Minutes - 9/17/2004

The Board of Supervisors met on Friday, September 17, 2004, at 9:000 A.M. Board members present were Batcheller, Welte and Walish; Boykin and Clausen were absent. Staff members present were Victoria L. Ritz, Deputy Commissioner of Elections, and Patrick F. Gill, County Auditor/Clerk to the Board.

The meeting was called to order to canvass the Annual School Board Election held in Woodbury County on September 14, 2004.

Victoria Ritz, Deputy Commissioner of Elections, announced there were three (3) provisional ballots of which none were accepted, and five (5) after election absentee ballots which were accepted and added to the tally.

Motion by Walish second by Batcheller to approve and accept the Official Canvass results. Carried 3-0. Copy filed.

Official Canvass results were as follows:

For the office of Anthon-Oto Community School District Board Member Director District 3 - 1 Vacancy, there were Sixty-four (64) ballots cast as follows:

Bob Clausen received Sixty-four 64 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received None 0 votes

We therefore declare Bob Clausen duly elected to the office of Anthon-Oto Community School District Board Member-Director District 3 for the term of three (3) years.

For the office of Lawton-Bronson Community School District Board Member-Director District #3 - 1 Vacancy there were Seventy-four (74) ballots cast as follows:

Steve Olson received Sixty-five 65 votes
Scattered Write-in Votes received Three 3 votes

We therefore declare Steve Olson duly elected to the office of Lawton-Bronson Community School District Board Member-Director District 3 for the term of three (3) years.

For the office of Lawton-Bronson Community School District Board Member-Director District 4 - 1 Vacancy there were Seventy-four (74) ballots cast as follows:

Amy Denney received Sixty-eight 68 votes
Scattered Write-in Votes received One 1 vote

We therefore declare Amy Denney duly elected to the office of Lawton-Bronson Community School District Board Member-Director District 4 for the term of three (3) years.

For the office of River Valley Community School District Board Member-Director District 2 there were Two hundred seventy-two (272) ballots cast as follows:

Roy D. Linn received Fifty-eight 58 votes
Kirk W. Utesch received Two hundred, twelve 212 votes
Scattered Write-in Votes received None 0 votes

We therefore declare Kirk W. Utesch duly elected to the office of River Valley Community School District Board Member-Director District 2 for the term of three (3) years.

For the office of River Valley Community School District Board Member-Director District 3 there were One hundred seventy-two (272) ballots cast as follows:

Mary E. Todd received One hundred eighty-seven 187 votes
Scattered Write-in Votes received Forty-four 44 votes

We therefore declare Mary E. Todd duly elected to the office of River Valley Community School District Board Member-Director District 3 for the term of three (3) years.

For the office of Sergeant Bluff-Luton Community School District Board Member 2 Vacancies there were Fifty-six (56) ballots cast as follows:

Therese Haindfield received Forty-six 46 votes
Mark Reinders received Forty-nine 49 votes
Scattered Write-Ins received Nine 9 votes

We therefore declare Therese Haindfield and Mark Reinders duly elected to the office of
Sergeant Bluff-Luton Community School District Board Member for the term of three (3) years.

For the office of Sioux City Community School District Board Member there were Three thousand twenty-seven (3,027) ballots cast as follows:

Barbara Benson received Two thousand sixty-seven 2,067 votes
Fred R. Benton received Four hundred seventy-seven 477 votes
James M. Hassenger received Seven hundred thirty-six 736 votes
Walt Johnson received One thousand eight hundred twenty-two 1,822 votes
Maria Rundquist received Six hundred sixty-eight 668 votes
Scattered Write-Ins received Ten 10 votes

We therefore declare Barbara Benson and Walt Johnson duly elected to the office of Sioux City Community School District Board Member for the term of three (3) years.

For the office of Westwood Community School District Board Member 1 Vacancy there were Four hundred forty-five (445) ballots cast as follows:

Michelle Copple received Twenty-one 21 votes
John Kounas received One hundred eighty-five 185 votes
Rhonda J. MacClure received Seventy-five 75 votes
Dale B. Smith received One hundred thirty five 135 votes
Kirk Douglas Wiggs received Twenty-eight 28 votes
Scattered Write-Ins received One 1 vote

We therefore declare John Kounas duly elected to the office of Westwood Community School District Board Member for the term of three (3) years.

For the office of Woodbury Central Community School District Board Member- 2 Vacancies there were Fifty-two (52) ballots cast as follows:

Jerry B. Steffen received Forty-nine 49 votes
Kari E. Bappe received Forty-nine 49 votes
Scattered Write-Ins received None 0 votes

We therefore declare Jerry E. Steffen and Kari E. Bappe duly elected to the office of Woodbury Central Community School District Board Member for the term of three (3) years.

The Board adjourned the meeting.

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This content was printed from the County website at woodburycountyiowa.gov on March 25, 2025.