Minutes - 3/15/2016

The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, March 15, 2016 at 3:30 p.m. Board members present were Monson, Ung, Smith, Taylor, and Clausen. Staff members present were Karen James, Board Administrative Coordinator, Ed Gilliland, Human Resources Director and Patrick Gill, Auditor/Clerk to the Board.
Motion by Taylor second by Clausen to go into closed session per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(c). Carried 5-0 on roll-call vote.
Motion by Clausen second by Monson to go out of closed session per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(c). Carried 5-0 on roll-call vote.
The meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and a Moment of Silence.
There were no citizen concerns.
Motion by Monson second by Clausen to approve the Agenda as submitted for March 15, 2016. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Ung second by Monson to approve the minutes of the March 8, 2016 Board meeting. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Monson second by Clausen to approve the claims totaling $951,138.08. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Ung second by Monson to approve the appointment of Nancy Harman, Assistant Director, Juvenile Detention Dept., effective 3-16-16, $53,484/year. Job Vacancy Posted 11-14-15. Entry Level Salary: $53,484/year.; the separation of Michael Gibbs, Maintenance Tech., Building Services Dept., effective 3-25-16. resignation.; and the reclassification of Susan Ahlquist, Motor Vehicle Clerk II, County Treasurer Dept., effective 3-28-16, $19.57/hour. Per AFSCME Courthouse Contract agreement, from Grade 3/Step 4 to Grade 3/Step 5. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Clausen second by Monson to authorize the Chairperson to sign the Authorization to initiate the hiring process for Maintenance Technician, Building Services Dept., AFSCME Courthouse: $16.77-$18.17/hour.; Temporary Summer Laborers (5), Secondary Roads Dept., Wage Plan: $9.00-$10.50/hour, based on experience.; and Temporary Engineering Aides (3), Secondary Roads Dept., Wage Plan: $10.00-$13.00/hour, based on experience. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Information was presented on the Human Resources Department reorganization. Copy filed.
Motion by Monson second by Smith to approve additional True Speak training. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Taylor second by Ung to approve the revisions to the Travel Policy. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
A public hearing was held at 4:45 p.m. on proposed Fiscal Year 2017 Budget.
Motion by Monson second by Clausen to close hearing. Carried 5-0.
Motion by Taylor second by Ung to approve and to receive for signatures a Resolution approving a three percent raise for Elected Officials salaries for FY 2017. Carried 4-1 on a roll call vote; Clausen was opposed.
WHEREAS, the Woodbury County Compensation Board meets annually to recommend a compensation schedule for elected officials for the fiscal year immediately following, in accordance with Iowa Code Chapters 331.905 and 331.907, and
WHEREAS, the Woodbury County Compensation Board met on February 15, 2016, and made the following salary recommendations for the following elected officials for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016:
Elected Official Current Salary Proposed Increase Recommended Salary
Auditor $82,161 5% $86,267
County Attorney $117,286 5% $123,150
Sheriff $97,119 5% $101,975
Supervisors $32,185 5% $33,794
Chairperson $38,319 5% $40,235
Treasurer $79,723 5% $83,709
OPTION 2: (if different than compensation board recommendation) THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors approves the following salary adjustments for the following elected officials for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2016:
Elected Official Approved Salary Approved Increase
Auditor $ 84,624 3%
County Attorney $ 120,805 3%
Recorder Combined with Auditor
Sheriff $ 100,033 3%
Supervisors $ 32,185 3%
Chairperson $ 39,469 3%
Treasurer $ 82,115 3%
Approved this 15 day of March, 2016.
Motion by Monson second by Taylor to approve the Adoption of Budget & Certification of taxes for Fiscal Year July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017 Budget. Carried 4-1 on a roll call vote; Clausen was opposed. Copy filed.
Motion by Monson second by Smith to approve lifting of tax suspension for Lorettia Tedford, 2214 Ellis Ave., Sioux City, parcel #894822232003. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Clausen second by Monson to approve lifting of tax suspension for Deborah Jernberg, 1126 S. Mulberry St., Sioux City, parcel #894735412007. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Information for the audio-visual equipment update was presented. Copy filed.
Motion by Clausen second by Monson to approve an Agreement with Sioux Contractors for construction of Siouxland District Health remodel for $477,900. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Randy Hayworth, manager of the Woodbury County Fair Association presented information on the benefits of the Woodbury County Fair. Copy filed.
Meagan Weaver of SIMPCO presented information on Western Iowa Community Improvement Regional Housing Trust Fund. Copy filed.
A public hearing on Zoning Commission recommendation for the 1st reading for a text amendment to Woodbury County’s zoning ordinance as authorized under Section 2.02:3.
Motion by Monson second by Ung to close the public hearing. Carried 5-0 on a roll call vote.
Motion by Taylor second by Monson to approve the 1st reading of the zoning ordinance amendment language. Carried 4-1; Clausen opposed. Copy filed.
Motion by Clausen second by Ung to approve participation with the City of Sioux City in the submission of the Edward J Bryne Memorial Justice (JAG) & Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Program application to the Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Monson second by Ung to approve award the bid for LEC Jail Expansion project schematic design to Cannon Moss Brygger Architects (CMBA) for $20,350.00. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Information was presented on the Woodbury County LED project contingency fund allocation. Copy filed.
Motion by Monson second by Ung to approve funding source allocation for Woodbury County Clerk of Courts and Woodbury County Treasurer’s office from 2016 Prairie Hills CIP at a cost of $20,800.00. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Clausen second by Ung to award the quotation for 2016 bridge inspection work to Calhoun Burns and Associates. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Monson second by Clausen to approve permit to work in Highway Right of Way to place underground utilities for NIPCO on Ida Avenue. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Clausen second by Ung to approve permit to work in Highway Right of Way to place underground utilities for NIPCO on Carroll Ave and 12th St. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Monson second by Ung to appoint Jered Jepsen to Weed Commissioner. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Ung second by Clausen to award project #FEMA 9 & 14—73-97 to Holly Brown Construction, Ponca, NE, for $55,741.64. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
The Chairperson reported on day to day activities.
The Board members reported on their committee meetings.
There were no citizen concerns.
The Board adjourned the regular meeting until March 22, 2016.
Meeting sign in sheet. Copy filed.
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