Minutes - 10/7/1999


The Board of Supervisors met on Thursday, October 7, 1999, at 1:00 P.M. to canvass the City of Sioux City and City of Sergeant Bluff Municipal Primary Election of October 5, 1999. Board members present were Walish and Welte. Batcheller, Boykin, and Clausen were absent. Staff members present were Patrick F. Gill, Clerk to the Board, and Vicki Ritz, Deputy Commissioner of Elections.

Vicki, Ritz, Deputy Commissioner of Elections, announced there was one (1) special challenged ballot, of which zero (0) was accepted. There were also 2 absentee ballots received after the election and with the proper postmark date that were added to the tally list.

Motion by Welte second by Walish to accept the official canvass from the Municipal Primary Election for the City of Sioux City and City of Sergeant Bluff. Carried 2-0. The votes were as follows:

For the office of City of Sioux City Councilman, there were Four Thousand Six Hundred Thirty-Two (4,632) votes cast as follows:

Craig S. Berenstein received Two Thousand One Hundred Thirty-Two (2,132)
Antonio Drake received Two Thousand Three Hundred Ninety-Four (2,394)
Timothy B. Jacobs received One Thousand Five Hundred Twenty-Two (1,522)
Wayne E. Klapprodt received Five Hundred Forty-One ( 541)
Marty Pottebaum received One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty-Two (1,962)
Scattered Write-ins received Fourteen ( 14)

We therefore declare Craig S. Berenstein, Antonio Drake, Timothy B. Jacobs and Marty Pottebaum will go on the Regular City Election in November.

For the office of City of Sergeant Bluff Councilman there were Three Hundred Twenty-Six (326) votes cast as follows:

Cathy L. Bishop received Two Hundred Thirty ( 230)
Larry W. Kollbaum received Forty-Two ( 42)
Paul M. Kuester received Seventy-Three ( 73)
Michael A. Levich received Thirty-One ( 31)
David Ruskamp received Forty ( 40)
Don Wood received One Hundred Ninety-Seven ( 197)
Write-in received One ( 1)

We therefore declare Cathy L. Bishop, Larry W. Kollbaum, Paul M. Kuester and Don Wood
will go on the Regular City Election in November

Copy filed.

The Board adjourned the meeting until Tuesday, October 12, 1999.

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This content was printed from the County website at woodburycountyiowa.gov on March 25, 2025.