Minutes - 11/14/2006

The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, November 14, 2006 at 9:00 a.m. Board members present were Batcheller, Boykin, Clausen, Monson, and Walish. Staff members present were Karen James, Board Administrator, Patrick F. Gill, Auditor/Clerk to the Board, and Bobbier Johnson, Assistant County Attorney.
The Claims were approved as presented. Copy filed.
The Board canvassed the General Election held in Woodbury County on November 7, 2006.
Various township tied contests were decided by drawing lots.
Victoria Ritz, Deputy Commissioner of Elections, announced there were 208 total provisional ballots, of which 125 were accepted and added to the Tally and 83 were rejected.
Total Votes – 28,829
Straight Party Votes
Republican Party 4,708 voters
Democratic Party 6,570 voters
United States Representative District 5 – Total votes: twenty-eight thousand four hundred
fifty-one (28,451)
Cheryl L. Brodersen - Received three hundred forty-two (342) votes
Steve King - Received fifteen thousand four hundred fifty-two (15,452) votes
Roy Nielsen - Received one thousand two hundred twenty-eight (1,228) votes
Joyce Schulte - Received eleven thousand four hundred twenty (11,420) votes
Scattering – Received nine (9) votes
Governor and Lieutenant Governor – Total votes: twenty-eight thousand six hundred thirty-one (28,631)
Barth/Johnson - Received two hundred forty-five (245) votes
Culver/Judge - Received fourteen thousand twenty (14,020) votes
Litten/Nelson - Received one hundred forty-one (141) votes
Martin/Dwire - Received sixty-one (61) votes
Nussle/VanderPlaats - Received fourteen thousand one hundred fifty-five (14,155) votes
Scattering – Received nine (9) votes
Secretary of State – Total votes: twenty-seven thousand four hundred forty-two (27,442)
Mary Ann Hanusa - Received thirteen thousand five hundred three (13,503) votes
Michael A. Mauro - Received thirteen thousand nine hundred ten (13,910) votes
Scattering – Received twenty-nine (29) votes
Auditor of State – Total votes: eighteen thousand one hundred (18,100)
David A. Vaudt - Received seventeen thousand eight hundred fifty-five (17,855) votes
Scattering – Received two hundred forty-five (245) votes
Treasurer of State – Total votes: nineteen thousand three hundred nineteen (19,319)
Michael L. Fitzgerald - Received nineteen thousand one hundred forty-two (19,142) votes
Scattering – Received one hundred seventy-seven (177) votes
Secretary of Agriculture – Total votes: twenty-seven thousand seven hundred forty-one (27,741)
Bill Northey - Received fourteen thousand four hundred sixty-seven (14,467) votes
Denise O’Brien - Received thirteen thousand two hundred fifty-two (13,252) votes
Scattering – Received twenty-two (22) votes
Attorney General – Total votes: nineteen thousand eight hundred thirty-four (19,834)
Tom Miller - Received nineteen thousand six hundred fifty (19,650) votes
Scattering – Received one hundred eighty-four (184) votes
State Representative District 1 – Total votes:
Jamie Simmons – Received two thousand nine hundred eighty (2,980) votes
Wesley Whitehead – Received five thousand seventy-five (5,075) votes
Scattering – Received seven (7) votes
State Representative District 2 – Total votes:
Roger F. Wendt – Received four thousand two hundred twelve (4,212) votes
Scattering – Received forty-seven (47) votes
State Representative District 53 – Total votes:
Dan Huseman – Received two thousand three hundred forty-two (2,342) votes
Scattering – Received thirteen (13) votes
State Representative District 54 – Total votes: six thousand one hundred twenty-nine (6,129)
Christopher Rants - Received five thousand nine hundred fifty-nine (5,959) votes
Scattering – Received One hundred seventy (170) votes
State Representative District 55 – Total votes: One thousand four hundred eighty-two (1,482)
Clarence C. Hoffman - Received one thousand four hundred seventy-four (1,474) votes
Scattering – Received Eight (8) votes
State Senator District 01 – Total votes: thirteen thousand nine hundred fifty-six (13,956)
Barbara Blanchard - Received four thousand six hundred seven (4,607) votes
Steve Warnstadt - Received nine thousand three hundred forty (9,340) votes
Scattering – Received nine (9) votes
State Senator District 27 – Total votes: eight thousand five hundred ninety-eight (8,598)
Ron Wieck - Received eight thousand four hundred seventy-four (8,474) votes
Scattering – Received one hundred twenty-four (124) votes
Woodbury County Board of Supervisors District 1 – Total votes: nineteen thousand five
hundred sixty (19,560)
George W. Boykin - Received nineteen thousand two hundred ninety-two (19,292) votes
Scattering – Received two hundred sixty-eight (268) votes
We therefore declare George W. Boykin duly elected to the office of Woodbury County Board of Supervisors District 1 for the term of 4 years.
Woodbury County Board of Supervisors District 3 – Total votes: eighteen thousand seven hundred twenty-seven (18,727)
Douglas L. Walish - Received eighteen thousand five hundred thirty-one (18,531) votes
Scattering – Received one hundred ninety-six (196) votes
We therefore declare Douglas L. Walish duly elected to the office of Woodbury County Board of Supervisors District 3 for the term of 4 years.
Woodbury County Attorney – Total votes: twenty-eight thousand three hundred sixty-five (28,365)
Jamie Bowers - Received eight thousand seven hundred seventy-seven (8,777) votes
Mark Campbell - Received seven thousand eight hundred eighty-five (7,885) votes
Patrick PJ Jennings - Received eleven thousand six hundred ninety-one (11,691) votes
Scattering – Received twelve (12) votes
We therefore declare Patrick PJ Jennings duly elected to the office of Woodbury County Attorney for the term of 4 years.
Woodbury County Treasurer – Total votes: nineteen thousand seven hundred forty-two (19,742)
Bob Knowler - Received nineteen thousand five
hundred thirty-seven (19,537) votes
Scattering – Received two hundred five (205) votes
We therefore declare Bob Knowler duly elected to the office of Woodbury County Treasurer for the term of 4 years.
Arlington Township Trustee – Total votes: seven (7)
Blane Ashby, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Vickie Hulse, Write-in - Received three (3) votes
No Name, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Kenneth Webb, Write-in - Received two (2) votes
Scattering - Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Vickie Hulse duly elected to the office of Arlington Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Arlington Township Clerk – Total votes: eighty-nine (89)
Evelyn Stubbs - Received eighty-eight (88) votes
Scattering – Received one (1) vote
We therefore declare Evelyn Stubbs duly elected to the office of Arlington Township Clerk for the term of 4 years.
Banner Township Trustee – Total votes: three (3)
Charles Hoelker - Received two (2) votes
Paul Roberts - Received one (1) vote
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Charles Hoelker duly elected to the office of Banner Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Banner Township Clerk – Total votes: two (2)
Beth Roberts - Received one (1) vote
Connie Thorson - Received one (1) vote
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Beth Roberts (drawn by lot) duly elected to the office of Banner Township Clerk for the term of 4 years.
Concord Township Trustee – Total votes: three hundred ten (310)
Roger L. Milligan - Received three hundred five (305) votes
Scattering – Received five (5) votes
We therefore declare Roger L. Milligan duly elected to the office of Concord Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Concord Township Clerk – Total votes: three hundred seven (307)
Ida M. Milligan - Received three hundred two (302) votes
Scattering – Received five (5) votes
We therefore declare Ida M. Milligan duly elected to the office of Concord Township Clerk for the term of 4 years.
Floyd Township Trustee – Total votes one hundred ninety-one (191)
Noel Plummer - Received one hundred ninety-one (191)
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Noel Plummer duly elected to the office of Floyd Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Floyd Township Clerk – Total votes: five (5)
Machelle Dunning, Write-in – Received one (1) vote
Don Klingensmith, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Mike Lally, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Ava Lewon, Write-in - Received two (2) votes
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Ava Lewon duly elected to the office of Floyd Township Clerk for the term of 4 years.
Grange Township Trustee – Total votes: six (6)
Larry Bumstead, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Leo Cooper, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Bryce Gerkins, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Michael G. Stueland, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Roger Sulsberger, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Chuck Widman, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Chuck Widman (drawn by lot) duly elected to the office of Grange Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Grange Township Clerk – Total votes: fifty (50)
Peggy Powell - Received fifty (50) votes
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Peggy Powell duly elected to the office of Grange Township Clerk for the term of 4 years.
Grant Township Clerk – Total votes: six (6)
Freda Maguire, Write-in - Received four (4) votes
Janice Brown, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
NO NAME, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Freda Maguire duly elected to the office of Grant Township Clerk for the term of 4 years.
Grant Township Trustee – Total votes: seven (7)
Gary Brown, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Pat Maguire, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
NO NAME, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Jeff Savary, Write-in - Received four (4) votes
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Jeff Savary duly elected to the office of Grant Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Kedron Township Trustee – Total votes: five (5)
Ron Cockburn, Write-in - Received two (2) votes
Tim Petersen, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Wayne Shumann, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Larry Wink, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Ron Cockburn duly elected to the office of Kedron Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Kedron Township Clerk – Total votes: forty-six (46)
Bill O’Connell - Received forty-six (46) votes
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Bill O’Connell duly elected to the office of Kedron Township Clerk for the term of 4 years.
Lakeport Township Trustee Total votes: fifty-nine (59)
Terry Small - Received fifty-seven (57) votes
Scattering – Received two (2) votes
We therefore declare Terry Small duly elected to the office of Lakeport Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Lakeport Township Clerk – Total votes: fifty-six (56)
Robert Gay - Received fifty-three (53) votes
Scattering – Received three (3) votes
We therefore declare Robert Gay duly elected to the office of Lakeport Township Clerk for the term of 4 years.
Liberty Township Trustee – Total votes: one hundred fifty-seven (157)
Garry Lines - Received one hundred fifty-two (152) votes
Scattering – Received five (5) votes
We therefore declare Garry Lines duly elected to the office of Liberty Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Liberty Township Clerk – Total votes: thirty (30)
Dick Braun, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Marty Calkins, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Garry Lines, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Jim Mendenhall, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
No Name, Write-in - Received five (5) votes
Steph Palmer-Eastman, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Barbara Parker, Write-in - Received eighteen (18) votes
Kathy Skidmore, Write-in - Received two (2) votes
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Barbara Parker duly elected to the office of Liberty Township Clerk for the term of 4 years.
Liston Township Trustee – Total votes: fifty-three (53)
John E. Fick - Received fifty-three (53) votes
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare John E. Fick duly elected to the office of Liston Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Liston Township Clerk – Total votes: forty-six (46)
Mary Ann Sohm - Received forty-five (45) votes
Scattering – Received one (1) vote
We therefore declare Mary Ann Sohm duly elected to the office of Liston Township Clerk for the term of 4 years.
Little Sioux Township Clerk – Total votes: sixty-four (64)
Kathy Blakely - Received sixty-three (63) votes
Scattering – Received one (1) vote
We therefore declare Kathy Blakely duly elected to the office of Little Sioux Township Clerk for the term of 4 years.
Little Sioux Township Trustee – Total votes: eight (8)
Charles Bromander, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Paul Frahm, Write-in - Received four (4) votes
Byron D. Johnson, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Gale Volk, Write-in - Received two (2) votes
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Paul Frahm duly elected to the office of Little Sioux Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Miller Township Trustee – Total votes: forty-nine (49)
Brian W. Baldwin - Received forty-eight (48) votes
Scattering – Received one (1) vote
We therefore declare Brian W. Baldwin duly elected to the office of Miller Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Miller Township Clerk – Total votes: ten (10)
Vickie Buettner, Write-in - Received four (4) votes
Roxie Hamann, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Connie Jensen, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Barb Ludwig, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
No Name, Write-in - Received three (3) votes
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Vickie Buettner duly elected to the office of Miller Township Clerk for the term of 4 years.
Morgan Township Trustee – Total votes: four (4)
Duane Boyle, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Darwin Hamann, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Bruce Petersen, Write-in - Received two (2) votes
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Bruce Petersen duly elected to the office of Morgan Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Morgan Township Clerk – Total votes: five (5)
Orville L. Petersen, Write-in - Received five (5) votes
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Orville L. Petersen duly elected to the office of Morgan Township Clerk for the term of 4 years.
Moville Township Trustee – Total votes: two (2)
No Name, Write-in - Received two (2) votes
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
Oto Township Clerk – Total votes: six (6)
Judy Faber, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Joe O’Connell, Write-in - Received five (5) votes
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Joe O’Connell duly elected to the office of Oto Township Clerk for the term of 4 years.
Oto Township Trustee – Total votes: fifty (50)
James R. Pierick - Received fifty (50) votes
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare James R. Pierick duly elected to the office of Oto Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Rock Township Clerk – Total votes: forty-four (44)
Gary Sobieski - Received forty-four (44) votes
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Gary Sobieski duly elected to the office of Rock Township Clerk for the term of 4 years.
Rock Township Trustee – Total votes: forty-six (46)
Jason Meins - Received forty-five (45) votes
Scattering – Received one (1) vote
We therefore declare Jason Meins duly elected to the office of Rock Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Rutland Township Clerk – Total votes: seventy-three (73)
Wayne Rieckman - Received seventy-two (72) votes
Scattering – Received one (1) vote
We therefore declare Wayne Rieckman duly elected to the office of Rutland Township Clerk for the term of 4 years.
Rutland Township Trustee – Total votes: eighty-three (83)
Charles Reinking - Received eighty-two (82) votes
Scattering – Received one (1) vote
We therefore declare Charles Reinking duly elected to the office of Rutland Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Sloan Township Clerk – Total votes: zero (0)
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
Sloan Township Trustee – Total votes: zero (0)
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
Union Township Clerk – Total votes: sixty-eighty (68)
Andrew J. Linn - Received sixty-eight (68) votes
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Andrew J. Linn duly elected to the office of Union Township Clerk for the term of 4 years.
Union Township Trustee – Total votes: sixty-four (64)
Keith E. Goodwin - Received sixty-three (63) votes
Scattering – Received one (1) vote
We therefore declare Keith E. Goodwin duly elected to the office of Union Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Westfork Township Clerk – Total votes: ninety-five (95)
Michael Baird - Received ninety-three (93) votes
Scattering – Received - two (2) votes
We therefore declare Michael Baird duly elected to the office of Westfork Township Clerk for the term of 4 years.
Westfork Township Trustee – Total votes: ten (10)
Richard Goodrich, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Charles Holst, Write-in - Received four (4) votes
Gary Little, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Monty McCoy, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Jerry Meyer, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Shirley Meyer, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Joyce Miller, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Charles Holst duly elected to the office of Westfork Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Willow Township Clerk – Total votes: two (2)
Fran Mitchell, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Jerry White, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare JERRY WHITE (drawn by lot) duly elected to the office of Willow Township Clerk for the term of 4 years.
Willow Township Trustee – Total votes: five (5)
Bob Dietrich, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Lyle Mitchell, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Lael Steinhoff, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Todd Sulsburger, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Cliff Teal, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Bob Dietrich (drawn by lot) duly elected to the office of Willow Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Wolfcreek Township Clerk – Total votes: seven (7)
Brian Ashley, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Linda A. Fixsel, Write-in - Received four (4) votes
John Forch, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
No Name, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Linda A. Fixsel duly lected to the office of Wolfcreek Township Clerk for the term of 4 years.
Wolfcreek Township Trustee – Total votes: sixty-nine (69)
Larry Fixsel - Received sixty-seven (67) votes
Scattering – Received two (2) votes
We therefore declare Larry Fixsel duly elected to the office of Wolfcreek Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Woodbury Township Clerk – Total votes: eleven (11)
Dustin Bok, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Jamie Bowers, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Gerald P. Collins, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Charles Hertz, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Paul Keuster, Write-in - Received six (6) votes
Phyllis Rashi, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Paul Keuster duly elected to the office of Woodbury Township Clerk for the term of 4 years.
Woodbury Township Trustee – Total votes: eight (8)
Mike R. Ashid, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Dustin Bok, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Jamie Bowers, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Kevin Burns, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
No Name, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Horst Zitlau, Write-in - Received three (3) votes
Scattering – Received zero (0) votes
We therefore declare Horst Zitlau duly elected to the office of Woodbury Township Trustee for the term of 4 years.
Woodbury County Extension Council – Total votes: sixty-three thousand one hundred eighty (63,180)
Linda Drey - Received eleven thousand eight hundred sixty-five (11,865) votes
Kris L. Posey - Received eleven thousand six hundred seventy-two (11,672) votes
Oscar M. Sanchez - Received seven thousand two hundred eighty-three (7,283) votes
Gary Shaner - Received ten thousand five hundred fifty-six (10,556) votes
Lane Tabke - Received ten thousand twenty-eight (10,028) votes
Don Wood - Received eleven thousand six hundred twenty-one (11,621) votes
Scattering – Received one hundred fifty-five (155) votes
We therefore declare Linda Drey, Kris L. Posey, Gary Shaner, Lane Tabke, and Don Wood duly elected to the office of County Extension for the term of 4 years.
Woodbury County Soil & Water Conservation – Total votes: fifteen thousand six hundred
seventy-four (15,674)
Arthur C. Ralston - Received fifteen thousand three hundred ninety-nine (15,399) votes
Glen Baker, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Smokey Bear, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Leroy Beck, Write-in - Received two (2) votes
Leonard Berg, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Nick Book, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Dennis R. Boyle, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Jason Briarmann, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Pat Brown, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Tom Brunken, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
William Buckholtz, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Bob Burkett, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Jack Burright, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Lewis Byers, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Kyle P. Carlson, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
George W. Carver, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Frank Casady, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Jay Chadwick, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Jack Cook, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Frank Cosgrove, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Ronald E. Craft, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
James Cross, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Jeremy Cross, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Jim Cross, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Charles Dawe, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Democrat, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Bob Derochie, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Jason Deuhr, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
John Dixon, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Tammy Donavon, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Jonathan Dorr, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Wayne Ducoman, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Dale Finken, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Flores Flow, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Pat Gill, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Whoopie Goldberg, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
David Gomez, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Joe Green, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Craig Grinsely, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Catherine Hall, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Katherine Hall, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
William Hall, Write-in - Received two (2) votes
Tom Hansel, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Donald Harrison, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Byron Haylatt, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Ron Hayworth, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Dave Heaton, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
John Heilman, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Neil Helwig, Wright-in - Received one (1) vote
Gary Hempey, Write-in - Received two (2) votes
im Higgins, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Lee Hirst, III, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Dean Hoffman, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Marvin Holtz, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Gale Horan, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Ray Horton, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Bill Hulse, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Leo Jochum, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Harry John, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Pat Johnson, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Mark Jungers, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Kevin Kay, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Doug Kizziler, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Earl Kizziler, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Steve Kohl, Write-in - Received two (2) votes
Keith Kuhn, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Dennis LaBrune, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Dennis Langley, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Blair Lawton, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Dennis Lihs, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Bill Lyle, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Michelle Madlan, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Bob Madsen, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Glenn Marlett, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Tom McGaffey, Write-in - Received two (2) votes
Jerry Meyer, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Robert Milburn, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Dave Miller, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Lyle Mitchell, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Scott Moans, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Judy Nicholls, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Todd Niggeling, Write-in - Received two (2) votes
No Name, Write-in - Received seven (7) votes
Not Him, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Tom Oehlerking, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Gerald Palsion, Write-in - Received two (2) votes
Patricia C. Parmeke, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Katheryn Patterson, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Noel Patterson, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Bart Peterson, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Sandy Pickens, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Ross Potter, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Profanity, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Wayne Ralston, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Bob Rice, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Pedro Sanchez, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Dr. Don Schenck, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Bruce Schmit, Write-in - Received twenty-two (22) votes
Gary Shaner, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Bill Smith, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Diane Sorenson, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Sponge Bob Square Pants, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Bill Srotter, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Janice Stabbon, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Thomas J. Stevens, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Neil Stockforth, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Mark Till, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Henry Tordof, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Garland Treloan, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Tom Ulrich, Write-in - Received three (3) votes
Tom Vilsack, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
William Walker, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Henry Wallace, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Gary Walters, Write-in - Received seven (7) votes
Art Wandersheid, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Gary Weaver, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Gary Wilcox, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
John Wilcox, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Tommy Williams, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Cathy Wilt, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Brenda Wright, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Gary Zeliodt, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Gary Zeliscot, Write-in - Received one (1) vote
Scattering – Received one hundred eleven (111) votes
We therefore declare Arthur C. Ralston and Bruce Schmit duly elected to the office of Soil & Water Conservation for the term of 4 years.
Retention of Judges of the Court of Appeals
Anuradha Vaitheswaran – Affirmative votes 12,384 – Negative votes 5,715 – Total votes: 18,099
John C. Miller – Affirmative votes 15,419 – Negative votes 3,946 – Total votes: 19,365
Van D. Zimmer - Affirmative votes 13,638 – Negative votes 4,179 – Total votes: 17,817
Retention of District 3B Associate Judges
Robert J. Dull – Affirmative votes 14,180 – Negative votes 4,344 – Total votes: 18,524
Todd A. Hensley – Affirmative votes 15,009 – Negative votes 3,833 – Total votes: 18,842
Timothy T. Jarman - Affirmative votes 15,221 – Negative votes 3,992 – Total votes: 19,213
Question A – 20,114 votes cast
“Shall the City of Sioux City, Iowa, be governed by a mayor elected by the people for a four-year term and four council members elected at large for four-year terms as authorized by House File 2282 passed by the Eighty-first General Assembly of the State of Iowa, 2006 Session?”
Votes for the above proposition 10,958 votes
Votes against the proposition 9,156 votes
Question A was adopted.
Question B – 24,807 votes cast
"Shall the Woodbury County Agricultural Extension District be subject to an annual tax levy for Extension educationBal purposes, which shall not exceed thirteen and one half cents per thousand dollars of assessed valuation of the taxable property within the district up to a maximum revenue limit of $345,000 beginning July 1, 2003, with an increase in maximum revenue limit of $15,000 per year for each subsequent fiscal year, pursuant to Iowa code section 176A.10(4)(b)?"
Votes for the above proposition 13,233 votes
Votes against the proposition 11,574 votes
Question B was adopted.
Motion by Batcheller second by Monson to approve the canvass of the 2006 General Election. Carried 5-0.
Motion by Boykin second by Walish to go into closed session per Iowa Code 20.17 (3). Carried 5-0 on a roll-call vote.
Motion by Boykin second by Walish to go out of closed session per Iowa Code 20.17 (3). Carried 5-0 on a roll-call vote.
Meeting called to order.
Motion by Boykin second by Monson to approve the Board minutes of the October 31, 2006 and the November 7, 2006 meetings as submitted. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
The Oath of Office was administered to swear in Patrick PJ Jennings who was elected at the 11/07/2006 General Election as Woodbury County Attorney.
The Board approved the appointment of Sarah E. Schultz, Sheriff’s Reserve Volunteer, County Sheriff Dept., $1.00/year, effective 11/15/2006. Per Iowa Code 80D.11. Copy filed.
The Board approved the reclassification of Jason J. McManigal, Correctional Officer, County Sheriff Dept., $16.09/hour, effective 11/20/2006. Per DSA contract agreement from Class 2 to Class 1. Copy filed.
The Board approved the reclassification of Debra A. Heath, Clerk III, County Sheriff Dept., $17.44/hour, effective 11/26/2006. Per AFSCME Courthouse contract agreement from Grade 6, Step 4 to Grade 6, Step 5. Copy filed.
Motion by Boykin second by Walish to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an “Authorization to Initiate Hiring Process” for a Full-time Clerk II, Building Services Department. Entry level: AFSCME Courthouse, $11.52/hour. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
The Board discussed tax abatement on various parcels which are buildings on leased land for mobile homes that have been removed or disposed of.
Motion by Batcheller second by Monson to approve tax abatement for the following parcels:
1. Parcel #8847-30-301-975 - GreenTree Financial
Building on leased land for a mobile home that
has been removed and is no longer assessed.
Taxes due and payable 2006-2007 total $42.00
plus interest.
2. Parcel #8847-30-301-941 – Ellen L. Bock
Building on leased land for a mobile home that
has been removed and is no longer assessed.
Taxes due and payable 2006-2007 total $24.00
plus interest
3. Parcel #8847-30-301-969 – Iseman Corporation or
Iseman Homes Building on leased land for a
mobile home that has been removed and is no
longer assessed.
Taxes due and payable 2006-2007 total $42.00
plus interest
4. Parcel #8947-14-400911 – Darin E. Miller
Building on leased land for a mobile home that
has been removed and is no longer assessed.
Taxes due and payable 2005-2006 total $72.00
plus interest
5. Parcel #8847-30-326-903 – Robert Wacheldorf,
Roger Roland or Sharon Dee Wesselink
Building on leased land for a mobile home that
has been removed and is no longer assessed.
Taxes due and payable 2006-2007 total $15.00
plus interest
6. Parcel #8947-14-400-924 – Jose V. Martinez
Building on leased land for a mobile home that
has been removed and is no longer assessed.
Taxes due and payable 2006-2007 total $30.00
plus interest
7. Parcel #8947-14-400-929 – Choum Xayyachack
Building on leased land for a mobile home that
has been removed and is no longer assessed.
Taxes due and payable 2006-2007 total $82.00
plus interest
Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
The Board discussed renewing the lease for the ICN room at the Trosper-Hoyt Building with James Thompson, Department of Human Services.
Motion by Boykin second by Monson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a lease renewal for the ICN room at the Trosper-Hoyt Building, effective January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Monson second by Batcheller to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a final progress voucher for project #FM-CO97(74)—55-97, per recommendation of the County Engineer. Carried 5-0.
Motion by Walish second by Boykin to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a Utility Accommodation Permit submitted by Qwest Communication, Omaha, NE, to install underground phone line along the new alignment of County Route L-36 in the vicinity of the bridge replacement currently under construction, per recommendation by the County Engineer. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Bid letting was held at 10:15 a.m. for project L-C06 (4)—73-97. The bids were as follows:
Carlson Contracting, Merrill, IA - $79,051.45
Dixon Construction, Correctionville, IA - $65,190.72
Graves Construction, Spencer, IA - $70,065.46
Gus Construction, Casey, IA - $87,633.30
There were no further bids.
Motion by Boykin second by Batcheller to receive the bids and forward them to the County Engineer for review and recommendations. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Bid letting was held at 10:20 a.m. for project L-C06(3)—73-97. The bids were as follows:
Dixon Construction, Correctionville, IA - $56,086.20
Graves Construction, Spencer, IA - $63,987.20
Gus Construction, Casey, IA - $70,226.00
L. A. Carlson Contracting - $61,196.20
There were no further bids.
Motion by Batcheller second by Monson to receive the bids and forward them to the County Engineer for review and recommendations. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
The Board reviewed the County’s contribution to the Siouxland Initiative with Christopher McGowan from the Siouxland Initiative.
Motion by Batcheller second by Walish to contribute $5,000.00 from the Infrastructure fund. Carried 4-1, Clausen opposed.
The Chairman asked if there were any individual or group wishing to make a presentation of items not on the agenda or Supervisors’ concerns.
Motion by Boykin second by Monson to go into closed session per Iowa Code 21.5 (1) (j). Carried 5-0 on a roll-call vote.
Motion by Boykin second by Monson to go out of closed session per Iowa Code 21.5 (1) (j). Carried 5-0 on a roll-call vote.
Motion by Boykin second by Monson to go into closed session per Iowa Code 21.5 (1) (j). Carried 5-0 on a roll-call vote.
Motion by Boykin second by Monson to go out of closed session per Iowa Code 21.5 (1) (j). Carried 5-0 on a roll-call vote.
The Board adjourned the regular meeting until November 21, 2006.
Related Documents · 11/14/2006 Meeting