Minutes - 6/14/2016


The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 4:30 p.m.  Board members present were Monson, Ung, Smith, Clausen, and Taylor.  Staff members present were Karen James, Board Administrative Coordinator, Ed Gilliland, Human Resources Director and Patrick Gill, Auditor/Clerk to the Board.

The meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and a Moment of Silence. 

There were no citizen concerns.

Motion by Monson second by Smith to approve the Agenda for June 14, 2016.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Clausen second by Ung to approve the minutes of the June 7, 2016 Board meeting.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Monson second by Taylor to the claims totaling $454,934.42.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

There was a good news report on June 9, 2016 opening of Dogwood Trail in Sergeant Bluff and another sign of progress, the new elevator. 

A public hearing was held at 4:35 p.m. for sale of parcel #246840, 1821 Pierce St.  The Chairperson called on anyone wishing to be heard.

Motion by Clausen second by Ung to close the public hearing.  Carried 5-0.

There were no bids offered.

Patrick Gill, Auditor/Clerk to the Board, announced there eighteen (18) provisional ballots of which sixteen (16) were added to the tally and two hundred twenty-six (226) after-election ballots of which one hundred seventy-nine (179) were accepted for Election held on June 7, 2016.  Official Canvass results were as follows:

State Representative District 005-Democrat

Candidate Total Zero (0) votes

SCATTERING Five (5) votes

TOTAL Five (5) votes

State Representative District 005-Republican

Chuck Holz Received four hundred twenty-six (426) votes

Candidate Total Four hundred twenty-six (426) votes

SCATTERING Three (3) votes

TOTAL Four hundred twenty-nine (429) votes

State Representative District 006-Democrat

Perla J Alarcon-Flory Received six hundred fifteen (615) votes

Candidate Total Six hundred fifteen (615) votes

SCATTERING Seven (7) votes

TOTAL Six hundred twenty-two (622) votes  

State Representative District 006-Republican

Jacob Bossman Received one thousand one hundred two (1102) votes

Jim Carlin Received one thousand one hundred fifty-nine (1159) votes

Candidate Total Two thousand two hundred sixty-one (2261) votes

SCATTERING Ten (10) votes

TOTAL Two thousand two hundred seventy-one (2271) votes  

State Representative District 013-Democrat

Chris Hall Received six hundred eleven (611) votes

Candidate Total Six hundred eleven (611) votes

SCATTERING One (1) votes

TOTAL Six hundred twelve (612) votes

State Representative District 013-Republican

Shaun Broyhill Received one thousand fifty-seven (1057) votes

Candidate Total One thousand fifty-seven (1057) votes

SCATTERING Eight (8) votes

TOTAL One thousand sixty-five (1065) votes  

State Representative District 014-Democrat

Timothy H Kacena Received five hundred seventy-one (571) votes

Candidate Total Five hundred seventy-one (571) votes

SCATTERING Five (5) votes

TOTAL Five hundred seventy-six (576) votes  

State Representative District 014-Republican

Robert Henderson Received eight hundred ninety-three (893) votes

Candidate Total Eight hundred ninety-three (893) votes

SCATTERING Thirteen (13) votes

TOTAL Nine hundred six (906) votes  

State Representative District 017-Democrat

Jan Creasman Received sixty-four (64) votes

Candidate Total Sixty-four (64) votes

SCATTERING Zero (0) votes

TOTAL Sixty-four (64) votes  

State Representative District 017-Republican

Matt W. Windschitl Received two hundred twenty-nine (229) votes

Candidate Total Two hundred twenty-nine (229) votes

SCATTERING Four (4) votes

TOTAL Two hundred thirty-three (233) votes

United States Representative District 4-Democrat

Kim Weaver Received one thousand nine hundred sixty-one (1961) votes

Candidate Total One thousand nine hundred sixty-one (1961) votes

SCATTERING Twelve (12) votes

TOTAL One thousand nine hundred seventy-three (1973) votes

United States Representative District 4-Republican

Rick Bertrand Received two thousand seven hundred (2700) votes

Steve King Received three thousand four hundred forty-nine (3449) votes

Candidate Total Six thousand one hundred forty-nine (6149) votes

SCATTERING Two (2) votes

TOTAL Six thousand one hundred fifty-one (6151) votes

United States Senator-Democrat

Thomas L. Fiegen Received one hundred forty-three (143) votes

Robert M Hogg Received four hundred twenty (420) votes

Patty Judge Received one thousand two hundred seventy-two (1272) votes

Bob Krause Received three hundred three (303) votes

Candidate Total Two thousand one hundred thirty-eight (2138) votes

SCATTERING Twelve (12) votes

TOTAL Two thousand one hundred fifty (2150) votes  

United States Senator-Republican

Charles E. Grassley Received five thousand one hundred seventy-six (5176) votes

Candidate Total Five thousand one hundred seventy-six (5176) votes

SCATTERING One hundred forty-four (144) votes

TOTAL Five thousand three hundred twenty (5320) votes  

County Auditor/Recorder/Commissioner of Elections-Democrat

Patrick Gill Received two thousand one hundred (2100) votes

Candidate Total Two thousand one hundred  (2100) votes

SCATTERING Nineteen (19) votes

TOTAL Two thousand one hundred nineteen (2119) votes

County Auditor/Recorder/Commissioner of Elections-Republican

Candidate Total Zero (0) votes

SCATTERING One hundred sixty-three (163) votes

TOTAL One hundred sixty-three (163) votes

We therefore declare: Patrick Gill successful candidate for the office of County Auditor/Recorder/Commissioner of Elections and whose name will be on the November 8th, 2016 General Election.

County Sheriff-Democrat

Candidate Total Zero (0) votes

SCATTERING One hundred sixty-two (162) votes

TOTAL One hundred sixty-two (162) votes

County Sheriff-Republican

Dave Drew Received five thousand three hundred fifty-six (5356) votes

Candidate Total Five thousand three hundred fifty-six (5356) votes

SCATTERING Fifty-two (52) votes

TOTAL Five thousand four hundred eight (5408) votes

We therefore declare: Dave Drew successful candidate for the office of County Sheriff and whose name will be on the November 8th, 2016 General Election.

County Supervisor Dist. 1 - 4 Yr Term-Democrat

Jaclyn Smith Received two thousand fourteen (2014) votes

Candidate Total Two thousand fourteen (2014) votes

SCATTERING Fifteen (15) votes

TOTAL Two thousand twenty-nine (2029) votes

County Supervisor Dist. 1 - 4 Yr Term-Republican

John Fitch Received two thousand four hundred nine (2409) votes

Keith W. Radig Received two thousand eight hundred seventy-five (2875) votes

Candidate Total Five thousand two hundred eighty-four (5284) votes

SCATTERING Twenty-three (23) votes

TOTAL Five thousand three hundred seven (5307) votes  

We therefore declare: Keith W. Radig and Jaclyn Smith successful candidates for the office of County Supervisor Dist. 1 - 4 Yr Term and their names will be on the November 8th, 2016 General Election.

County Supervisor Dist. 3 - 4 Yr Term-Democrat

Mark Monson Received eight hundred eighty-two (882) votes

Marty Pottebaum Received one thousand three hundred thirteen (1313) votes

Candidate Total Two thousand one hundred ninety-five (2195) votes

SCATTERING Six (6) votes

TOTAL Two thousand two hundred one (2201) votes

County Supervisor Dist. 3 - 4 Yr Term-Republican

Candidate Total Zero (0) votes

SCATTERING One hundred forty-nine (149) votes

TOTAL One hundred forty-nine (149) votes

We therefore declare: Marty Pottebaum successful candidate for the office of County Supervisor Dist. 3 - 4 Yr Term and whose name will be on the November 8th, 2016 General Election.

County Supervisor Dist. 5 - 4 Yr Term-Democrat

Bruce Garbe Received one thousand eight hundred thirty-eight (1838) votes

Candidate Total One thousand eight hundred thirty-eight (1838) votes

SCATTERING Fourteen (14) votes

TOTAL One thousand eight hundred fifty-two (1852) votes

County Supervisor Dist. 5 - 4 Yr Term-Republican

Rocky De Witt Received one thousand eighty-seven (1087) votes

Nathan Heilman Received four hundred thirty-eight (438) votes

Bruce Hokel Received two hundred thirty-eight (238) votes

Willard Brian McNaughton Received eight hundred thirty-four (834) votes

Gary P Niles Received one thousand one hundred ninety-seven (1197) votes

John Van Eldik Received three hundred thirteen (313) votes

Tom Verzani Received one thousand fourteen (1014) votes

Candidate Total Five thousand one hundred twenty-one (5121) votes

SCATTERING Nineteen (19) votes

TOTAL Five thousand one hundred forty (5140) votes

We therefore declare: Bruce Garbe a successful candidate for the office of County Supervisor Dist. 5 - 4 Yr Term and whose name will be on the November 8th, 2016 General Election.

Motion by Taylor second by Clausen to receive for signatures the canvass of the Election held on the 7th day of June 2016.  Carried 5-0. 

Motion by Smith second by Monson to approve the separation of James Moravek, P/T Youth Worker, Juvenile Detention Dept., effective 6-11-16.  Resignation.; the appointment of Toby Schroeder, Temporary Summer Laborer, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 6-15-16, $9.50/hour.  Not to exceed 120 days.; and the appointment of Ajay Alexander, Attorney-HIDTA Grant, County Attorney Dept., effective 6-20-16, $55,000/year.  Entry Salary:  $50,000-$58,500/year.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Monson second by Clausen to authorize the Chairperson to sign the Authorization to initiate the hiring process for P/T Youth Worker, Juvenile Detention Dept., AFSCME Juvenile Detention:  $17.53/hour.  Carried 5-0.   Copy filed.

Motion by Smith second by Monson to approve the lifting of tax suspension for David Johnson, parcel #302985, 4501 Arthur St.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Monson second by Ung to approve the lifting of tax suspension for Mike Speese, parcel #436575, 1901 W. Highland St.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Clausen second by Smith to approve the lifting of tax suspension for James Triplett, parcel #894730279012, 1705 W. 4th St.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Taylor second by Monson to approve the lifting of tax suspension for Steven White, parcel #894729107021, 1611 W. 5th St.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Monson second by Smith to approve the reappointment of Vicki DeWitt to Veteran Affairs Commission.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

A public hearing was held for the first reading of Zoning Ordinance map amendment for Affordable Self Storage, LLC regarding re-zoning to AE (Agricultural Estates) of GIS Parcel #884728400005.

Motion by Clausen second by Monson to close the public hearing.  Carried 5-0.

Motion by Clausen second by Monson to approve the first reading of the Zoning Ordinance Map Amendment for Affordable Self Storage, LLC to re-zone to AE (Agricultural Estates) of GIS Parcel #884728400005.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Monson second by Ung to approve the permit to work in the right of way for Phred Linn.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Taylor second by Ung to approve the permit to work in the right of way for Greg Herbold.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed

Motion by Monson second by Taylor to approve the certificate of completion for project #L-C(N91)—73-97.  Carried 5-0.  Copy filed.

Information on consideration of the establishment of a Woodbury County Minimum Wage Advisory Committee.  Copy filed.

Motion by Monson second by Smith to place consideration of the establishment of a Woodbury County Minimum Wage Advisory Committee on the agenda of a subsequent Board meeting.  Failed 2-3; Monson, Ung and Taylor opposed.

The Chairperson reported on day to day activities.

The Board members reported on their committee meetings.

There were no citizen concerns.

Board members offered concerns and comments.

The Board recessed to the City of Hornick for a Wolf Creek Drainage District meeting.

The Board held a meeting as trustees of the Wolf Creek Drainage District in the City Hornick to receive information on an engineering report of proposed work to be completed within the district.

The Board adjourned the regular meeting until June 21, 2016.

Meeting sign in sheet.  Copy filed.

Related Documents · 6/14/2016 Meeting

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This content was printed from the County website at woodburycountyiowa.gov on July 27, 2024.