy filed.

A good news report was presented recognizing John Brandt, Senior Systems Analyst, as a double gold medal winner at Iowa Senior Games Track and Field and recognizing Danielle Dempster, Veterans Affairs Director, as a speaker at an event with US Senator Joni Ernst.  Copy filed.

Motion by Taylor second by Monson to receive for signatures a letter to the Ag Expo Board from the Board of Supervisors and to authorize the Chairman to sign a Memorandum of Understanding.  Carried 4- 1 on a roll call vote; Clausen opposed.  Copy filed.  Copy filed.

Motion by Clausen second by Smith to set a joint meeting between the Woodbury County Board Supervisors and the Sioux Rivers Regional Mental Health Services Board.  Motion failed 2-3 on a roll call vote; Monson, Ung and Taylor were opposed.

Motion by Taylor second by Monson to approve a monthly rental payment of $1.00 per month to the Sioux Rivers Regional Mental Health Services Board on behalf of Veteran’s Affairs and to authorize the Building Services to make modifications to the Tri-View building to house an additional veteran’s services officer.  Carried 3-2 on a roll call vote; Smith and Clausen opposed.  Copy filed.

Motion by Monson second by Taylor to approve the reclassification of Willie Garrett, Sheriff Deputy, County Sheriff Dept., effective 7-01-16, $30.49/hour, 10%=$2.76/hour.  Per CWA Deputy Sheriff Contract agreement, from Senior Class to Master Class.; the reclassification of Ryan Peterson, Sheriff Deputy, County Sheriff Dept., effective 7-01-16, $30.49/hour, 10%=$2.76/hour.  Per CWA Deputy Sheriff Contract agreement, from Senior Class to Master Class.; the reclassification of Brent DeVries, Civilian Jailer, County Sheriff Dept., effective 7-01-16, $24.12/hour, 11.5%=$2.51/hour.  Per CWA Civilian Officers Contract agreement, from Senior Class to Master Class.; the reclassification of Brent Eickholt, Civilian Jailer, County Sheriff Dept., effective 7-01-16, $24.12/hour, 11.5%=$2.51/hour.  Per CWA Civilian Officers agreement, from Senior Class to Master Class.; the reclassification of Anthony Fitch, Court Security Officer, County Sheriff Dept., effective 7-01-16, $24.12/hour, 11.5%=$2.51/hour.  Per CWA Civilian Officers Contract agreement, from Senior Class to Master Class.; the reclassification of Cameron Scott, Court Security Officer, County Sheriff Dept., effective 7-01-16, $24.12/hour, 11.5%=$2.51/hour.  Per CWA Civilian Officers Contract agreement, from Senior Class to Master Class.; the reclassification of Paul Handke, Operations Officer, Emergency Services Dept., effective 7-01-16, $15.83/hour, 3%=$.50/hour.  Per Wage Plan Matrix, Step 4 Salary increase.; the promotion of Kyle Gates, GIS Facilities and Inventory Manager, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 7-01-16, $31.83/hour, 15%=$4.25/hour.  Promotion to GIS Facilities & Inventory Manager.; the reclassification of James Grell, Sign Technician, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 7-01-16, $22.88/hour, 2%=$.50/hour.  Reclass to Sign Technician.; the reclassification of James Krause, Sign Technician, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 7-01-16, $22.88/hour, 2%=$.50/hour.  Reclass to Sign Technician.; the reclassification of Ronald Albers, Motor Grader Operator, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 7-01-16, $22.68/hour, 1%=$.30/hour.  Reclass to Motor Grader operator.; the reclassification of Terry Boyle, Motor Grader Operator, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 7-01-16, $22.68/hour, 1%=$.30/hour.  Reclass to Motor Grader Operator.; the reclassification of William Cadwallader, Motor Grader Operator, Secondary Roads Dept., $22.68/hour, 1%=$.30/hour.  Reclass to Motor Grader Operator.; the reclassification of Aaron Carstens, Motor Grader Operator, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 7-01-16, $22.68/hour, 1%=$.30/hour.  Reclass to Motor Grader Operator.; the reclassification of Charles Clark, Motor Grader Operator, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 7-01-16, $22.68/hour, 1%=$.30/hour.  Reclass to Motor Grader Operator.; the reclassification of Clinton Claus, Motor Grader Operator, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 7-01-16, $22.68/hour, 1%=4.30/hour.  Reclass to Motor Grader Operator.; the reclassification of Robert Clausen, Motor Grader Operator, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 7-01-16, $22.68/hour, 1%=$.30/hour.  Reclass to Motor Grader Operator.; the reclassification of Steven Hughes, Motor Grader Operator, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 7-01-16, $22.68/hour, 1%=$.30/hour.  Reclass to Motor Grader Operator.; the reclassification of Michael Malloy, Motor Grader Operator, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 7-01-16, $22.68/hour, 1%=$.30/hour.  Reclass to Motor Grader Operator.; the reclassification of James Martin, Motor Grader Operator, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 7-01-16, $22.68/hour, 1%=$.30/hour.  Reclass to Motor Grader Operator.; the reclassification of Isaac Martindale, Motor Grader Operator, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 7-01-16, $22.68/hour, 1%=$.30/hour.  Reclass to Motor Grader Operator.; the reclassification of Peter McDermott, Motor Grader Operator, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 7-01-16, $22.68/hour, 1%=$.30/hour.  Reclass to Motor Grader Operator.; the reclassification of Darrell Oban, Motor Grader Operator, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 7-01-16, $22.68/hour, 1%=$.30/hour.  Reclass to Motor Grader Operator.; the reclassification of Mark Petit, Motor Grader Operator, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 7-01-16, $22.68/hour, 1%=$.30/hour.  Reclass to Motor Grader Operator.; the reclassification of James Vaughn, Motor Grader Operator, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 7-01-16, $22.68/hour, 1%=$.30/hour.  Reclass to Motor Grader Operator.; the reclassification of Douglas Washburn, Motor Grader Operator, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 7-01-16, $22.68/hour, 1%=$.30/hour.  Reclass to Motor Grader Operator.; the reclassification of Gerald Yaremko, Motor Grader Operator, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 7-01-16, $22.68/hour, 1%=$.30/hour.  Reclass to Motor Grader Operator.; the reclassification of Danielle Dempster, Director, Veteran Affairs Dept., effective 7-01-16, $63,832/year, 8.25%=$4,954/year.  Salary Increase.; the appointment of Nicholas Nieman, Service Officer, Veteran Affairs Dept., effective 7-01-16, $18.94/hour.  Job Vacancy Posted 5-4-16.  Entry Level Salary:  $18.94/hour.; and the appointment of Steven Roder, Maintenance Technician, Building Services Dept., effective 7-07-16, $17.94/hour.  Job Vacancy Posted 5-4-16.  Entry Salary:  $16.77-$18.17/hour.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

A public hearing was held for the second reading of Zoning Ordinance map amendment for Affordable Self Storage, LLC regarding re-zoning to AE (Agricultural Estates) of GIS Parcel #884728400005.

Motion by Monson second by Ung to close the public hearing.  Carried 5-0.

Motion by Clausen second by Taylor to approve the third reading of the Zoning Ordinance Map Amendment for Affordable Self Storage, LLC to re-zone to AE (Agricultural Estates) of GIS Parcel #884728400005.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Taylor second by Monson to receive for signatures Ordinance #41, Zoning Ordinance Map Amendment for Affordable Self Storage, LLC to re-zone to AE (Agricultural Estates) of GIS Parcel #884728400005.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Monson second by Taylor to award the Comprehensive Planning Project bid to Simmering-Cory, Inc. and to direct the Rural Economic Development Director to bring a contract before the Board for approval.  Carried 4-1; Clausen opposed.  Copy filed.

Motion by Ung second by Taylor to provide up to $10,230.00 in Local Option Sales Tax Funds to each of the cities of Moville, Salix, and Sergeant Bluff during the period of July 1, 2016 to October 31, 2019 for comprehensive planning services and/or projects identified in an existing comprehensive plan.  Carried 4-1; Clausen opposed.  Copy filed

Motion by Taylor second by Monson to approve the underground utility permit to Frontier Communications for installation of telecommunication lines on L25 and 110th St.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Bid letting was held for two ¾ ton pickup trucks for use by the Moville and Oto district foreman.  The bids are as follows:

Jensen Dealerships, Sioux City, IA   $26,860.00

Jensen Dealerships, Sioux City, IA   $23,484.00

Barry Motor Co., Danbury, IA   $30,574.00

Knoepfler Cherrolet Co., Sioux City, IA  $27,399.00

Jensen Dealerships, Sioux City, IA   $26,860.00

Jensen, Dealerships, Sioux City, IA   $23,484.00

Barry Motor Co., Danbury, IA   $29,374.00

Knoepfler Chevrolet Co., Sioux City, IA  $27,399.00 

Motion by Monson second by Smith to receive the bids and refer them to County engineer to review and recommendation.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Taylor second by Monson to approve the contract for project #GH 2016-2 with Hallett Materials.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Smith second by Clausen to approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign a Resolution setting drainage district warrants for FY 2016 and FY 2017 at 5%.  Carried 5-0.




WHEREAS, the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors has the authority to establish the interest rate on drainage  warrants pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 468.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors that the interest rate for Drainage Warrants is hereby set at 5% APR for Fiscal Year 2016 and 2017.

SO RESOLVED this 28th day of June, 2016. 


Copy filed.

The Board recessed for a meeting of the Wolf Creek Drainage District.

The Supervisors meeting was called back to order. 

Motion by Clausen second by Taylor to approve the change order #3 with Sioux Contractors for alterations to Siouxland District Health Dept.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Monson second by Smith to receive for signatures a Resolution naming Depositories.  Carried 5-0.


BE IT RESOLVED by the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors in Woodbury County, Iowa:  That we do hereby designate the following named banks to be depositories of the Woodbury County funds in amounts not to exceed the amount named opposite each of said designated depositories and Michael Clayton, Woodbury County Treasurer is hereby authorized to deposit the Woodbury County funds in amounts not to exceed in the aggregate the amounts named for said banks as follows, to wit:    

                                                                                                                          MAXIMUM DEPOSIT                                             MAXIMUM DEPOSIT     

                                                                                                                              In the effect            

                                                                                                                                   Prior                                                                           under the

NAME OF DEPOSITORY                                          LOCATION                           resolution                                                                       resolution

U.S. Bank                                                                   Sioux City, Iowa                  $50,000,000                                                             $50,000,000

Security National Bank                                               Sioux City, Iowa                   100,000,000                                                           100,000,000

Wells Fargo Bank                                                        Sioux City, Iowa                     50,000,000                                                             50,000,000

Pinnacle Bank                                                             Sioux City, Iowa                      50,000,000                                                            50,000,000

First National Bank                                                      Sioux City, Iowa                      50,000,000                                                           50,000,000

Primebank                                                                   Sioux City, Iowa                      50,000,000                                                           50,000,000

Great Southern Bank                                                    Sioux City, Iowa                         5,000,000                                                         5,000,000

First National Bank                                                     Correctionville, Iowa                      $60,000                                                            $60,000

Pioneer Bank                                                             Sergeant Bluff, Iowa                      10,000,000                                                     10,000,000

Sloan State Bank                                                            Sloan, Iowa                                 5,000,000                                                       5,000,000

Valley Bank & Trust                                                          Danbury, Iowa                             1,500,000                                                      1,500,000

Iowa/Nebraska State Bank                                            Hornick, Iowa                               5,000,000                                                         5,000,000

First National Bank                                                       Correctionville, Iowa                        5,000,000                                                        5,000,000

United Bank of Iowa                                                         Moville, Iowa                                 5,000,000                                                       5,000,000

Heritage Bank                                                               Anthon, Iowa                                   5,000,000                                                       5,000,000

Liberty National Bank                                                    Sioux City, Iowa                            25,000,000                                                      25,000,000

First American Bank                                                      Sioux City, Iowa                             10,000,000                                                      10,000,000

Central Bank                                                                    Sioux City, Iowa                            10,000,000                                                    10,000,000

Kingsley State Bank                                                        Sergeant Bluff, Iowa                         $40,000                                                       $40,000

SO RESOLVED this 28th day of June 2016 


Copy filed.

The Chairperson reported on day to day activities.  Copy Filed.

The Board members reported on their committee meetings.

Citizen concerns.  Matthew Ung.  Copy filed.

Board members offered concerns and comments.   The Board adjourned the regular meeting until July 5, 2016.

Meeting sign in sheet.  Copy filed.

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This content was printed from the County website at woodburycountyiowa.gov on March 25, 2025.