Minutes - 8/1/2006


The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, August 1, 2006 at 9:00 a.m. Board members present were Batcheller, Boykin, Clausen, Monson, and Walish. Staff members present were Karen James, Board Administrative Coordinator, Patrick F. Gill, Auditor/Clerk to the Board, and Bobbier Johnson, Assistant County Attorney.

The Claims were approved as presented. Copy filed.

Meeting called to order.

Motion by Boykin second by Batcheller to approve the Board minutes of the July 25, 2006 meeting as submitted. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Batcheller second by Monson to approve the minutes of the executive session held at the July 25, 2006 meeting as submitted. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Batcheller second by Boykin to receive for signatures a letter of support, for the Sioux City Mayors Youth Commission, urging legislators to adopt legislation requiring keg registration. Carried 5-0.

Motion by Walish second by Monson to draft a letter to urge the Iowa Association of Counties to urge the legislature to adopt legislation requiring keg registration. Carried 5-0.

Carolyn Goodwin representing the Mayors Youth Commission thanked the Board for their efforts.

The Public Hearing and Sale of real estate parcel #554820 (3245 Floyd Blvd.) was held at 10:15 a.m. The Chairman called on anyone wishing to be heard on said sale.

Motion by Boykin second by Walish to close the public hearing and sale of parcel #440850 (aka 1009 Mulberry Street). Carried 5-0.

The Chairman called for bids on real estate parcel #440850.

Eugene Wadell bid $286.00 plus recording fees. Vincent Fedderson bid $486.00 plus recording fees.

Eugene Wadell bid $600.00 plus recording fees. Vincent Fedderson bid $700.00 plus recording fees.

Eugene Wadell bid $800.00 plus recording fees. Vincent Fedderson bid $900.00 plus recording fees.

Eugene Wadell bid $950.00 plus recording fees. Vincent Fedderson bid $1,000.00 plus recording fees.

There were no other bids.

Motion by Batcheller second by Boykin to accept the bid of $1,000.00 plus recording fees, from Vincent Fedderson. Carried 5-0.


BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Woodbury County, Iowa, that the offer at public auction of:

By VINCENT AND CATHE FEDDERSEN, AS JOINT TENANTS WITH FULL RIGHTS OF SURVIVORSHIP AND NOT AS TENANTS IN COMMON in the sum of ONE THOUSAND & 00/100 ($1000.00)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dollars.

For the following described real estate, To Wit:

Parcel #440850
Lots 7 and 8, Block 3, Robsons Addition, City of Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa
(1009 Mulberry St.)

Now and included in and forming a part of the City of Sioux City, Iowa, the same is hereby accepted: said Amount being a sum LESS than the amount of the general taxes, interests, costs and penalties against the said Real Estate.

BE IT RESOLVED that payment is due by close of business on the day of passage of this resolution or this sale is null and void and this resolution shall be rescinded.

BE IT RESOLVED that per Code of Iowa Section 569.8(3 & 4), a parcel the County holds by tax deed shall not be assessed or taxed until transferred and upon transfer of a parcel so acquired gives the purchaser free title as to previously levied or set taxes. Therefore, the County Treasurer is requested to abate any taxes previously levied or set on this parcel(s).

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman of this Board be and he is hereby authorized to execute a Quit Claim Deed for the said premises to the said purchaser.

SO DATED this 1st Day of August, 2006.
Copy filed.

Motion by Walish second by Monson to approve renewal for the Countys membership to the Iowa Drainage District Association for 2006-2007. Carried 5-0.

The Board discussed with Social Services Coordinator Patty Erickon-Puttman, CRIS (County Rate Information System) and the possibility of Woodbury County joining.

Motion by Boykin second by Monson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a resolution authorizing the Chairman to sign a 28E agreement between Woodbury County and the Iowa Association of Counties, to establish the County Rate Information System. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.


WHEREAS, Participant Counties desire to cooperate, one with another, for the purpose of establishing a state-wide rate setting methodology; and

WHEREAS, each County is a public agency within the meaning of Iowa Code Chapter 28E (2001) and the Iowa State Association of Counties ('ISAC') is a private agency within the meaning of Iowa Code Chapter 28E (2001):

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF WOODBURY COUNTY that this County does hereby enter into the County Rate Information System 28E Agreement with the Iowa State Association of Counties and with other Counties, to form a separate legal entity known as County Rate Information System, to provide state-wide rate setting methodology, and the Chairperson of the Board of Supervisors is hereby empowered and directed to execute the County Rate Information System 28E Agreement on behalf of this County.

Copy filed.

The Board discussed the adoption of a Security Information Policy for Woodbury County with Bobbier Johnson, Assistant County Attorney.

Motion by Boykin second by Monson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a Security Information Policy for Woodbury County, Iowa. Carried 5-0.

Motion by Batcheller second by Walish to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a federal-aid agreement for project #BRS-CO97(80)60-97, per recommendation of the County Engineer. Carried
5-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Monson second by Boykin to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign four project agreements (HC-06-15, HC-06-16, HC-06-17, and HC-06-18) with Hungry Canyons Alliance, per recommendation of the County Engineer. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Monson second by Boykin to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a contract and bonds for bridge replacement project #BRS-CO97(63)60-97 with Dixon Construction Company, Correctionville. Carried 5-0.

The Chairman asked if there were any individual or group wishing to make a presentation of items not on the agenda or Supervisors concerns.

The Board adjourned the regular meeting until August 8, 2006.

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This content was printed from the County website at woodburycountyiowa.gov on March 25, 2025.