Minutes - 9/30/2003


The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, September 30, 2003 at 9:00 AM. Board members present were Batcheller, Boykin, Clausen, Walish and Welte. Staff members present were Karen James, Board Administrative Coordinator, Patrick F. Gill, Auditor/Clerk to the Board, and John Sullivan, Board Legal Counsel.

The Claims were approved as presented. Copy filed.

The Board canvassed the Western Iowa Tech Community College Election held on September 9, 2003.

Patrick F. Gill, Commissioner of Elections, presented the canvass as follows:

For the office of Western Iowa Tech Community College Board Member, Director District I, there were Two Hundred One (201) ballots cast as follows:

Norm Lang received Two Hundred One 201 votes
Scattered Write-Ins received Zero 0 votes

We therefore declare Norm Lang duly elected to the office of Western Iowa Tech Community College School Board Member, Director District I, for the term of one (1) year.

For the office of Western Iowa Tech Community College Board Member, Director District II, there were Three Hundred Forty-Nine (349) ballots cast as follows:

Michael D. Hunter received Three Hundred Forty-Seven 347 votes
Scattered Write-Ins received Two 2 votes

We therefore declare Michael D. Hunter duly elected to the office of Western Iowa Tech Community College Board Member, Director District II, for the term of three (3) years.

For the office of Western Iowa Tech Community College Board Member, Director District VIII, there were One Thousand Ninety-One (1,091) ballots cast as follows:

Russell C. Wray received One Thousand Sixty-Nine 1,069 votes
Scattered Write-Ins received Twenty-Two 22 votes

We therefore declare Russell C. Wray duly elected to the office of Western Iowa Tech Community College Board Member, Director District VIII, for the term of three (3) years.

Motion by Batcheller second by Boykin to receive and approve the official canvass results of the Western Iowa Tech Community College Election. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

Meeting was called to order.

Motion by Welte second by Batcheller to approve the Board minutes of September 23, 2003 as submitted. Carried 5-0.

The Board approved the separation of Lisa R. Stewart, M.V. Clerk II, County Treasurer Dept., effective 9-26-03. Resignation. Copy filed.

The Board approved the reclassification of Letitia A. Ford, Secretary III, Secondary Roads Dept., @$16.07/hour, effective 10-01-03. Reclassification per Board Approval, AFSCME Cthouse., from Grade 5, Step 5 to Grade 6, Step 5. Copy filed.

The Board approved the appointment of Alma L. Cespedes, P/T Youth Worker, Juvenile Detention Dept., @$12.45/hour, effective 10-05-03. Job Vacancy Posted: 7-17-03. Entry Level Salary: $12.45/hour. Copy filed.

The Board approved the appointment of Zachary L. Lewis, P/T Youth Worker, Juvenile Detention Dept., @$12.45/hour, effective 10-05-03. Job Vacancy Posted: 7-17-03. Entry Level Salary: $12.45/hour. Copy filed.

The Board approved the appointment of Lisa M. Welte, P/T Youth Worker, Juvenile Detention Dept., @$12.45/hour, effective 10-05-03. Job Vacancy Posted: 7-17-03. Entry Level Salary: $12.45/hour. Copy filed.

Motion by Welte second by Boykin to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the authorization to initiate hiring process for a Motor Vehicle Clerk II, AFSCME/Grade 4: Entry Level $11.27/hour. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Welte second by Batcheller to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Request to De-authorize a County Position for a Captain, County Sheriff Dept., per Board discussion on 9-23-03. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Clausen second by Welte to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Authorization to Reclassify Positions for Secondary Roads Dept., Secretary II to Secretary III, Entry Level: AFSCME Courthouse. Grade 6; and for County Sheriffs Dept. new position of Deputy Lieutenant, Wage Plan: $26.1701/hour, and for Deputy to Deputy Sergeant Position, Entry Level D.S.A.: $24.57/hour, per Board discussion 9-23-03. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

The Board heard reports on Woodbury County Law Enforcement Center environmental and building construction.

The Board discussed the appointment of a representative from the Board of Supervisors to Siouxland Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors.

The Chairman appointed Maurice Welte as the representative from Board of Supervisors to the Siouxland Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors.

Motion by Clausen second by Batcheller to approve and authorize Chairman to sign Resolution No. 9705 approving abatement of taxes for Floyd Township. Carried 5-0.




WHEREAS, Floyd Township is the titleholder of real estate Parcel #590385, located in Woodbury County, Iowa and legally described as follows:

Parcel #590385

Lots Thirteen and Fourteen (13 & 14) in Block Four (4), City of Bronson,
Woodbury County, Iowa

WHEREAS, the above-stated property has an unpaid balance of taxes owing, and the parcel is owned by a political subdivision of the state; and

WHEREAS, the political subdivision, namely Floyd Township, is failing to immediately pay the taxes due; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors sees that good cause exists for the abatement of these taxes and any future taxes that may be levied against this parcel; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors hereby abates the taxes owing on the above parcel according to Code of Iowa, 445.63, and hereby directs the Woodbury County Treasurer to abate these aforementioned taxes from the tax records.

SO RESOLVED this 30th day of September, 2003.


Copy filed.

Motion by Batcheller second by Welte to receive recommendation of County Engineer Richard Storm for single axle truck letting and to accept the bid of Holcomb Freightliner to furnish the Sterling Acterra at a net cost of $39,433.00. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Clausen second by Boykin to receive recommendation of County Engineer Richard Storm for calcium chloride letting and accept the bid of White Front Feed & Seed, Dubuque, Iowa, to furnish 135 tons @ $293.00/ton for a total cost of $39,555.00. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

The quotes for bridge maintenance repairs were as follows:

Site # Elkhorn Kooiker
K-45-1 $54,874 $38,900
C-241 $51,874 $24,900
D-137 $51,779 $29,940
C-158 $ 6,500 $ 6,960
$165,027 $100,700

Motion by Welte second by Clausen to receive the quotes and accept the quote of Kooiker Inc., per recommendation of the county engineer. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

Social Service Coordinator Patty Erickson-Puttmann discussed Home and Community Based Services Waiver Program with the Board.

Motion by Welte second by Boykin to approve 60 additional waiver slots and associated costs of Case Management operations. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Boykin second by Clausen to authorize the Chairman to sign Contract #CJJP-04-S4-003, Contract: Gang Prevention Specialist Services between Department of Human Services and Woodbury County, for continuation of Gang Prevention Specialist position under Siouxland Human Investment Partnership grant. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Welte second by Clausen to approve renewal of Occupational Health Program Agreement between Mercy Medical Services, Inc., doing business as Mercy Business Health and Woodbury County Juvenile Detention. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

The Chairman asked if there were any individual or group wishing to make a presentation of items not on the agenda or Supervisors concerns.

The Board adjourned the regular meeting until October 7, 2003.

Related Documents · 9/30/2003 Meeting

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This content was printed from the County website at woodburycountyiowa.gov on March 25, 2025.