Minutes - 8/13/2013


The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, August 13, 2013 at 10:00 a.m.  Board members present were Smith, Clausen and Boykin; Monson and Tripp were absent.  Staff members present were Karen James, Board Administrator, Dennis Butler, Finance/Operations Controller, Joshua Widman, Assistant County Attorney, and Patrick F. Gill, Auditor/Clerk to the Board.

The meeting was called to order.

Motion by Boykin second by Smith to approve the minutes of the 8/6/2013 Board meeting.  Carried 2-0; Smith abstained.  Copy filed.

Motion by Boykin second by Smith to approve the county’s claims totaling $855,088.41.  Carried 3-0.  Copy filed.

John Tobert of Iowa Drainage District Association gave Annual Report and Update on Drainage Matters.

A public hearing was held at 10:15 a.m. for the sale of property parcel #510990 (1319 W 6th St.)

Then Chairperson called on anyone wishing to be heard.

Motion by Smith second by Boykin to close the public hearing.

Motion by Smith second by Boykin to approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign a Resolution for the sale of this parcel to Alma Gunderson Etal (1315 W 6th St.), for real estate parcel #510990 (1319 W 6th St.) for $1.00 plus recording fees.  Carried 3-0.



RESOLUTION #11,083  

BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Woodbury County, Iowa, that the offer at public auction of:

By    ___Alma Gunderson Etal_________in the sum of          One Dollars & 00/100 ($1.00)-----------------------------------------------------dollars.

For the following described real estate, To Wit: Parcel #510990 West Sixty-One feet of Lot Seven in Block Five of the Tredways Addition, City of Sioux   City, Woodbury County, Iowa (1319 W. 6th Street)

Now and included in and forming a part of the City of Sioux City, Iowa, the same is hereby accepted: said Amount being a sum LESS than the amount of the general taxes, interests, costs and penalties against the said Real Estate.

BE IT RESOLVED that payment is due by close of business on the day of passage of this resolution or this sale is null and void and this resolution shall be rescinded.

BE IT RESOLVED that per Code of Iowa Section 569.8(3 & 4), a parcel the County holds by tax deed shall not be assessed or taxed until transferred and upon transfer of a parcel so acquired gives the purchaser free title as to previously levied or set taxes.  Therefore, the County Treasurer is requested to abate any taxes previously levied or set on this parcel(s).

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman of this Board be and he is hereby authorized to execute a Quit Claim Deed for the said premises to the said purchaser.

SO DATED this 13th  Day of August, 2013.


Copy filed.

Motion by Boykin second by Smith to approve the separation of Brock Baldwin, Temporary Summer Laborer, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 08/16/13. End of Temporary Work.; the separation of Skylar Sanford, Temporary Summer Laborer, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 8/16/13. End of Temporary Work.; the separation of Nathaniel Burger, Temporary Engineering Aide, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 08/16/13. End of Temporary Work.; and the separation of Gabriel Sweers, Temporary Engineering Aide, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 08/16/13. End of Temporary Work.  Carried 3-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Smith second Boykin by to approve and authorize the Chairperson to sign a contract for Consultant Services for bridge design for Bronson Bridge project on County Road D38.  Carried 3-0.  Copy filed.

Motion by Smith second by Boykin to receive the bids for Propane for Secondary Roads Dept., Conservation Dept., Sheriff Depts., and other County facilities and to award the bid to Johnson Propane, Battle Creek, IA for $43,260.00.  Carried 3-0.

The bids are as follows:

Western Iowa Coop, Hornick, IA  $45,114.00

Sapp Bros. Petroleum, Sioux City, IA $43,260.00

Johnson Propane, Battle Creek, IA  $43,260.00

Farmers Cooperative Company, Le Mars, IA $47,380.00

Motion by Boykin second by Smith to receive bids for Calcium Chloride and to award the bid to Scotwood Industries, Overland Park, KS for $17,955.00.  Carried.

The bids are as follows:

Egan Supply, Omaha, NE   $22,050.00

Univar USA, Bedford Park, IL  $19,552.50

Scotwood Industries, Overland Park, KS $17,955.00

Motion by Smith second by Boykin to approve abatement for the following taxes that are uncollectable or impractical to pursue collection through tax sale of personal judgment, per recommendation of County Treasurer Michael Clayton:

1. Wayne John Vandall, Parcel 884730326928, B/LL for mobile home that has been removed. Taxes for 2013-14 total $12.00

2. Lance Todd Platt, Parcel 894432131920, B/LL for mobile home that was been removed.  Taxes for 2013-14 total $10.00

3. Jentri Selig, Parcel 884730301983, B/LL for mobile home that is double assessed, also assessed at parcel 884730351901 (correct parcel).  Taxes for 2012-13 and 2013-14 total $16.00 plus interest. Carried 3-0.

Motion by Smith second by Boykin to approve the purchase of scanners and printers for Polling Place Equipment using remaining funds budgeted for absentee election equipment, per recommendation of Pat Gill, County Auditor.  Carried 3-0.   The Chairperson asked if there were any individuals or groups wishing to make a presentation of items not on the agenda, or Supervisors concerns.  There was a discussion of the C.F. Industries build.

Motion by Boykin second by Smith to go into closed session per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a).  Carried on 3-0 a roll-call vote.

Motion by Smith second by Boykin to go out of closed session per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a).  Carried 3-0 on a roll-call vote.

Tour of the Industrial Area.

The Board adjourned the regular meeting until August 20, 2013.

Related Documents · 8/13/2013 Meeting

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This content was printed from the County website at woodburycountyiowa.gov on March 25, 2025.