Minutes - 9/13/2002

The Board of Supervisors met on Friday, September 13, 2002 at 9:00 A.M. Board members present were Boykin, Clausen, Walish; Batcheller and Welte were absent. Staff members present were Victoria L. Ritz, Deputy Commissioner of Elections, and Patrick F. Gill, County Auditor/Clerk to the Board.

The meeting was called to order to canvass the Annual School Board Elections held in Woodbury County on September 10, 2002.

Victoria Ritz, Deputy Commissioner of Elections, announced there were three (3) special challenged ballots, of which two (2) were accepted and added to the tally, and one after-election absentee ballot timely postmarked which was rejected for lack of proper address.

Motion by Boykin second by Walish to approve and accept the Official Canvass results. Carried 3-0. Copy filed.

Official Canvass results were as follows:

For the office of Anthon-Oto Community School District Board Member - Director District # 1 there were Five-hundred Sixty-Three (563) ballots cast as follows:

Judee R. Schumann received Three-Hundred Forty-One (341) votes
Randy Wolfe received Two-Hundred Nineteen (219) votes
Scattered Write In Votes received Three (3) votes

We therefore declare Judee R. Schumann duly elected to the office of Anthon-Oto Comm. School District Board Member - Director District # 1 for the term of three (3) years.

For the office of Anthon-Oto Community School District Board Member - Director District # 2 there were Five Hundred Sixty Three (563) ballots cast as follows:

Mark A. Bumsted received Two Hundred Twenty-Eight (228) votes
Calvin Gothier received Three-Hundred Seventeen (317) votes

We therefore declare Calvin Gothier duly elected to the office of Anthon-Oto Community School District Board Member - Director District # 2 for the term of three years.

For the office of Lawton-Bronson Community School District Board Member Director District # 1 there were One Hundred Ninety (190) ballots cast as follows:

Julie Karrer received One Hundred Thirty-Six (136) votes
Scattered Write-in Votes received Thirty-Two (32) votes

We therefore declare Julie Karrer duly elected to the office of Lawton-Bronson Community School District Board Member - Director District # 1 for the term of three years.

For the office of Lawton-Bronson Community School District Board Member Director District # 2 there were One Hundred Ninety (190) ballots cast as follows:

Kevin R. Grieme received One-Hundred Fifty-Nine (159) votes
Scattered Write-in Votes received One (1) vote

We therefore declare Kevin R. Grieme duly elected to the office of Lawton-Bronson Community School District Board Member - Director District # 2 for the term of three years.

For the office of Lawton-Bronson Community School District Board Member Director District # 4 there were One-Hundred Nineteen (119) ballots cast as follows:

Gary Gevik received Fifty-Three (53) votes
Anita Stevenson received Forty-Two (42) votes
Paul Roberts received Twenty-Four (24) votes

We therefore declare Gary Gevik duly elected to the office of Lawton-Bronson Community School District Board Member - Director District # 4 for the term of two years.

For the office of River Valley Community School District Board Member there were Eighty-Five (85) ballots cast as follows:

James Stowater received Seventy-Five (75) votes
Scattered Write-in Votes received Five (5) votes

We therefore declare James Stowater duly elected to the office of River Valley Community School District Board Member for the term of three years.

For the office of Sergeant Bluff-Luton Community School District Board Member there were One Hundred Thirty-One (131) ballots cast as follows:

Lea Ann Young received One Hundred Two (102) votes
Patty Saunders received Fifteen (15) votes
Debbie Wolfe received One (1) vote

We therefore declare Lea Ann Young duly elected to the office of Sergeant Bluff-Luton Community School District Board Member for the term of 3 years.

For the office of Sioux City Community School District Board Member there were Two Thousand Three Hundred Thirty-One (2,331) ballots cast as follows:

Ronald A. Jorgensen received One Thousand Eight Hundred Forty-Six (1,846) votes
Judy K. Peterson received One Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Seven (1,727) votes
Scattered Write-in votes received Forty-Four (44) votes

We therefore declare Ronald A. Jorgensen and Judy K. Peterson duly elected to the office of Sioux City Community School District Board Members for the term of 3 years.

For the office of Westwood Community School District Board Member there were Four Hundred Eleven (411) ballots cast as follows:

Richard Brenden received Thirty-Six (36) votes
David Folsom received Ninety-Three (93) votes
Steven Jewett received Two-Hundred Five (205) votes
Rhonda J. MacClure received One-Hundred Fourteen (114) votes
Dale B. Smith received One Hundred Thirty-Eight (138) votes
Roxie A. Ullrich received One-Hundred Sixty-One (161) votes
Steve Corey received Forty-Seven (47) votes
Scattered Write-ins received Seven (7) votes

We therefore declare Steven Jewett and Roxie A. Ullrich duly elected to the office of Westwood Community School District Board Members for the term of 3 years.

For the office of Woodbury Central Community School Director Board Member there were One Hundred Twelve (112) ballots cast as follows:

Marc T. Boothby received Ninety-Six (96) votes
Joyce Brende Kizzier received Ninety-two (92) votes
Scattered Write-in Votes received Five (5) votes

We therefore declare Marc T. Boothby and Joyce Brende Kizzier duly elected to the office of Woodbury Central Community School District Board Members for the term of 3 years.

The Board adjourned the meeting.

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This content was printed from the County website at woodburycountyiowa.gov on March 25, 2025.