Minutes - 12/11/2001

The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, December 11, 2001 at 9:00 A.M. Board members present were Boykin, Clausen, Batcheller, Walish and Welte. Staff members present were Karen James, Board Administrative Coordinator, Jean Jessen, Deputy/Clerk to the Board, and John Rusch, Board Legal Counsel.
The Board canvassed the City of Bronson Runoff Election held on December 4, 2001, with the following official results.
Jean Jessen, Deputy for the Auditor, announced there were no Special Challenge ballots and there were no after election absentee ballots to be added to the final tally.
For the office of Bronson City Council Member there were Thirty-four (34) ballots cast as follows:
Lisa Crilly received Nineteen 19 votes
John Kollars received Fifteen 15 votes
We therefore declare Lisa Crilly duly elected to the office of Bronson City Council Member, for the term of Two Years Unexpired.
Motion by Batcheller second by Welte to accept the Official Canvass for the City of Bronson Runoff Election held on December 4, 2001. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
The Claims were approved as presented. Copy filed.
Meeting called to order.
Motion by Clausen second by Walish to approve the Board minutes of December 4, 2001 as submitted. Carried 5-0.
The Board approved the appointment of Ronald L. Ransom, Custodian, Building Services Dept., @$8.99/hour, effective 12-12-01. Job vacancy posted 9-19-01. Entry Level Salary: $8.99/hour. Copy filed.
The Board approved the reclassification of Michael J. Fitzpatrick, Assistant County Attorney, County Attorney Dept., @$39,504/year, effective 12-18-01, per AFSCME Asst. Attorney Contract agreement, from Step 1 to Step 2. Copy filed.
The Board approved the reclassification of Patti M. Walsh, M.V. Clark II, County Treasurer Dept., @$11.03/hour, effective 12-21-01, per AFSCME Cthouse Contract agreement, from Grade 4, Step 2 to Grade 4, Step 3. Copy filed.
The Board approved the reclassification of Ronald E. Koch, Mapping Technician, County Auditor/ Recorder Dept., @$12.66/hour, effective 12-21-01, per AFSCME Courthouse Contract agreement, from Grade 6, Step 1 to Grade 6, Step 2. Copy filed.
Bid letting was held for the Countys Workmens Compensation Program. The bid letting was for a quote on dollar one and a $5,000 deductible coverage for Workmens Compensation Insurance. There were no bids received for this portion.
The second bids being received were for the third party administration (TPA) services of the Countys self-insured Workmens Compensation plan.
Bids were received as follows:
Grandy Pratt bid was received after the deadline.
Mills, Shellhammer & Associates bid was received for the third party administration.
Marsh Advantage bid was received for the third party administration.
There were no further bids.
Motion by Clausen second by Batcheller to receive the bids for Workmens Compensation Program and submit to human resources director for review and recommendation. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
The Board held a discussion on hiring freeze in Woodbury County.
Motion by Batcheller second by Welte to place a freeze on hiring in Woodbury County to be implemented through March 15, 2002 with temporary employment and outside staffing sources subject to the Board of Supervisors approval. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
The Public Hearing regarding the submission of a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) application was held at 10:30 A.M. The Chairman called on anyone wishing to be heard on the submission of CDBG grant application.
Motion by Clausen second by Walish to close the Public Hearing as there was no one present wishing to be heard on said application. Carried 5-0.
Motion by Clausen second by Walish to approve the submission of a Community Development Block Grant application for the renovation of office space at 1014 Nebraska Street for Siouxland District Health Department. Carried 4-1. Batcheller opposed.
Mr. Batcheller excused himself from the meeting.
Motion by Walish second by Clausen to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign a resolution approving suspension of taxes for E.A.V. Carried 4-0.
WHEREAS, Eleanor A. Van Cleave, as titleholders of real estate located at 1325 24th Street, Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa, and legally described as follows:
Parcel #478290
Lot Twenty (20) Block One (1) South Hyde Park Addition, Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa
WHEREAS, Eleanor A. Van Cleave as titleholders of the aforementioned property has petitioned the Board of Supervisors for a suspension of taxes pursuant to the 1997 Iowa Code section 427.9, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors recognizes from documents provided that the petitioner is unable to provide to the public revenue; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Woodbury County Board of Supervisors hereby grants the request for a suspension of taxes, and hereby directs the Woodbury County Treasurer to so record the approval of this tax suspension for this property.
SO RESOLVED this 11th day of December, 2001.
Copy filed.
Motion by Welte second by Clausen to acknowledge the appointments of Marilyn Huitink of Sloan, IA, and Gary Hardersen of Salix, IA, for the Office of Township Trustee in Sloan Township to fill two vacancies. Carried 4-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Clausen second by Walish to approve family farm applications subject to the county assessors recommendation. Carried 4-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Clausen second by Walish to deny family farm applications subject to the county assessors recommendation. Carried 4-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Clausen second by Walish to approve transfer of funds to Law Enforcement Center for UPS backup power for door locks for county jail from Building Services budget 001-9101-491-6105 to the Sheriff Jail budget 001-1051-410-4410 in the amount of $5,500. Carried 4-0. Copy filed.
The Board discussed repair/replacement of the roof at Trosper-Hoyt County Service Building.
It was the consenus to extend repair/replacement of the roof at Trosper Hoyt County Service Building to next week as only one bid was received.
The Chairman asked if there were any individual or group wishing to make a presentation of items not on the agenda or Supervisors concerns.
Rick Schneider from Conservation Department gave an update on trail project.
The Board reviewed the following budget items.
Secondary Roads
Motion by Welte second by Walish to receive the Roadside Management Program budget reduced by $4,426. Carried 4-0.
Motion by Clausen second by Walish to receive the Soil Conservation Program budget. Carried 4-0.
Motion by Clausen second by Welte to receive the Secondary Roads Program budget. Carried 4-0.
General Assistance
Motion by Welte second by Walish to receive the Administration budget reduced by $1,140. Carried 4-0.
Motion by Clausen second by Welte to receive the Services budget reduced by $24,503. Carried 4-0.
Woodbury County Information/Comm.
Motion by Clausen second by Walish to receive the Information Services budget reduced by $109,000. Carried 4-0.
Motion by Welte second by Walish to receive the Communication budget reduced by $33,200. Carried 4-0.
Department of Human Services
Motion by Welte second by Walish to receive the Department of Human Services budget reduced by $14,100. Carried 4-0.
The Board recessed for lunch at 12:00 Noon.
The Board reconvened at 1:00 P.M. to resume budget review.
County Attorney
Motion by Welte second by Clausen to receive the Administration and Services Program budget
reduced by $4,080. Carried 4-0.
Motion by Welte second by Walish to eliminate the G.R. Poet budget and Human Resources to deauthorize position. Carried 4-0.
Motion by Clausen second by Welte to receive the G.R. Edward Byrne budget. Carried 4-0.
Motion by Weltle second by Walish to receive the Juvenile Division Program budget reduced by $750. Carried 4-0.
Motion by Clausen second by Welte to receive the Jury and Witness Program budget reduced by $5,000. Carried 4-0.
Motion by Walish second by Clausen to receive the Forfeitures Program budget. Carried 4-0.
Building Services Department
Motion by Clausen second by Walish to receive the Courthouse Building budget reduced by $14,830. Carried 4-0.
Motion by Clausen second by Welte to receive the Law Enforcement Center Building budget reduced by $5,300. Carried 4-0.
Motion by Clausen second by Welte to move $25,620 from Building Services budget to the Sheriff Jail budget. Carried 4-0.
Motion by Clausen second by Welte to transfer one position from Law Enforcement Center budget to the Sheriff Jail budget and to transfer one position from Law Enforcement Center budget to the Courthouse Building budget. Carried 4-0.
Motion by Clausen second by Welte to receive the Trosper-Hoyt Building budget reduced by $22,000. Carried 4-0.
Motion by Clausen seond by Welte to receive the Prairie Hills Center Building budget. Carried 4-0.
Motion by Clausen second by Welte to receive the Siouxland District Health Building budget. Carried 4-0.
The Board adjourned the regular meeting until December 18, 2001.
Related Documents · 12/11/2001 Meeting