Minutes - 11/13/2001

The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 9:00 A.M. Board members present were Boykin, Clausen, Batcheller, Walish and Welte. Staff members present were Karen James, Board Administrative Coordinator, Patrick F. Gill, Auditor/Clerk to the Board.
The Board canvassed the November 6, 2001 City Regular Election at 9:00 AM with the following official results:
Victoria L. Ritz, Deputy Commissioner of Elections, announced there were six (6) special challenged ballots, of which two (2) were accepted and added to the Tally and one (1) after election absentee ballot that was timely postmarked and added to the Tally.
For the office of City of Anthon Council Member there were Thirty-nine 39 ballots cast as follows:
Larry Dicks received Thirty-two 32 votes
Kenneth McGraw received Thirty-seven 37 votes
Selma Mills received Thirty-seven 37 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received Three 3 votes
We therefore declare Larry Dicks, Kenneth McGraw and Selma Mills duly elected to the office of City of Anthon Council Member, for the term of four years.
For the office of City of Correctionville Mayor there were One Hundred Twenty-one 121 ballots cast as follows:
Tom Rowse (W/I) received Forty 40 votes
Tom Henrichsen (W/I) received Twenty-three 23 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received Twenty-four 24 votes
We therefore declare Tom Rowse duly elected to the office of City of Correctionville Mayor, for the term of two years.
For the office of City of Correctionville Council Member there were One Hundred Twenty-one 121 ballots cast as follows:
John R. Jacobs, Jr received One Hundred Fourteen 114 votes
Tom Volkert received Eighty-five 85 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received Eleven 11 votes
We therefore declare John R. Jacobs, Jr and Tom Volkert duly elected to the office of City of Correctionville Council Member, for the term of four years.
For the office of City of Cushing Mayor there were Thirty-five 35 ballots cast as follows:
Gary Merkel received Thirty-two 32 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received Two 2 votes
We therefore declare Gary Merkel duly elected to the office of City of Cushing Mayor, for the term of two years.
For the office of City of Cushing Council Member there were Thirty-five 35 ballots cast as follows:
Donald Joy, Jr received Thirty-two 32 votes
Susan E. Knaack received Thirty-three 33 votes
Vincent Susie (W/I) received Fourteen 14 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received Nine 9 votes
We therefore declare Donald Joy, Jr, Susan E. Knaack and Vincent Susie duly elected to the office of City of Cushing Council Member, for the term of four years.
For the office of City of Danbury Council Member there were One Hundred Thirty-three 133 votes cast as follows:
Michael C. Barry received Seventy-four 74 votes
Mark J. Brenner received Eighteen 18 votes
David L. Colbert received One Hundred Eight 108 votes
Jeff Creswell received Fifty-one 51 votes
We therefore declare David L. Colbert and Michael C. Barry duly elected to the office of City of Danbury Council Member, for the term of four years.
For the office of City of Hornick Mayor Two Year Unexpired Term there were Forty-three 43 ballots cast as follows:
Robert Nelson (W/I) received Six 6 votes
Robert Dietrich (W/I) received Four 4 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received Two 2 votes
We therefore declare Robert Nelson duly elected to the office of City of Hornick Mayor, for the term of two years unexpired.
For the office of City of Hornick Council Member - Four Year Term there were Forty-three 43 ballots cast as follows:
Robert Dietrich received Thirty-four 34 votes
Chris Hanner received Forty 40 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received Five 5 votes
We therefore declare Robert Dietrich and Chris Hanner duly elected to the office of City of Hornick Council Member, for the term of four years.
For the office of City of Hornick Council Member Two Year Unexpired Term there were Forty-three 43 ballots cast as follows:
Gary M. Holtz received Forty 40 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received One 1 vote
We therefore declare Gary M. Holtz duly elected to the office of City of Hornick Council Member, for the term of two years unexpired.
For the office of City of Lawton Mayor there were Forty-seven 47 ballots cast as follows:
Martin Shorman received Forty-five 45 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received One 1 vote
We therefore declare Martin Shorman duly elected to the office of City of Lawton Mayor, for the term of two years.
For the office of City of Lawton Council Member there were Forty-seven 47 ballots cast as follows:
Anthony Bengford received Forty-three 43 votes
Terrence J. Masching received Thirty-six 36 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received Two 2 votes
We therefore declare Anthony Bengford and Terrence J. Masching duly elected to the office of City of Lawton Council Member, for the term of four years.
For the office of City of Oto Mayor there were Thirty-five 35 ballots cast as follows:
Gary Adkins received Twenty-two 22 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received Four 4 votes
We therefore declare Gary Adkins duly elected to the office of City of Oto Mayor, for the term of two years.
For the office of City of Oto Council Member there were Thirty-five 35 ballots cast as follows:
Dee Brown received Twenty-three 23 votes
David Dorale received Twenty-three 23 votes
George Friedel received Sixteen 16 votes
Sherry Gotto received Twenty-two 22 votes
Drema Pedersen received Fourteen 14 votes
Lyle Rayevich received Twenty-four 24 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received Eight 8 votes
We therefore declare Dee Brown, David Dorale, George Friedel, Sherry Gotto and Lyle Rayevich duly elected to the office of City of Oto Council Member, for the term of two years.
For the office of City of Pierson Mayor there were Eighty-two 82 ballots cast as follows:
Max M. Dunnington received Sixty-eight 68 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received Ten 10 votes
We therefore declare Max M. Dunnington duly elected to the office of City of Pierson Mayor, for the term of two years.
For the office of City of Pierson Council Member there were Eighty-two 82 ballots cast as follows:
Thomas E. Hardie received Seventy-three 73 votes
James Lalumendre received Twenty-three 23 votes
Stanley C. Pageler received Fifty-five 55 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received four 4 votes
We therefore declare Thomas E. Hardie and Stanley C. Pageler duly elected to the office of City of Pierson Council Member, for the term of four years.
For the office of City of Salix Mayor there were Twenty 20 ballots cast as follows:
Paul E. Scott received Fourteen 14 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received Three 3 votes
We therefore declare Paul E. Scott duly elected to the office of City of Salix Mayor, for the term of four years.
For the office of City of Salix Council Member there were Twenty 20 ballots cast as follows:
Sharla Dicks received Eighteen 18 votes
Stan Johnson received Seventeen 17 votes
William J. Shreve received Fourteen 14 votes
We therefore declare Sharla Dicks, Stan Johnson and William J. Shreve duly elected to the office of City of Salix Council Member, for the term of four years.
For the office of City of Sergeant Bluff Mayor there were One Hundred Eighty-three 183 ballots cast as follows:
Dale G. Petersen received One Hundred Forty-nine 149 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received Seventeen 17 votes
We therefore declare Dale G. Petersen duly elected to the office of City of Sergeant Bluff Mayor, for the term of four years.
For the office of City of Sergeant Bluff Council Member there were One Hundred Eighty-three 183 ballots cast as follows:
Glenda Moriarty received One Hundred Forty-three 143 votes
Sid Seward received One Hundred Forty-two 142 votes
Chris Thomas received One Hundred Forty-one 141 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received Sixteen 16 votes
We therefore declare Glenda Moriarty, Sid Seward and Chris Thomas duly elected to the office of City of Sergeant Bluff Council Member, for the term of four years.
For the office of City of Sioux City Council Member there were Nine Thousand Six Hundred Eighty-four 9,684 ballots cast as follows:
Martin J. Dougherty received Five Thousand Two Hundred Nineteen 5,219 votes
Dave Ferris received Five Thousand Three Hundred Ninety-six 5,396 votes
Karen Forneris received Four Thousand Three Hundred Fifty-nine 4,359 votes
George R. Lindblade received Four Thousand Thirty-one 4,031 votes
Thomas Padgett received Three Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty-seven 3,937 votes
Marty Pottebaum received Three Thousand Two Hundred Thirty-six 3,236 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received Forty 40 votes
We therefore declare Martin J. Dougherty, Dave Ferris and Karen Forneris duly elected to the office of City of Sioux City Council Member, for the term of four years.
For the office of City of Sloan Council Member there were Seventy-three 73 ballots cast as follows:
Brent A. Dewald received Sixty-three 63 votes
Joseph A. Pithan received Sixty-three 63 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received Eight 8 votes
We therefore declare Brent A. Dewald and Joseph A. Pithan duly elected to the office of City of Sloan Council Member, for the term of four years.
For the office of City of Smithland Mayor there were Sixty-one 61 ballots cast as follows:
Alvie Hesse received Forty-three 43 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received Sixteen 16 votes
We therefore declare Alvie Hesse duly elected to the office of City of Smithland Mayor, for the term of two years.
For the office of City of Smithland Council Member Four Year Term there were Sixty-one 61 ballots cast as follows:
Lynn D. Lundeen received Forty-four 44 votes
Kathryn Mack received Forty-seven 47 votes
Scattered Write-In Votes received Twelve 12 votes
We therefore declare Lynn D. Lundeen and Kathryn Mack duly elected to the office of City of Smithland Council Member, for the term of four years.
For the office of City of Smithland Council Member - Two Year Unexpired Term there were Sixty-one 61 ballots cast as follows:
Patricia Hopkins received Seventeen 17 votes
Curt Larson received Twenty-four 24 votes
Liz Peterson received Twelve 12 votes
Mark A. Struble received Thirty 30 votes
Connie J. Swearingen received Fourteen 14 votes
Ron Weber received Twenty-three 23 votes
We therefore declare Curt Larson and Mark A. Struble duly elected to the office of City of Smithland Council Member, for the term of two years unexpired.
Motion by Welte second by Walish to accept the official canvass of the City Regular Election. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
The Claims were approved as presented. Copy filed.
Meeting called to order.
Motion by Walish second by Welte to approve the Board minutes of November 6, 2001 as submitted. Carried 5-0.
Motion by Welte second by Clausen to approve the minutes of the special meeting of November 8, 2001. Carried 4-0, Walish abstained.
Motion by Batcheller second by Walish to approve the minutes of the first executive session of November 6, 2001 as submitted. Carried 5-0.
Motion by Clausen second by Welte to approve the minutes of the second executive session of November 6, 2001 as submitted. Carried 5-0.
Motion by Welte second by Batcheller to approve the minutes of the third executive session of November 6, 2001 as submitted. Carried 5-0.
The Board approved the separation of Margie Whitwer, Legal Secretary III, County Attorney Dept., effective 11-09-01. Copy filed.
The Board approved the appointment of Matthew P. Plummer, P/T Operations Officer, Disaster Services Dept., @$11.36/hr., effective 11-14-01. Job Vacancy Posted: 9-27-01. Entry Level Salary: $11.36/hour. Copy filed.
The Board approved the appointment of Debra A. Heath, Records Clerk III, County Sheriff Dept., @$12.17/hr., effective 11-26-01. Job Vacancy Posted: 10-16-01. Entry Level Salary: $12.17/hour. Copy filed.
Motion by Clausen second by Walish to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the authorization to initiate hiring process for a Legal Secretary III, County Attorney Dept. AFSCME Cthouse./Grade 6: $12.17/hour. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Clausen second by Welte to approve the lifting of tax suspension for M.A.H. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Walish second by Batcheller to approve the appointment of Greg A. Anderson to the Woodbury County Community Action Agency Board of Directors. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Welte second by Clausen to receive the Commission of Veteran Affairs Quarterly Report for first quarter ending September 30, 2001. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Rick Schneider, Director of Woodbury County Conservation, presented the 2001 Weed Commissioners Annual Report to the Board.
Motion by Welte second by Walish to receive the 2001 Weed Commissioners Annual Report. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Rick Schneider presented the Conservation Board FY01 Annual Report.
Motion by Walish second by Clausen to receive the Conservation Board FY01 Annual Report. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Batcheller second by Clausen to accept the bid of Steffen, Sioux City, in the amount of $10,474.00 for service bodies and flat beds for tool trucks, per recommendation of the county engineer. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Welte second by Walish to authorize the Chairman to sign a Utility Accommodation Permit submitted by Woodbury County R.E.C., per recommendation of the county engineer. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Welte second by Clausen to authorize the Chairman to sign Decatorization/Sanctions Grant Contract #172-D. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Phil Kratz from Department of Human Services held a discussion concerning DHS field restructuring with the Board.
Motion by Clausen second by Batcheller to approve tax abatement of personal assessed as real estate, buildings on leased land, delinquent grain tax and property owned by Woodbury County. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Clausen second by Walish to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Leave a Legacy Proclamation proclaiming November 12 - 18, 2001 as Leave a Legacy Siouxland Week. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.
The Chairman asked if there were any individual or group wishing to make a presentation of items not on the agenda or Supervisors concerns.
Maurie Welte circulated a proposal for ground rules for fiscal year 2002-2003 budget cycle.
The Board adjourned the regular meeting until November 20, 2001.
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