Minutes - 11/14/2000

The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, November 14, 2000, at 9:00 A.M. Board members present were Boykin, Clausen, Batcheller, Walish and Welte. Staff members present were Karen James, Board Administrative Coordinator and Patrick F. Gill, Auditor/Clerk to the Board.

Motion by Clausen second by Welte to accept the Official Canvass results of the General Election of November 7, 2000, as follows: Carried 5-0.

(Total Woodbury County Voters: 38,156)

U.S. President/Vice President Total Voters - 37,896

Al Gore/Joe Lieberman (D) 17,691 votes
George W. Bush/Dick Cheney (R) 18,864 votes
Harry Browne/Art Olivier (LIB) 76 votes
Ralph Nader/Winona LaDuke (IA GRE) 804 votes
Pat Buchanan/Ezola Foster (REF) 406 votes
James Harris/Margaret Trowe (SOC WRK) 4 votes
Howard Phillips/J. Curtis Frazier (CONS) 19 votes
David McReynolds/Mary Cal Hollis (SOC USA) 2 votes
John Hagelin/Nat Goldhaber (NP) 7 votes
Various Write-ins 23 votes

U.S. Representative - 5th District Total Voters - 36,940

Mike Palecek (D) 13,382 votes
Tom Latham (R) 22,796 votes
Ben L. Olson (LIB) 481 votes
Ray Holtorf (NP) 263 votes
Various Write-ins 18 votes

State Senator - 2nd District Total Voters - 11,806

John Redwine (R) 11,678 votes
Various Write-ins 128 votes

State Senator - 6th District Total Voters - 3,238

Dennis J. Ryan (D) 1,177 votes
Steve King (R) 2,055 votes
Various Write-ins 6 votes

State Representative - 1st District Total Voters - 10,186

Wesley Whitead (D) 4,662 votes
Greg Hoversten (R) 5,514 votes
Various Write-ins 10 votes

State Representative - 2nd District Total Voters - 8,469

Steve Warnstadt (D) 5,787 votes
Joel Arends (R) 2,670 votes
Various Write-ins 12 votes

State Representative - 3rd District Total Voters - 11,828

Russ Frazier (D) 3,944 votes
Christopher C. Rants (R) 7,868 votes
Various Write-ins 16 votes

State Representative - 4th District Total Voters - 2,501

Ralph F. Klemme (R) 2,481 votes
Various Write-ins 20 votes

State Representative - 11th District Total Voters - 1,855

Steve Kettering (R) 1,835 votes
Various Write-ins 20 votes

State Representative - 12th District Total Voters - 448

Clarence Hoffman (R) 447 votes
Various Write-ins 1 vote

Supreme Court Judges

Mark S. Cady 18,031 yes 4,577 no
James H. Carter 15,632 yes 4,560 no

Court of Appeals Judges

Daryl L. Hecht 18,351 yes 4,368 no
John C. Miller 17,736 yes 4,311 no
Anuradha Vaitheswaran 16,021 yes 5,503 no
Van D. Zimmer 16,928 yes 4,556 no

Alternate District Court Associate Judge

Myron D. Toering 18,313 yes 4,329 no

Associate Juvenile Judge

Brian L. Michaelson 19,644 yes 3,937 no

County Board of Supervisor - District 2 Total Votes - 29,809

Bob Batcheller (R) 23,258 votes
Eric Stolpe (NP) 6,489 votes
Various Write-ins 62 votes

Elected: Bob Batcheller

County Board of Supervisor - District 4 Total Votes - 35,756

Maurice Welte (D) 21,253 votes
Dennis Kirk (R) 14,474 votes
Various Write-ins 29 votes

Elected: Maurice Welte

County Board of Supervisor - District 5 Total Votes - 36,284

Larry D. Clausen (D) 19,490 votes
Stanley N. Navrude, Sr. (R) 16,738 votes
Various Write-ins 56 votes

Elected: Larry D. Clausen

County Auditor Total Votes - 36,550

Patrick F. Gill (D) 19,898 votes
Steve Harrington (R) 16,625 votes
Various Write-ins 27 votes

Elected: Patrick F. Gill

County Sheriff Total Votes - 37,051

Glenn J. Parrett (D) 16,592 votes
David Amick (R) 20,430 votes
Various Write-ins 29 votes

Elected: David Amick



2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term: No Candidates 2 Vacancies


2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term: Larry H. Hansen (R) 165 votes
Wallace E. Sorensen (R) 98 votes
Write-in: Terry Ludwig 1 vote
Elected: Larry H. Hansen and Wallace E. Sorensen


2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term: Charles H. Solomon (R) 380 votes
Write-ins: Paul Armstrong 1 vote
Ken Gard 1 vote
Cleo Pottorff 1 vote
Joe Shoop 1 vote
Me 1 vote
Miller 1 vote

Elected: Charles H. Solomon and (Ken Gard Drawn by Lot)


2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term: Kenneth Johnson (D) 142 votes
Donald Wohlert (D) 174 votes
Write-ins: Brian Peterson 1 vote
Noel Plumer 1 vote

Elected: Kenneth Johnson and Donald Wohlert


2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term: Jim Cox (D) 45 votes
Aaron Williams (R) 49 votes
Write-in: Doug Miller 1 vote

Elected: Jim Cox and Aaron Williams


2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term: Larry Bumsted (R) 44 votes
Patrick B. Maguire (D) 52 votes
Write-ins: April Carmen 1 vote
Tom Handke 2 votes
Gary Mitchner 1 vote

Elected: Larry Bumsted and Patrick B. Maguire


2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term: Lewis Brauninger (D) 73 votes
Wallace Duncan (D) 65 votes
Write-in: Baldwin 1 vote

Elected: Lewis Brauninger and Wallace Duncan


2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term: Maurice Choquette (N/P) 44 votes
John Stensland (N/P) 44 votes
Write-in: Terry Small 1 vote

Elected: Maurice Choquette and John Stensland


2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term: John Hollenbeck (D) 177 votes
Wade Brown (N/P) 126 votes
Write-ins: David Colbert 1 vote
Alice Meyer 1 vote

Elected: John Hollenbeck and Wade Brown


2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term: Janice R. Petrositch (D) 81 votes
Write-ins: Tom Cameron 1 vote
No Name 1 vote
Gary Seuntjens 1 vote
Ed Welte 7 votes

Elected: Janice R. Petrositch and Ed Welte

Little Sioux

2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term: Chester Claus (R) 71 votes
Melvin Johnston (D) 58 votes
Write-in: No Name 1 vote

Elected: Chester Claus and Melvin Johnston


2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term:
Write-ins: Mark Baldwin 1 vote
Marvin Buettner 1 vote
John Dixon 2 votes
Butch Fleck 1 vote
Connie Jensen 6 votes
Jon Rosauer 1 vote

Elected: Connie Jensen and John Dixon


2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term: Doug Corrie (R) 38 votes
Marc Van Houten (R) 46 votes
Elected: Doug Corrie and Marc Van Houten

1 Trustee - 2 yr. Unexp. Term: Darwin Hamann (R) 56 votes
Write-in: Bruce Peterson 1 vote
Elected: Darwin Hamann

1 Clerk - 2 yr. Unexp. Term:
Write ins: Scott Corrie 1 vote
Janice Petrositch 1 vote
Tom Sabel 2 votes
Jon Wilcke 2 votes

Elected: Jon Wilcke - (Drawn by lot)


2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term: Loren Neville (D) 102 votes
Write-ins: Shirley Ehlers 2 votes
Herb Foster 2 votes
Donald Hennings 1 vote
No Name 2 votes

Elected: Loren Neville and (Herb Foster Drawn by lot)


2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term: James J. Mullin (D) 35 votes
Frank W. Weber (D) 65 votes

Elected: James J. Mullin and Frank W. Weber


2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term: Peter T. Petersen (R) 49 votes
Gary Sobieski (D) 63 votes

Elected: Peter T. Petersen and Gary Sobieski


2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term: Ronald Bohle (R) 104 votes
Louis Reinking (R) 95 votes

Elected: Ronald Bohle and Louis Reinking

1 Trustee - 2 yr. Unexp. Term:
Write-ins: Brian Henchen 1 vote
Pat Johnson 1 vote
Charles Reinking 1 vote
Roger Reinking 1 vote
Roger Susie 2 votes
Leonard Wilcox 1 vote
Elected: Roger Susie

2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term:
Write-ins: Earl Byers 1 vote
Wilson Huetink 1 vote

Elected: Earl Byers and Wilson Huetink


2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term: Roy D. Linn (R) 89 votes
Lawrence E. Todd (R) 75 votes
Write-ins: Dick Todd 2 votes

Elected: Roy D. Linn and Lawrence E. Todd


2 Trustees 4 yr. Term: David Goodrich (R) 114 votes
Darrel Sulsberger (R) 104 votes
Write-in: Joyce Traver 1 vote

Elected: David Goodrich and Darrel Sulsberger


2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term:
Write-ins: James Lloyd 1 vote
James Seiger 1 vote
Jack Steinhoff 8 votes
Gary Sulsberger 8 votes
Jim Thomas 1 vote
Jerry White 1 vote

Elected: Jack Steinhoff and Gary Sulsberger


2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term: Ronald Hayworth (R) 81 votes
Lane Tabke (R) 42 votes

Elected: Ronald Hayworth and Lane Tabke


2 Trustees - 4 yr. Term: Terree L. Ritz (R) 385 votes
Mervin Zellmer (R) 434 votes
Write-in: No Name 1 vote

Elected: Terree L. Ritz and Mervin Zellmer

1 Clerk - 2 yr. Unexp. Term: Paul M. Kuester (R) 375 votes
Write-ins: Josh Eickholt 1 vote
Troy Gross 1 vote
No Name 1 vote

Elected: Paul M. Keuster

Northwest Regional Library System Trustees Total Votes - 35,328
District 1

(2 Vacancies - 4 yr.Term)
Nancy Burright 21,298 votes
Kent Vriezelaar 13,907 votes
Various Write-ins 123 votes

Elected: Nancy Burright and Kent Vriezelaar

Soil & Water Conservation District Commissioner Total Votes - 34,203

(2 Vacancies - 4 yr. Term)

Lyle Mitchell 17,522 votes
James W. Utesch 16,601 votes
Various Write-ins 80 votes

Elected: Lyle Mitchell and James W. Utesch

Soil & Water Conservation District Commissioner Total Votes - 21,467

(1 Vacancy - 4 yr. Term - To Fill Vacancy)

James D. Brown 21,324 votes
Various Write-ins 143 votes

Elected: James D. Brown

Woodbury County Agricultural Extension Council Total Votes - 63,246

(4 Vacancies - 4 yr. Term)

Nancy Countryman 17,830 votes
Lloyd Parker 14,510 votes
Polly Pithan 15,036 votes
Brian Sadler 15,708 votes
Various Write ins 162 votes

Elected: Nancy Countryman, Lloyd Parker, Polly Pithan and Brian Sadler

Woodbury County Agricultural Extension Council Total Votes - 20,575

(1 Vacancy 2 yr. Unexp. Term)

Sam Thomas 20,466 votes
Various Write-ins 109 votes

Elected: Sam Thomas

Amendment - Question 1 Total Votes - 23,483 Votes

Yes: 7,776
No: 15,707

Motion by Clausen second by Batcheller to go into Executive Session #1 per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(c). Carried 5-0 on roll call vote.

Motion by Welte second by Batcheller to go out of Executive Session #1. Carried 5-0 on roll call vote.

Motion by Clausen second by Batcheller to go into Executive Session #2 per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(c). Carried 5-0 on roll call vote.

Motion by Batcheller second by Clausen to go out of Executive Session #2. Carried 5-0 on roll call vote.

The Claims were approved as presented. Copy filed.

Motion by Clausen second by Batcheller to approve the regular Board minutes of November 7, 2000 as submitted. Carried 5-0.

Motion by Welte second by Clausen to approve the Board minutes of the special meeting of November 3, 2000 as submitted. Carried 5-0.

Motion by Walish second by Welte to approve the Board minutes of the first Executive Session of November 7, 2000. Carried 5-0

Motion by Clausen second by Welte to approve the Board minutes of the second Executive Session of November 7, 2000. Carried 5-0

Motion by Clausen second by Walish to approve the Board minutes of the third Executive Session of November 7, 2000. Carried 5-0

Motion by Batcheller second by Welte to approve the Board minutes of the fourth Executive Session of November 7, 2000. Carried 5-0

The Board approved the appointment of Debbie R. Cooper, Correctional Officer, County Sheriff, @$11.90/hr., effective 11-15-00. Job Vacancy Posted: 9-27-00. Entry Level Salary: $11.90/hour. Copy filed.

The Board approved the reclassification of Jeana R. Knudsen, Civil Clerk/Typist, County Sheriff, @$9.72/hr., effective 11-19-00. Per AFSCME Cthouse, Contract agreement, from Grade 3, Step 2 to Grade 3, Step 3. Copy filed.

The Board approved the appointment of Dianna L. Chase, Jail Nurse, County Sheriff, @$29,548/yr., effective 11-20-00. Job Vacancy Posted: 10-09-00. Entry Level Salary: $29,548/year. Copy filed.

The Board approved the reclassification of Donald C. Groves, Correctional Officer, County Sheriff, @$13.81/hr., effective 11-27-00. Per DSA Contract agreement, from Class 3 to Class 2. Copy filed.

The Board approved the reclassification of Gregory J. Stallman, Sheriffs Deputy, County Sheriff, @$16.93/hr., effective 11-27-00. Per DSA Contract agreement, from Class 3 to Class 2. Copy filed.

Motion by Welte second by Walish to approve the request of Ron Ronfeldt who will be retiring from Woodbury County Sheriffs Dept. to remain on the County health insurance plan at his own expense. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Batcheller second by Welte to approve tax abatement of personal assessed as real estate buildings on leased land. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Clausen second by Welte to approve and receive for signatures a resolution proclaiming November 12-18 as Leave a Legacy Siouxland Week. Carried 5-0.




WHEREAS, LEAVE A LEGACY is a national initiative sponsored in Iowa by a coalition of community-based programs throughout the state. The mission of LEAVE A LEGACY SIOUXLAND is to preserve and enhance the quality of life in our communities sustained by programs and services of charitable nonprofit organizations. It is an ongoing educational and awareness campaign to encourage people from all walks of life to plan gifts from their estate to nonprofit organizations of their choice. LEAVE A LEGACY is a collaborative effort between nonprofit organizations, estate and financial planning professionals, professional associations, community foundations, community leaders, corporate sponsors and a variety of media outlets.

WHEREAS, it is estimated that $40-$100 trillion of net worth in this country will be transferred over the next 15 to 20 years from one generation to the next, the largest intergenerational wealth transfer in history; and

WHEREAS, estate gift planning gives each of us the capacity to foster and perpetuate the values and ideals most important to us and our families and is tangible tool to leaving a legacy, being remembered and ensuring that we have each made the world a better place; and

WHEREAS, a collaborative effort to encourage estate gifts in general will enable the entire nonprofit sector to continue to serve local communities thereby sustaining the quality of life that makes our communities appealing places to live, work and raise families;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Woodbury County does hereby proclaim


in Woodbury County, Iowa and encourage all residents to consider making a planned gift from their estate to a nonprofit organization of their choice.

SO RESOLVED THIS 14th day of November, 2000


Copy filed.

9. Motion by Welte second by Clausen to authorize the Chairman to sign an agreement for Federal-Aid Surface Transportation Program (STP) Project. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

9b. Motion by Batcheller second by Walish to approve and receive for signatures a resolution designating snowmobile trails. Carried 5-0.




WHEREAS, POWDER PLAYERS, INC. SNOWMOBILE CLUB, has requested that the WOODBURY COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, designate the following portions of Woodbury County roadway to be used as snowmobile trails; L-14 from the Plymouth County Line to D-12 and D-12 from Highway 140 East to the West city limits of Pierson, Iowa, AND;

WHEREAS, Chapter 321G of the Code of Iowa allows the WOODBURY COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS to designate portions of roadway for snowmobile trail use for a specified period of time, AND;

WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 321G.9 of the Code of Iowa, the WOODBURY COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS has evaluated the traffic patterns of the roadways requested to be designated as snowmobile trails and has determined that a designated snowmobile trail on portions of said roadways will not unduly interfere with traffic or constitute a traffic hazard, AND;

WHEREAS, Section 321G.28 of the Code of Iowa does not require approval from the Iowa Department of Transportation for merely designating a portion of a county roadway as a snowmobile trail, AND;

WHEREAS, the WOODBURY COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS has agreed to designate the requested portions of Woodbury County roadways as snowmobile trails, AND;

WHEREAS, the POWDER PLAYERS INC. SNOWMOBILE CLUB agrees to sponsor said snowmobile trails, AND;

WHEREAS, the POWDER PLAYERS INC. SNOWMOBILE CLUB agrees to provide all designations and signs to be erected along said trails for the use of the club members, AND;

WHEREAS, the POWDER PLAYERS INC. SNOWMOBILE CLUB agrees to place and maintain any signs necessary to warn traffic of the operation of snowmobiles along said trails and roadways, AND;

WHEREAS, POWDER PLAYERS INC. SNOWMOBILE CLUB agrees that all members and any guest or associates using said designated trail shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 321G of the Code of Iowa and further agree that any violations of said Code Chapter shall be considered grounds for terminating the designation of said snowmobile trail, AND;

WHEREAS, POWDER PLAYERS INC. SNOWMOBILE CLUB agrees to hold and save WOODBURY COUNTY harmless from any and all liability resulting from injuries, loss or damages, including damages to equipment, of any kind to club members, guests or other persons using said snowmobile trail, or those whose injuries or damages are a result of the use of said trails by members, guests, or other persons using said snowmobile trail, AND;

WHEREAS, POWDER PLAYERS INC. SNOWMOBILE CLUB shall submit proof of insurance coverage, covering all persons participating in any club activities on or along the designated snowmobile trails to the Woodbury County Auditor within fifteen days of the passage of this resolution and agrees that failure to do so shall constitute grounds for the Board of Supervisors revoking this resolution.

WHEREAS, WOODBURY COUNTY does not warrant the condition of the county road right-of-way which will be designated as a snowmobile trail to be fit for any particular purpose nor, does it warrant against any hazards that may exist as a result of snow plowing or other necessary road work on the public road along side said trail.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Woodbury County, Iowa as follows:

1. The following roadway is hereby designated as a snowmobile trail for the POWDER PLAYERS INC. SNOWMOBILE CLUB and may be used for snowmobile operation from December 1, 2000 through March 31, 2001:

a. L-14 from Plymouth County Line to D-12, and
b. D-12 from Highway 140 East to the West City limits of Pierson, Iowa.

SO RESOLVED this 14th day of November, 2000.


Copy filed.

9c. Motion by Walish second by Clausen to approve plans for Pierson maintenance facility per recommendation of the county engineer. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

9d. Motion by Clausen second by Welte to receive petition for paving of DeRocher Path. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

9e. The Board held a discussion with a landowner concerning access to property on 320th Street.

11. Bid opening was held at 10:30 a.m. for sale of structures in Holly Springs. The bids were as follows:

3064 Humbolt Avenue (House)
Jimmie and Renee Colyer $4,100.00

3064 Humbolt Avenue (Garage)
Robin Morris $300.00

3064 Humbolt Avenue (6,900 bu bin)
Mike Weber $1,251.00
Fanchon and Lyndon Haddock $1,126.00
Carl McGrain $1,150.00
Delayne Folsom $2,070.00

3064 Humbolt Avenue (8,000 bu bin)
Mike Weber $1,351.00
Fanchon and Lyndon Haddock $2,016.00
Carl McGrain $1,300.00
Delayne Folsom $2,560.00

3064 Humbolt Avenue (8,000 bu bin)
Mike Weber $1,351.00
Fanchon and Lyndon Haddock $1,506.00
Delayne Folsom $2,160.00

There were no further bids.

Motion by Batcheller second by Clausen to receive the bids and to refer them to the zoning director for review and recommendation. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

Motion by Clausen second by Batcheller to adjourn the Board meeting to convene the Wolf Creek Drainage District meeting. Carried 5-0.

Motion by Welte second by Walish to approve a request for installation of culvert pipe. Carried 5-0.

Motion by Welte second by Clausen to adjourn the Wolf Creek Drainage District meeting. Carried

The Board reconvened the Board meeting.

The Chairman called on any individual or group wishing to make a presentation of items not on the agenda or supervisors concerns.

Jeff Harcum, Planner for the Sheriffs office, reported to the Board a supplemental award from the COPS technology grant.

Motion by Clausen second by Walish to accept the grant and receive the grant award letter. Carried 5-0. Copy filed.

Lloyd Tresham of Hornick asked the Board about the investigation of the use of millings.

Daryl Fixsel of Correctionville gave the Board pictures of an intersection he has a concern about.

Motion by Welte second by Walish to go into Executive Session #3 per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1) (c). Carried 5-0 on roll call vote.

Motion by Clausen second by Batcheller to go out of Executive Session #3. Carried 5-0 on roll call vote.

The Board adjourned the regular meeting until November 21st, 2000.

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This content was printed from the County website at woodburycountyiowa.gov on March 25, 2025.