Minutes - 4/26/2011

The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday April 26, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. Board members present were Boykin, Monson, Clausen, Tripp, and Smith. Staff members present were: Karen James, Board Administrative Coordinator, Joshua Widman, Assistant County Attorney, and Patrick F. Gill, Auditor/Clerk to the Board.

The Claims were approved as presented. Copy filed.

The meeting was called to order.

Motion by Tripp second by Smith to approve the minutes of the April 19th, 2011 Board meeting. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

The Board approved the Promotion of Michael Headid, Assistant Building Superintendent, Building Services Dept., $45,724/year, 37%=$12,359/yr., effective 05-02-11. Job Vacancy Posted: 01/19/11 & 03/03/11. Entry Level Salary: $45,724/year. Copy filed.

The Board approved the Separation of Scott Shumansky, Temporary Equipment Operator, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 05-04-11. End of Temporary work. Copy filed.

The Board approved the Reclassification of Brian Hagler, Master Civilian Jailer, Sheriff Dept., $21.41/hour, 10.5%=$2.03/hour, effective 05-06-11. Per CWA Civilian Officers Contract agreement, from Sr. Class to Master Class. Copy filed.

The Board approved the Separation of Raymond Richtermeier, Temporary Equipment Operator, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 05-12-11. End of Temporary work. Copy filed.

Motion by Clausen second by Boykin to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an "Authorization to Initiate Hiring Process" for a Maintenance Technician, Building Services Dept., AFSCME Courthouse. Grade 4/Step 1 to Step 3 Range: $14.75 to $15.98/hr. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Boykin second by Tripp to postpone action to approve the hiring staff to assist in the Veteran Affairs Office per recommendation of Danielle Dempster, Veteran Affairs Executive Director. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Boykin second by Tripp to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a Resolution approving suspension of taxes for Joseph Leininger, 2301 W 6th St, Sioux City, Parcel #894730204009. Carried 5-0.




WHEREAS, Joseph M. Leininger, is the titleholder of a property located at 2301 W. 6th Street City of Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa, and legally described as follows:

Parcel # 8947 30 204 009

Lot Fourteen (14) Block Forty-nine (49) Hornicks 3RD Addition, City of Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa

WHEREAS, Joseph M. Leininger as titleholder of the aforementioned property have petitioned the Board of Supervisors for a suspension of taxes pursuant to the 2009 Iowa Code section 427.9, and

WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors recognizes from documents provided that the petitioner is unable to provide to the public revenue; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors hereby grants the request for a suspension of taxes, and hereby directs the Woodbury County Treasurer to so record the approval of this tax suspension for this property.

SO RESOLVED this 26th day of April, 2011.


Copy filed.

Presentation of Resolutions Thanking and Commending years of Service for Mary Brown and Scott Lanagan.

Motion by Boykin second by Smith to approve an agreement for Project Number HC 11-9 with Hungry Canyons Alliance to repair and update two stream stabilization structures, per Mark Nahra, Secondary Roads. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Clausen second by Boykin to approve an agreement for Project Number HC-11-10 with Hungry Canyons Alliance to repair and update two stream stabilization structures, per Mark Nahra, Secondary Roads. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

The Chairman asked if there were any individuals or groups wishing to make a presentation of items not on the agenda, or Supervisors concerns.

The Board adjourned the regular meeting until May 3, 2011.

The Board toured various County roads.

Related Documents · 4/26/2011 Meeting

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This content was printed from the County website at woodburycountyiowa.gov on March 11, 2025.