Minutes - 1/18/2000

1. The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, January 18, 2000 at 9:00 A.M. Board members present were Boykin, Clausen, Batcheller, Walish and Welte. Staff members present were Nancy Hodge, Board Administrative Coordinator, Patrick F. Gill, Auditor/Clerk to the Board, and John Rusch, Board Legal Counsel.
2. The Claims were approved as presented.
3. Meeting called to order.
4. There was open discussion period held by the Board.
5. Motion by second by to approve the regular Board Minutes of January 11, 2000. Carried .
6. The Board approved the end of probation of Michael J. Weber, P/T Operations Officer, Disaster Services Dept., @$10.31/hr effective 1-1-00 per End of Probation Salary Increase. Copy filed.
7. The Board approved the end of probation of Jessica S. Behrend, Case Manager Social Services @$24,720/yr effective 1-1-00 per end of Probation Salary Increase. Copy filed.
8. The Board approved the reclassification of Larry D.Clausen, Board Member, Board Administration @$25,731/yr effective 1-4-00 from Board Chairman to Board Member. Copy filed.
9. The Board approved the reclassification of George W. Boykin, Board Chairman, Board Administration,
@$30,635/yr effective 1-4-00 from Board Member to Board Chairman. Copy filed.
10. The Board approved the transfer of James E. Thomas, Maintenance Technician, Building Services, @11.77/hr effective 1-10-00 per AFSCME Courthouse, Contract, transfer from Grade 3, Step 6 to Grade 5, Step 5. Copy filed.
11. The Board approved the promotion of Judy M. Herbst, M.V. Clerk III/Cashier, County Treasurer @13.81/hr effective 1-11-00 per AFSCME Court House Contract agreement, from Grade 5, Step 6 to Grade 6 Step 6. Copy filed.
12. The Board approved the Reclassification of Jennifer D. Hoaglund, Clerk III, County Sheriff
@$11.99/hr effective 1-13-00 per AFSCME Court House Contract agreement, from Grade 6, Step 2 to Grade 6, Step 3. Copy filed.
13. The Board approved the Reclassification of Eileen C. Whitehouse, R.E. Clerk II, County Auditor/Recorder, @ 10.29/hr effective 1-21-00 per AFSCME Court House Contract agreement, from Grade 4, Step 3 to Grade 4, Step 4. Copy filed.
14. Motion by second by to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the authorization to initiate hiring process for a Maintenance Worker, Building Services Dept., AFSCME Courthouse/Grade 3 Range: $8.51 - $11.22/hr. Carried . Copy filed.
15. The Board discussed participating with Sioux City Schools and City of Sioux City In an Audit and Review Program Conducted by Mid American Energy.
16. Motion by second by to approve the Woodbury Countys Overtime and Compensatory Time Policy. Carried . Copy filed.
17. Motion by second by to authorize Chairman to Sign 1999 OSHA 200 Report. Carried . Copy filed.
18. Recognition of Woodbury County Information and Communications Commission Data Processing Employees.
19. The Board reviewed the Appointment Needs for County Cluster Board. Copy filed.
20. The Board reviewed the Appointment Needs for Commission to Assess Damages, Category D. Copy filed.
21. The Board reviewed the Appointment Needs for Civil Service Commission. Copy filed.
22. Motion by second by for Reappointment of Directors and Alternates to the Loess Hills Alliance Board.
23. Consideration of Request from Western Iowa Tourism Region for Annual Dues.
24. Public Hearing on the Proposed Authorization of a Loan Agreement Between Woodbury County and the City of Sioux City for Equipment (Software/Hardware) Being Acquired for the Benefit of WCICC and Sheriffs Departments.
25. Motion by second by to adopt a Resolution Approving Transfer of Right-of-Way Lateral O. Carried . Copy filed.
Presentation by County Treasurer Robert Knowler and Receipt by Board of Supervisors of the County Treasurers Semi-Annual Report of Funds in the Hands of the County Treasurer. Copy filed.
Review and Discussion of Estimated Costs for the Woodbury County Treasurers Relocating to the Trosper-Hoyt County Services Building.
Sioux City Schools William Stoneburg; Mid American Energy Terry Slaughter Receipt: Consideration of a Joint Energy Management Program with Sioux City.
Northern Ponca Housing Authority Gary Hiikermann regarding Consideration of a Proposed Cooperation Agreement Between Woodbury County and Northern Ponca Housing Authority Regarding a Tax Exemption Status for Projects (Housing, Land, and Developments). Copy filed.
26. Motion by second by to receive the Recorder Administration & Services Program Budget (001-8111). Carried
27. Motion by second by to receive the Vital Records Program Budget (001-8113). Carried .
28. Motion by second by to receive the Mapping Division Budget (001-8114). Carried .
29. Motion by second by to receive the Auditor Administration Program Budget (001-9011). Carried .
30. Motion by second by to receive the Election Administration Program Budget (002-8001). Carried .
31. Motion by second by to receive the Animal Control Program Budget (002-6201). Carried .
32. Motion by second by to receive the Emergency Tax Allotment Program Budget (002-1211). Carried .
33. Motion by second by to receive the Fund 760 Supplement Program Budget (760-1211). Carried .
34. Motion by second by to receive the Conservation Administration Budget (001-6101. Carried .
35. Motion by second by to receive the Parks & Conservation Areas Budget (001-6111). Carried .
36. Motion by second by to receive the Little Sioux Park Budget (001-6112). Carried .
37. Motion by second by to receive the Conservation Naturalist Program Budget (001-6113). Carried .
38. Motion by second by to receive the Bigelow Park (001-6117). Carried .
39. Motion by second by to receive the Nature Center (001-6121). Carried .
40. Motion by second by to receive the Roadside Management Program (111-6011). Carried .
41. Motion by second by to receive the General Assistance Administration Budget (001-5002). Carried .
42. Motion by second by to receive the General Assistance Services Budget (001-5012). Carried .
43. Motion by second by to receive the Department of Human Services Budget (001-5001). Carried .
44. Motion by second by to receive the Woodbury County Information Budget (001-9111). Carried .
45. Motion by second by to receive the Woodbury County Communications Center Budget-(001-9112). Carried .
46. Motion by second by to receive the County Attorney Administration Budget (001-1101). Carried .
47. Motion by second by to receive the County Attorney Career Criminal Grant Budget (001-1103). Carried .
48. Motion by second by to receive the County Attorney Juvenile Division Budget (001-1104). Carried .
49. Motion by second by to receive the County Attorney Jury & Witness Budget (002-2101). Carried .
50. Motion by second by to receive the Courthouse Budget (001-0101). Carried .
51. Motion by second by to receive the Law Enforcement Center Budget (001-9102). Carried .
52. Motion by second by to receive the Trosper-Hoyt Budget (001-9103). Carried .
53. Motion by second by to receive the Prairie Hills Facility Budget (001-9105). Carried .
54. Motion by second by to receive the Siouxland District Health Building Budget (001-9106). Carried .
55. Motion by second by to receive the Secondary Roads Budget (220-0201220-7235). Carried .
56. Motion by second by to receive the Soil Conservation Budget (111-6115). Carried .
57. The Board adjourned the regular meeting until January 25, 2000.