Minutes - 7/6/2010

The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, July 6, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. Board members present were Boykin, Clausen, Monson, Smith, and Walish. Staff members present were Karen James, Board Administrative Coordinator, Loan, Hensley, Assistant County Attorney, and Patrick F. Gill, Auditor/ Clerk to the Board.
The Claims were approved as presented. Copy filed.
The meeting was called to order.
Motion by Monson second by Walish to approve the minutes of the June 29, 2010 Board meeting. Carried 4-0; Monson abstained. Copy filed.
The Board approved the appointment of Kayla L. N. Ragar, Civilian Jailer, County Sheriff Dept., $16.16/hour, effective 07/08/2010. Job Vacancy Posted 03/31/2010. Entry level salary: $16.16/hour. Copy filed.
The Board discussed a proposed County texting policy with J. D. Pellersels, Human Resource Director.
Motion by Clausen second by Walish to approve a County texting policy, as recommended. Carried 5-0.
The Board discussed participation in a government sponsored early retirement reinsurance program with the Human Resources Director.
Motion by Monson second by Smith to approve participation in the early retirement reinsurance program, as recommended. Carried 5-0.
A public hearing was held at 10:15 a.m. for the sale of property parcel #436725 (aka 110 S. John Street). The Chairman called on anyone wishing to be heard.
Motion by Clausen second by Monson to close the hearing. Carried 5-0.
No bids were received.
The Board discussed a Juvenile Commission.
Motion by Monson second by Walish to approve establishing a Juvenile Commission, per recommendation of Supervisor Monson. Carried 5-0.
The Board reviewed a 50-year lease agreement renewal for Brown’s Lake-Bigelow Park with Conservation Director Rick Schneider.
Motion by Smith second by Monson to approve a 50-year lease agreement renewal for Brown’s Lake-Bigelow Park, with an expiration date of 12/31/2061, per recommendation of the Conservation Director. Carried 5-0.
Motion by Walish second by Clausen to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a contract and bond for project #BROS-CO97 (94)—8J-97, per recommendation of County Engineer Mark Nahra. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
The Board discussed an amendment to the fiscal year 2010 Local Public Health Services Contract (LPHSC), with Linda Drey, Siouxland District Health.
Motion by Clausen second by Monson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign amendment #4 to the fiscal year 2010 Local Public Health Services Contract (LPHSC), per recommendation of Linda Drey, Siouxland District Health. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
The Board discussed Memorandum of Understanding 2011-CO97 with Patty Erickson-Puttmann, Social Services Director.
Motion by Walish second by Smith to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Memorandum of Understanding 2011-CO97 per recommendation of Patty Erickson-Puttmann, Social Services Director. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
The Chairman asked if there were any individuals or groups wishing to make a presentation of items not on the agenda, or Supervisors concerns.
Todd Trobaugh, Communication Workers of America, Dale Hoefling, house mover, Rita Davis, Chataquea Park softball, Dan Dykstra, Sunnybrook Church, Jon Winkel, Long Lines, Rhonda Capron, Rhonda’s Speak Easy, Zac Lewis, Sioux City Police Officers Association, Judy Darwin, Community Activist, Jeff Thelander, Superintendant of the Lawton Bronson School District, Greg Stallman, Communication Workers of America and Chris Garthwright, Communication Workers of America discussed the recently passed equipment use policy with the Board.
The Board adjourned the regular meeting until July 13, 2010.
Related Documents · 7/6/2010 Meeting