Minutes - 12/8/1998

The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, December 8, 1998 at 9:00 A.M. Board members present were Batcheller, Boykin, Clausen, and Welte. Burnight was absent. Staff members present were Nancy Hodge, Board Administrative Coordinator, Ann Long, Assistant County Attorney and Patrick F. Gill, County Auditor/Board Secretary.
The Claims were approved as presented.
Meeting called to order.
Motion by Batcheller second by Boykin to amend the Regular Board Minutes of December 1, 1998 to change Item 15 to include Carried 4-1 and add to the motion of Item 21 to include Batcheller commented that there is no financial obligation to the county and to approve as amended. Carried 4-0.
Motion by Clausen second by Batcheller to approve the minutes of Executive Session of December 1, 1998 as submitted. Carried 4-0.
The Board approved the separation of L. Jean Murphy, Human Resources, effective 03/31/99. Retirement. Copy filed.
Motion by Boykin second by Clausen to authorize the Chairman to sign the Authorization to Initiate Hiring Process for an Administrative Assistant, Human Resources, Wage Plan: $25,000 - $35,000/yr. (Based on Experience). Carried 4-0. Copy filed.
Motion by Batcheller second by Clausen to authorize the Chairman to sign Utility Accommodation Permit submitted by US West, Sioux City, IA. Carried 4-0.
District Associate Judge Patrick McCormick and District Court Administrator Leesa A. McNeil addressed the board about the possibility of an additional District Associate Judge being placed in Woodbury County.
Consensus was to ask the District Court Administrator to form a committee to study possible space needs.
The Public Hearing and sale of Real Estate Parcel #105660 was held at 10:15 A.M. The Chairman called on anyone wishing to be heard on said sale.
Motion by Boykin second by Clausen to close the Public Hearing on the sale of Real Estate Parcel # 105660 to the City of Sioux City Only. Carried 4-0.
Motion by Batcheller second by Clausen to sell Parcel #105660 to the City of Sioux City for $1.00 plus notice of sale publication fees, service cost and recording fees. Carried 4-0.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Woodbury County, Iowa, that the offer at public auction of: City of Sioux City
in the sum of ONE HUNDRED THIRTY AND NO/100 ($130.00) Dollars for the following described real estate to wit:
Now and included in and forming a part of City of SIOUX CITY, Iowa, the same is hereby accepted; said amount being a sum LESS than the amount of the general taxes, interests, costs and penalties against the said real estate.
BE IT RESOLVED that payment is due by close of business on the day of passage of this resolution or this sale is null and void and this resolution shall be rescinded.
BE IT RESOLVED that per Code of Iowa Section 569.8(3&4), a parcel the County holds by tax deed shall not be assessed or taxed until transferred and upon transfer of a parcel so acquired gives the purchaser free title as to previously levied or set taxes. Therefore, the County Treasurer is requested to abate any taxes previously levied or set on this parcel(s)
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chairman of this Board be and he is hereby authorized to execute a Quitclaim Deed for the said premises to the said purchaser.
SO DATED this 8th day of December, 1998.
Copy filed.
Motion by Boykin second by Batcheller to lift the tax suspension for V.E.T as the property has been sold. Carried 4-0.
Motion by Batcheller second by Boykin to approve a subdivision waiver request for Don Foreman for property located in the SE1/4SW1/4 Section 28 Woodbury Township.. Carried 4-0.
Mr. Batcheller excused himself at 10:20 AM.
Rick Mohl of Grandy Pratt Company, Tim Hupke and Ken Bilbrey of Hoffman Agency presented a Stop-loss liability insurance proposals. Diana Seeberger of Kirk Van Orsdel Inc. presented a workers compensation insurance proposal.
Dick Hansen of TCM and Darrell Moore of the Moore Group presented a report to the Board of Supervisors on Y2K Issues facing Woodbury County.
Motion by Boykin second by Clausen to receive the Y2K Report. Carried 3-0.
Motion by Boykin second by Clausen to go into Executive Session #1 per Iowa Code Section 21.5(1)(a). Carried 3-0 on roll call vote.
Mr Burnight participated in the executive session.
Motion by Boykin second by Clausen to go out of Executive Session #1. Carried 4-0 on roll call vote.
Discussion of the Countys Mental Health Plan took place.
Mr. Batcheller arrived at 12:45 PM.
Recess for lunch
Mr. Burnight excused himself at 1:15 PM.
Motion by Clausen second by Boykin to approve a diagnostic evaluation M.J. Carried 4-0.
Motion by Clausen second by Boykin to approve the negotiated terms with Mid Step Services for placement and payment of S.W. Carried 4-0.
Patty Erickson-Puttmann updated the Board on the status of the Countys Mental Health Plan.
There was discussion with the Mental Illness Planning Committee about the Mental Health Plan.
There was discussion of a change order for Courthouse Restoration Project, Phase III.
Chairman Maurice Welte stated there is good cause for departure from the agenda as there is a confidential matter affecting the safety and security of an individual that requires timely attention.
Motion by Clausen second by Batcheller to go into Executive Session #2 per Iowa Code Section 21.4. Carried 4-0 on roll call vote.
Motion by Clausen second by Boykin to go out of Executive Session #2. Carried 4-0 on roll call vote.
Motion by Boykin second by Batcheller to approve the social services coordinators recommendation for services for J.G. as discussed in the prior executive session.
Item 14 on the agenda regarding discussion of revenue and expenditure projections for C.I.P. projects and operation expenses was postponed by unanimous consent.
The Board adjourned the regular meeting until December 15, 1998.