Minutes - 6/28/2005

The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, June 28, 2005 at 9:00 a.m. Board members present were Batcheller, Boykin, Clausen, Monson, and Walish. Staff members present were Karen James, Board Administrative Coordinator, Patrick F. Gill, Woodbury County Auditor/Clerk to the Board, and John Sullivan, Board Legal Counsel.
The Claims were approved as presented. Copy filed.
Meeting called to order.
Motion by Walish second by Monson to approve the Board minutes of June 21, 2005 as submitted. Carried 3-0, Batcheller and Boykin abstained. Copy filed.
The Board approved the appointment of Kevin D. Larsen, Homeland Security Specialist, Board Administration Dept., $44,000/year, effective 07/05/2005. Job Vacancy Posted 04/14/2005. Entry Level Salary: $44,000/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved the appointment of Eugene D. Nitzschke, Homeland Security Info. Tech. Support Worker, Board Administration Dept., $42,000/year, effective 07/12/2005. Job Vacancy Posted 04/14/2005. Entry Level Salary $42,000/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved the separation of David E. Kjos, Deputy Sheriff, County Sheriff Dept., effective 07/22/2005. Copy filed.
The Board approved a 2.7% +Wage Study Adjustment for Theresa J. Jochum, Social Worker I, Social Services Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $46,016/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a 2.7% + Wage Study Adjustment for Tawnya M. Anson, Case Manager, Social Services Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $33,476/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a 2.7% + Wage Study Adjustment for Rochelle M. Jordan, Case Manager, Social Services Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $33,476/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a 2.7% + Wage Study Adjustment for Sara L. Wibbels, Case Manager, Social Services Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $35,501/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a FY Salary Increase for Cheryl J. Oldenkamp, Case Manager, Social Services Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $38,555/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a FY Salary Increase for Lucinda A. Zellers, Case Manager, Social Services Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $38,555/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a 2.7% + Wage Study Adjustment for Peri J. Nelson, Case Manager, Social Services Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $32,501/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a 2.7% + Wage Study Adjustment for Jennifer L. Kvidera, Case Manager, Social Services Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $32,501/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a 2.7% + Wage Study Adjustment for Benjamin T. Kusler, Project Engineer, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $56,552/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a FY Salary Increase for Roger L. Milligan, Asst. to Engineer/Operations, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $64,760/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a FY Salary Increase for Michael K. Lloyd, District Foreman, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $50,836/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a FY Salary Increase for Thomas F. Handke, District Foreman, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $50,836/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a FY Salary Increase for Patrick W. Weaver, District Foreman, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $50,836/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a 2.7% + Wage Study Adjustment for Michael A. Gray, District Foreman, Secondary Roads Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $44,805/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved an 85% of Elected Official Salary for Mark A. Campbell, First Assistant County Attorney (85%), County Attorney Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $80,397/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved an 80% of Elected Official Salary for Victoria L. Ritz, Commissioner of Elections Deputy (80%), County Auditor/Recorder Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $52,122/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved an 80% of Elected Official Salary for Diane S. Peterson, Real Estate Deputy Recorder (80%), County Auditor/Recorder Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $52,122/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a 75% of Elected Official Salary for E. Dean Neal, Deputy Mapping Coordinator (75%), County Auditor/Recorder Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $48,864/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a 75% of Elected Official Salary for Jean M. Jessen, Second Deputy/Office Manager (75%), County Auditor/Recorder Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $48,864/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved an 85% of Elected Official Salary for Gregory T. Logan, Chief Deputy Sheriff (85%), County Sheriff Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $63,921/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved an 83% of Elected Official Salary for Robert E. Aspleaf, Second Deputy Sheriff (83%), County Sheriff Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $62,417/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a 70.05% of Elected Official Salary for Paula C. Appelt, Second Deputy-Tax (70.05%), County Treasurer Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $43,403/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a 70.05% of Elected Official Salary for Dianne B. McCall, Second Deputy-Tax (70.05%), County Treasurer Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $43,403/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a 62.97% of Elected Official Salary for Debra R. Kobold, Deputy Cashier (62.97%), County Treasurer Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $38,790/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved an 80% of Elected Official Salary for Michael R. Clayton, First Deputy-M.V. (80%), County Treasurer Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $49,567/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a 65% of Elected Official Salary for Linda G. Shelton, License Deputy-M.V. (65%), County Treasurer Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $40,000/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a FY Salary Increase for Robert B. Marqusee, Director, Rural Economic Development Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $51,350/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a FY Salary Increase for Clinton S. Meadows, Homeland Security Planner, Board of Supervisors Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $52,377/year. Copy filed.
The Board approved a FY Salary Increase for Danielle J. Dempster, Service Officer, Veteran Affairs Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $15.71/hour. Copy filed.
The Board approved a FY Salary Increase for Leo P. Miller, Gang Prevention Specialist, Juvenile Detention Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $22.66/hour. Copy filed.
The Board approved a FY Salary Increase for Gloria L. Zook, P/T Secretary, County Sheriff Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $18.71/hour. Copy filed.
The Board approved a reclassification for Amy J. Johnson, Correctional Officer, County Sheriff Dept., $15.31/hour, effective 07-09-2005. Per D. S. A. Contract agreement, from Class 3 to Class 2. Copy filed.
The Board approved the following correction:
The Board approved a FY Salary Increase, per Compensation Board recommendation, for Thomas S. Mullin, County Attorney, County Attorney Dept., effective 07/01/2005. Salary requested $94,585/year. Copy filed.
Motion by Walish second by Monson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an Authorization to Initiate the Hiring Process for one Deputy Sheriff, County Sheriff Dept., entry level D.S.A.: $16.50/hour. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Human Resources Director J.D. Pellersells discussed Workers Compensation Coverage Proposals and recommended to reject the proposals and to stay with the current coverage.
Motion by Clausen second by Batcheller to reject the Workers Compensation Proposals. Carried 5-0.
Motion by Batcheller second by Monson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a Resolution for a tax suspension for Betty J. Biederman. Carried 5-0.
RESOLUTION # __9934___
WHEREAS Betty J. Biederman, are titleholders of a mobile home located at 4101 E. Gordon Dr., Lot 219, City of Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa, and legally described as follows:
VIN 5351K
1970 Kit 62 * 24 Green
WHEREAS, Betty J. Biederman as titleholder of the aforementioned real estate has petitioned the Board of Supervisors for a suspension of taxes pursuant to the 1997 Iowa Code section 427.9, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors recognizes from documents provided that the petitioner is unable to provide to the public revenue; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors hereby grants the request for a suspension of taxes, and hereby directs the Woodbury County Treasurer to so record the approval of this tax suspension for this property.
SO RESOLVED this 28th day of June, 2005.
Copy filed.
Motion by Walish second by Monson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a Class C Liquor License Renewal, with Sunday Sales Privilege, for Theos Incorporated, 1911 Hwy 20 East, Lawton, Iowa. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Clausen second by Monson to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a Class C Beer Permit Renewal, with Sunday Sales Privilege, for Shop N Go, 1863 Hwy 141, Sloan, Iowa Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Clausen second by Walish to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a County Voting System Allocation Agreement between the Iowa Secretary of State and Woodbury County. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Walish second by Clausen to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Applications for Impoundment Structure Property Tax Exemption. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Clausen second by Batcheller to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an Appropriation Resolution for allocation of funds to departments/divisions. Carried 5-0.
Appropriation Resolution #9935
For Fiscal Year 2006
Whereas, it is desired to make appropriations for each Service Area and Program Activity of
County Government for the Fiscal Year 2006, beginning July 1, 2005, and
Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors that the amounts
detailed by Service Area on the Adopted FY 2006 Woodbury County Budget Summary Form 638-R
constitute the authorization to make expenditures from the County's funds beginning July 1, 2005
and continuing until June 30, 2006, and
Futhermore, this Appropriation Resolution extends the spending authority of each County Program
Activity to the amount appropriated to it as follows:
Fund/Dept/ Fund/Dept/ Fund/Dept/ Fund/Dept/
Division Amount Division Amount Division Amount Division Amount
001-0031 50,000 001-1001 911,593 001-1011 496,279 001-1051 3,348,235
001-1052 677,223 001-1061 735,538 001-1063 338,991 001-1064 14,351
001-1065 208,732 001-1068 10,000 001-1101 1,266,641 001-1103 84,666
001-1104 431,337 001-1111 87,400 001-3101 160,875 001-3041 1,521,064
001-3102 26,426 001-3112 200,000 001-3201 114,273 001-3211 93,064
001-3305 58,622 001-3401 14,085 001-3403 5,700 001-3404 12,000
001-3405 10,688 001-3406 19,960 001-3407 11,052 001-3409 2,000
001-6101 327,306 001-6111 579,344 001-6420 18,000 001-6113 162,125
001-6121 42,200 001-8101 894,613 001-8111 468,019 001-9001 319,842
001-9002 131,405 001-9003 176,789 001-9006 6,956 001-9011 331,474
001-9021 444,586 001-9032 12,600 001-9034 83,450 001-9101 658,636
001-9102 340,538 001-9103 245,755 001-9105 30,000 001-9111 1,127,677
001-9112 451,574 002-1211 316,786 002-1422 468,243 002-1501 28,500
002-1621 204,711 002-3301 1,125,841 002-3302 595,128 002-3311 167,513
002-8001 757,081 002-8002 63,509 002-8011 35,342 002-8012 34,842
002-8013 39,842 002-8014 27,792 002-9202 1,370,000 003-0227 611,001
004-9007 100,000 110-4000 1,618,500 110-4100 1,502,538 110-4200 5,937,681
110-4300 210,100 111-1001 340,129 111-6011 61,543 111-6021 91,230
111-6115 20,000 111-6201 6,650 111-6301 116,085 113-8112 170,000
111-8021 6,000 114-8112 28,000 220-0200 1,480,000 220-7000 6,218,044
220-9003 17,539 229-1212 80,000 231-0221 400,310 259-1211 17,654
261-6401 165,823 274-1101 40,000 278-1066 15,000 266-6101 65,000
294-1004 24,968 280-1006 7,809 293-1004 60,384 448-0102 160,000
448-0103 80,000 448-0105 160,000 448-0112 12,144 448-0113 26,880
448-0115 21,680 667-6101 226,600 667-6102 6,000 667-6103 22,400
Accordingly, until such time as a Service Area is identified as progressing to a spending level challenging
its appropriation, a budget amendment per 331.435 will not be implemented,
However, should a Program Activity approach a spending level challenging its appropriation level, and the
Service Area continues balanced, the Board of Supervisors will be requested to increase the Program's
spending authority by resolving to permit such, and,
Additionally, the Board of Supervisors may be requested to decrease a Program's appropriation by 10% or
$5,000, whichever is greater, to appropriate a like amount to a Program Activity requesting same: 331.435
will govern actions in this regard.
The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Woodbury County on June
28th, 2005.
Copy filed.
Motion by Monson second by Walish to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign three (3) Resolutions authorizing inter-fund transfers involving Secondary Roads, County Library, and General Supplemental. Carried 5-0.
RESOLUTION #___9936____
'Whereas, it is desired to authorize the Auditor to periodically transfer sums from the Rural Basic' 'Services Fund to the Secondary Roads Fund during the Fiscal Year 2005-06 budget year, and'
'Whereas, said transfers must be in accordance with Section 331.432 Code of Iowa,'
'Whereas, the purpose of the transfers are to move the taxes, levied on the township valuations, to ' the Secondary Roads Fund to pay their share of the expenses of the Secondary Roads Fund.
'Now, therefore be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Woodbury County, Iowa, as follows:'
The total maximum transfers from the Rural Basic Services Fund to the Secondary Roads Fund 'for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2005, shall not exceed the sum of $ 588,000.'
The Auditor is directed to correct his books when said operating transfers are made and to notify the Treasurer of the amounts of said transfers.
The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Woodbury County 'Iowa, on June 28, 2005.
Copy filed.
RESOLUTION #___9937____
'Whereas, it is desired to authorize the Auditor to periodically transfer sums from the Rural Basic' 'Services Fund to the County Library Fund during the Fiscal Year 2005-06 budget year, and'
'Whereas, said transfers must be in accordance with Section 331.432 Code of Iowa,'
'Whereas, the purpose of the transfers are to move the taxes, levied on the township valuations, to ' the County Library Fund to pay the their share of the expenses of the County Library.
'Now, therefore be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Woodbury County, Iowa, as follows:'
The total maximum transfers from the Rural Basic Services Fund to the County Library Fund 'for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2005, shall not exceed the sum of
The Auditor is directed to correct his books when said operating transfers are made and to notify the Treasurer of the amounts of said transfers.
The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Woodbury County 'Iowa, on June 28, 2005.
Copy filed.
RESOLUTION #___9938____
'Whereas, it is desired to authorize the Auditor to periodically transfer sums from the General' 'Supplemental to the General Basic Fund during the Fiscal Year 2005-06 budget year, and'
'Whereas, said transfers must be in accordance with Section 331.432 Code of Iowa,'
'Whereas, the purpose of the transfers are to fund the appropriations for the matching FICA, IPERS,' 'Health Insurance, Life Insurance and LTD costs expended from the General Basic Fund.'
'Now, therefore be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Woodbury County, Iowa, as follows:'
The total maximum transfers from the General Supplemental Fund to the General Basic
'Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2005, shall not exceed the sum of $ 3,344,369.'
The Auditor is directed to correct his books when said operating transfers are made and to notify the Treasurer of the amounts of said transfers.
The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Woodbury County 'Iowa, on June 28, 2005.
Copy filed.
Motion by Walish second by Batcheller to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a Resolution authorizing inter-fund transfer from DNR/MWP Energy Conservation to General Basic. Carried 5-0.
'Whereas, it is desired to authorize the Auditor to transfer from the DNR/MWP Energy Conservation' 'Fund to the General Basic Fund during the Fiscal Year 2005-06 budget year, and'
'Whereas, said transfer must be in accordance with Section 331.432 Code of Iowa,'
'Whereas, the purpose of the transfer is to close out the DNR/MWP Energy Conservation Fund that' has been inactive for five FY's.
'Now, therefore be it resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Woodbury County, Iowa, as follows:'
The total maximum transfer from the DNR/MWP Energy Conservation Fund to the General Basic 'Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2005, shall not exceed the sum of $ 25,840.10.'
The Auditor is directed to correct his books when said operating transfer is made and to notify the Treasurer of the amount of said transfer.
The above and foregoing resolution was adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Woodbury County 'Iowa, on June 28,2005.
Copy filed.
Motion by Batcheller second by Walish to receive and approve the plans for Moville Maintenance facility modifications, per recommendation of the County Engineer. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
The Board discussed with Rob Marqusee, Rural Economic Development Director, a Woodbury County Rural Economic Revitalization Organics Conversion Policy.
Motion by Batcheller second by Walish to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a Resolution approving a Woodbury County policy for rural economic revitalization Organics Conversion Policy. Carried 5-0.
Resolution ___#9940___
Woodbury County Policy for Rural Economic Revitalization
Organics Conversion Policy
It is the policy of Woodbury County to promote the economic vitality, and public health and safety, of its rural communities. The Organics Conversion Policy is intended to increase per capita income, provide incentives for job creation, attract economic investment, and promote the health and safety of its citizens and communities.
Woodbury County will grant up to $50,000 each year in real property tax rebate incentives for farms that convert from conventional farming techniques that use pesticides to organic farming that complies with the USDA National Organic Program Standards and Regulations. The Organics Conversion Policy provides tax relief in order to offset costs associated with the three-year conversion period and organic certification, and recognizes the possible reduction or elimination of federal farm subsidies by reason of a conversion.
Organics Conversion Policy
Section 1.1 Amount of Real Property Tax Rebates
Woodbury County will grant Woodbury County residents up to $50,000 in real property tax rebates per year for farms that convert from conventional farming techniques that use pesticides to organic farming that complies with the USDA National Organic Program Standards and Regulations.
Section 1.2 Tax Abatements on Land Only
The tax rebates shall be only applied to taxes levied on the value of unimproved real property zoned as agriculture; there shall be no rebate under this policy for real property taxes levied on the value of improvements (i.e., homes or other structures) to real property within Woodbury County.
Section 1.3 Organics Conversion
The tax rebates shall be applied to farming operations that have used conventional farming techniques and are converting to organic farm production. The tax rebates shall also be applied under this policy for land that has been dormant, or not actively used for farming operations, and converting said property to organic farm production.
Section 1.4 Tax Abatement Program Participation Period
A tax rebate under this policy shall be awarded to a successful applicant (herein called a participant) each year for a period of five (5) years during which time that applicant must comply with the USDA National Organic Program Standards and Regulations. The land subject to the rebate must be actively farmed in accordance with said standards and regulations throughout that five (5) year period.
Section 1.5 Certification Required After Third Year Participation
A participant must be certified organic at the end of year three (3) of its program participation and maintain said certification for the remaining two (2) years of its program participation.
Section 1.6 Program Withdrawal and Return of Tax Benefits
A participant who has taken advantage of a real property tax rebate under this policy, and who subsequently violates the USDA National Organic Program Standards and Regulations during any of the five (5) year participation period, or who has not received organic certification at the end of year three (3), shall immediately be liable for tax benefits received by reason of this policy, plus legal rate of interest from the date of conversion.
Section 1.7 Certification Authority
The recommended certifying agent for establishing compliance and organic certification is the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS). However, a participant in this program may acquire organic certification from any USDA accredited organic certification authority. The initial organic certification and report, and any annual updates, will be the sole authority to determine compliance with the USDA National Organic Program Standards and Regulations under this policy.
Section 1.8 Initial & Last Year of Participation; Year of Rebate
The tax rebate shall be applied for unimproved real property, zoned as agriculture, in the initial calendar year of participation only if USDA National Organic Program Standards and Regulations have been complied with from January 1 of the first year of participation. A Declaration of Compliance shall be signed and verified by the participant prior to each rebate distribution for participation years prior to organic certification and following annual reports. The tax rebate shall be distributed for tax payments actually made in the year of participation and shall be distributed to the qualified participant on July 1 and December 15 of each year. The intent is to provide immediate incentive even though payments in the first year of participation are actually assessed for the previous tax year by the Woodbury County Assessors Office.
Section 1.9 Source of Tax Rebate
The Woodbury County Rural Economic Development Department will be the agent for initiating the tax rebate to qualified participants. Successful applicants will be required to sign a contract incorporating the obligations in accordance with the terms of this policy in order to be a participate in this program.
Section 2.1 Application Process
The Woodbury County Rural Economic Development Department shall make an Application Form available to the landowners within Woodbury County on January 15, 2006. Woodbury County Rural Economic Development Department will need to receive the completed application no later than February 15, 2006 for consideration. Applications must be signed and submitted by the resident landowner who is of record with the Woodbury County Assessors Office.
Section 2.2 Organics Board
The Woodbury County Rural Economic Development Department shall establish an Organics Board who will review all timely submitted applications under this policy. The Organics Board shall consist of the Woodbury County Director of Rural Economic Development and four additional members from the rural Woodbury County farming and business community. The Organics Board, as recommended by the Rural Economic Development Department, must be approved by the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors prior to the review of applications under this policy.
Section 2.3 Organics Board Duties
The Organics Board shall review each application to determine potential increase in employment, proposed markets for the organic products, relationship with other organic farming operations in the region, type of crop or agricultural product to be produced, potential increase in income, and other information provided in the application. The Organics Board has the authority to deny any application that fails to respond to any question, fails to provide a viable business plan, or that discloses that non-residents will primarily benefit from the potential increase in profits derived from the conversion.
Section 2.4 Right of Appeal for Rejected Applications
If an application has been denied by the Organics Board, the unsuccessful applicant may appeal the ruling to the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors within fifteen (15) days from the mailing of said ruling. All hearings related to an unsuccessful application shall be public and upon sufficient notice as provided by law.
Section 2.5 Priority of Application Approval
The Organics Conversion Board shall allocate the total $50,000 in real property tax rebates between multiple program applicants; with a maximum of twenty percent (20%) of said total available tax benefits going to any one applicant. Allocation of the total available tax rebates ($50,000) shall be made by the Organics Conversion Board among all the applicants based upon review of all factors stated in Section 2.2; the best applicant proposals having priority in being awarded participation in the tax rebate program.
SO RESOLVED this 28th day of June, 2005.
Copy filed.
Robert Moore, Sioux City Planning Division Manager, gave a presentation to the Board, of Sioux Citys Comprehensive Plan. The plan is intended to guide, encourage and support future residential, commercial, and industrial development over the next 20 to 30 years in the City of Sioux City.
The Chairman asked if there were any individual or group wishing to make a presentation of items not on the agenda or Supervisors concerns.
Jean Lillie, 3117 Laurel Avenue, Sioux City brought concerns to the Board about the Sheriffs Department presence at civil hearings.
The Board adjourned the regular meeting until July 5, 2005.
Related Documents · 6/28/2005 Meeting