Minutes - 6/22/2004


The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, June 22, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. Board members present were Batcheller, Clausen and Walish; Boykin and Welte were absent. Staff members present were Karen James, Board Administrative Coordinator, Patrick F. Gill, Auditor/Clerk to the Board, and John Sullivan, Board Legal Counsel.

The Claims were approved as presented. Copy filed.

Meeting called to order.

Motion by Walish second by Clausen to approve the Board minutes of June 15, 2004 as submitted. Carried 3-0.

Motion by Clausen second by Walish to approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of June 18, 2004 as submitted. Carried 3-0.

The Board approved the appointment of Mary E. Peters, F.T.Youth Worker, Juvenile Detention Dept., @$12.94/hour, effective 6-23-04. Per AFSCME J.D. Contract agreement, from P/T to F/T Status. Copy filed.

The Board approved the separation of Bryan E. Wilson, Male Correctional Officer, County Sheriff Dept., effective 7-2-04. Resignation. Copy filed.

Motion by Clausen second by Walish to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the Authorization to Initiate the Hiring Process for a P/T Female Youth Worker, Juvenile Detention Dept., AFSCME J.D. FY 04/05: $12.79/hour, and for a Male Correctional Officer, County Sheriff Dept., D.S.A. FY 04/05: $14.18/hour. Carried 3-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Walish second by Clausen to authorize the Chairman to sign the Mercy Medical Center Agreement for Employee Assistance Program Services to Woodbury County for fiscal year 2004/2005. Carried 3-0. Copy filed.

The Board discussed insurance bids report with J.D. Pellersels, Human Resource Director.

Motion by Walish second by Clausen to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign an application for a Class C Liquor License renewal and Sunday Sales Privilege for Theos, Inc., 1911 Hwy 20 East, Lawton, IA. Carried 3-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Clausen second by Walish to set the Public Hearing and Sale of Real Estate Parcel #262290 on July 6, 2004 at 10:15 a.m. Carried 3-0.



Parcel #262290

WHEREAS Woodbury County, Iowa was the owner under a tax deed of a certain parcel of real estate described as:

Hornicks 2nd Addition, City of Sioux City, Woodbury County
Lot 9 (Nine) Block 8 (Eight)
(2329 W 3rd Street, Sioux City, Iowa 51103)

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Woodbury County, Iowa as follows:

1. That a public hearing on the aforesaid proposal shall be held on
the 6th Day of July, 2004 at 10:15 o'clock a.m. in the meeting
room of the Board of Supervisors on the first floor of the Woodbury
County Courthouse.

2. That said Board proposes to sell the said parcel of real estate at a
public auction to be held on the 6th Day of July, 2004, immediately
following the closing of the public hearing.

3. That said Board proposes to sell the said real estate to the highest
bidder at or above a total minimum bid of $ 275.00 plus recording

4. That this resolution, preceded by the caption 'Notice of Property Sale'
and except for this subparagraph 4 be published as notice of the
aforesaid proposal, hearing and sale.

Dated this 22nd Day of June, 2004.


Copy filed.

Motion by Clausen second by Walish to set the Public Hearing and Sale of Real Estate Parcel #328800 on the July 6, 2004 at 10:16 a.m. Carried 3-0.



Parcel #328800

WHEREAS Woodbury County, Iowa was the owner under a tax deed of a certain parcel of real estate described as:

Long View Addition, City of Sioux City, Woodbury County
Lot 12 (Twelve) Block 20 (Twenty)
(1116 Logan Street, Sioux City IA 51105)

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Woodbury County, Iowa as follows:

1. That a public hearing on the aforesaid proposal shall be held on
the 6th Day of July, 2004 at 10:16 o'clock a.m. in the meeting
room of the Board of Supervisors on the first floor of the Woodbury
County Courthouse.

2. That said Board proposes to sell the said parcel of real estate at a
public auction to be held on the 6th Day of July, 2004, immediately
following the closing of the public hearing.

3. That said Board proposes to sell the said real estate to the highest
bidder at or above a total minimum bid of $ 337.00 plus recording

4. That this resolution, preceded by the caption 'Notice of Property Sale'
and except for this subparagraph 4 be published as notice of the
aforesaid proposal, hearing and sale.

Dated this 22nd Day of June, 2003.


Copy filed.

Motion by Walish second by Clausen to authorize the Chairman to sign agreement with HGM Associates Inc. to provide engineering services for bridge replacement project of Union Township bridge, HGM Proposal No. 00074-105, per recommendation of the county engineer. Carried 3-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Walish second by Clausen to authorize the Chairman to sign Project Agreement # HC 04-9-F, project cost $27,500, Project Agreement # HC 04-13, project cost $44,000, Project Agreement # HC 04-14, project cost $22,000, Project Agreement # HC 04-15, project cost $16,500, Project Agreement # HC 04-16, project cost $27,500, Project Agreement # HC 04-17, project cost $49,500, and Project Agreement # HC 04-18, project cost $27,500, with Hungry Canyons Alliance to provide funding for streambed stabilization projects, per recommendation of the county engineer. Carried 3-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Clausen second by Walish to authorize the Chairman to sign a Utility Accommodation Permit submitted by Mid-American Energy Company, per recommendation of the county engineer. Carried 3-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Walish second by Clausen to adjourn the Board of Supervisors Meeting to convene Drainage District Trustees Meeting for districts the Board has under its jurisdiction. Carried 3-0.

Motion by Walish second by Clausen to approve the FY 2004-2005 drainage assessments for various drainage districts under the jurisdiction of the Board of Supervisors as submitted by the county engineer. Carried 3-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Batcheller second by Clausen to adjourn the Drainage District Meeting to convene Board of Supervisors Meeting. Carried 3-0.

Reconvene regular Board meeting.

There was a presentation of Certificate of Appreciation to James E. Peters for his service to Woodbury County.

The Public Hearing and Sale of Real Estate Parcel #601230 also known as 204 Main Street, Cushing, Iowa, was held at 10:15 a.m. The Chairman called on anyone wishing to be heard on said sale.

Motion by Clausen second by Walish to close the Public Hearing on the sale of Real Estate Parcel #601230 to the City of Cushing for $1.00 as there was no one present wishing to be heard on said sale. Carried 3-0.

Motion by Walish second by Clausen to accept the City of Cushings bid for $1.00 plus recording fees on Real Estate Parcel #601230. Carried 3-0.


BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Woodbury County, Iowa, that the offer at public auction of:
By City of Cushing in the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) for the following described real estate, To Wit:

Parcel #601230

West Lots 4-5 Block 8
(204 Main Street, Cushing, Iowa

Now and included in and forming a part of the City of Cushing , Iowa, the same is hereby accepted:
said amount being a sum LESS than the amount of the general taxes, interests, costs and penalties
against the said Real Estate.
BE IT RESOLVED that payment is due by close of business on the day of passage of this resolution or this sale is null and void and this resolution shall be rescinded.
BE IT RESOLVED that per Code of Iowa Section 569.8(3 & 4), a parcel the County holds by tax deed shall not be assessed or taxed until transferred and upon transfer of a parcel so acquired gives the purchaser free title as to previously levied or set taxes. Therefore, the County Treasurer is requested to abate any taxes previously levied or set on this parcel(s).
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman of this Board be and he is hereby authorized to execute a Quit Claim Deed for the said premises to the said purchaser.
SO DATED this 22nd day of June, 2004.
Woodbury County Board of Supervisors

Copy filed.

Motion by Walish second by Clausen to authorize the Chairman to sign consulting agreement with DeWild Grant Reckert and Associates Company for elevated water storage tank cleaning, inspection and touch-up not to exceed $1,100.00. Carried 3-0. Copy filed.

The Chairman asked if there were any individual or group wishing to make a presentation of items not on the agenda or Supervisors concerns.

There was no action taken to go into Executive Session per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(j).

Motion by Clausen second by Walish to go into Executive Session per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(c). Carried 3-0 on roll call vote.

Motion by Batcheller second by Clausen to go out of Executive Session. Carried 3-0 on roll call vote.

Motion by Walish second by Clausen to approve the advice of counsel with respect to the Fleenor issue. Carried 3-0.

The Board adjourned the regular meeting until June 29, 2004.

Related Documents · 6/22/2004 Meeting

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This content was printed from the County website at woodburycountyiowa.gov on March 25, 2025.