Minutes - 4/25/2006

The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, April 25, 2006 at 9:00 a.m. Board members present were Batcheller, Boykin, Clausen, and Walish, Monson was absent. Staff members present were Karen James, Board Administrative Coordinator, Patrick F. Gill, Auditor/Clerk to the Board, and Bobbier Johnson, Assistant County Attorney.
The Claims were approved as presented. Copy filed.
Meeting called to order.
Motion by Batcheller second by Walish to approve the Board minutes of the April 18, 2006 meeting as submitted. Carried 4-0. Copy filed.
The Board approved the appointment of Kari R. Dobbs, Correctional Officer, County Sheriff Dept., $14.18/hour, effective 04/22/2006. Amended hire date, from 04/21/2006 to 04/22/2006. Copy filed.
The Board approved the reclassification of Timothy Mech, Correctional Officer, County Sheriff Dept., $15.93/hour, effective 05/10/2006. Per DSA contract agreement, from Class 2 to Class 1. Copy filed.
The Board reviewed security camera bids with Todd Weidner, West Plains Engineering.
Motion by Batcheller second by Boykin to award the security camera bid to Simplex/Grinnell per recommendation from West Plains Engineering which includes elements of alternate #1 and alternate #2 with a change order. Carried 4-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Boykin second by Batcheller to approve the use of Riverboat Funds for the awarded project. Carried 4-0.
Motion by Walish second by Boykin to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a Utility Accommodation Permit submitted by High Tech Electric, on behalf of Qwest, to bore a telephone cable under County Route D-12 for a new residence. Carried 4-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Boykin second by Walish to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign two (2) Utility Accommodation Permits submitted by Frontier Communications Solutions, Fort Dodge, Iowa, to plow in telephone cable at two locations in Morgan Township. Carried 4-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Walish second by Boykin to award the bid for a front end loader for Secondary Roads Dept., to Road Machine and Supplies, Sioux City, in the amount of $146,950.00. Failed 2-2, Batcheller and Clausen opposed. Copy filed.
Dick Storm, County Engineer, requested the Board waive the requirement that the requirement that prospective bidders appear on the approved bidders list.
Motion by Batcheller second by Clausen to waive the requirement the prospective bidders appear on the approved bidders list. Failed 2-2, Boykin Walish opposed.
Bid letting was held at 10:20 a.m. for project #L-P06(1)73-97, HMA (asphalt) paving of Derocher Path. The bids were as follows:
Barkley Asphalt $405,346.00
Brower Construction $293,234.00
There were no other bids.
Motion by Batcheller second by Clausen to waive the requirement for all bidders to be on the approved bidders list. Failed 2-2. Copy filed.
Motion by Batcheller second by Walish to receive the bids and submit them to the County Engineer for review and recommendations. Carried 4-0. Copy filed.
The Chairman asked if there were any individual or group wishing to make a presentation of items not on the agenda or Supervisors concerns.
Leonard Dunn, 990 Benton Avenue, addressed the Board about a culvert on his property and trees cut that fell on his fence.
The Board adjourned the regular meeting until May 2, 2006.
Related Documents · 4/25/2006 Meeting