Agenda - 5/3/2011

A G E N D A*
TUESDAY, MAY 3 , 2011
9:00 a.m. 1. Approval of Claims and Informational Discussion of Agenda Items Listed
10:00 a.m. 2. Call Meeting to Order, Approval of Minutes of the April 26, 2011, Meeting
10:01 a.m. 3. Human Resources – JD Pellersels
Re: Approval of Memorandum of Personnel Transactions
10:02 a.m. 4. Veteran Affairs – Danielle Dempster
Re: Approval of Hiring Staff to Assist in the Veteran Affairs Office
10:05 a.m. 5. Receive County Sheriff’s Civil Division Third Quarter and Year to Date Report
10:06 a.m. 6. Receive County Recorder’s Report of Fees Collected
10:07 a.m. 7. County Auditor – Patrick Gill
a. Action to Determine the Size of the Temporary County Redistricting
b. Action to Appoint Members of the Temporary County Redistricting Commission
10:15 a.m. 8. Approval of Resolution Authorizing the Execution of a Memorandum of Agreement
with Sunrise Manor a/k/a Sunrise Retirement Community and Fixing a Date for a
Hearing on the Proposed Issuance of Revenue Bonds or Notes
10:20 a.m. 9. Approval of an OHV Poker Run on the South East Side of the County
10:22 a.m. 10. Secondary Roads – Mark Nahra
Consider Approval Award of Project Number BROS-CO97(99)—5F-97
Consider Approval of a Permit to Work in the Right of Way for Hunt Brothers to Replace a Crossroad Pipe Near the Intersection of 300th Street and Emmett Avenue
10:25 a.m. 11. Hearing of any Individual/Group to Make a Presentation of Item(s) Not On the Agenda
and Supervisors’ Concerns
11:00 a.m. 12. Closed Session {Iowa Code Section 21.5 (1) (c)}
11:15 a.m. 13. Closed Session {Iowa Code Section 21.5 (1) (c)}
Subject to Additions/Deletions
TUESDAY, MAY 3 , 2011
MONDAY, MAY 2 7:00 p.m. Board of Adjustment meeting, Board of Supervisors’
TUESDAY, MAY 3 4:00 p.m. Veteran Affairs Meeting, Veteran Affairs Office, 1211 Tri-View
WEDNESDAY, MAY 4 12:00 noon District Board of Health Meeting, 1014 Nebraska St.
THURSDAY, MAY 5 5:00 p.m. Conservation Board Meeting, Dorothy Pecaut Nature
Center, Stone Park
TUESDAY, MAY 10 10:00 a.m. Senior Center Board of Directors Meeting,313 Cook Street
WED., MAY 11 7:30 a.m. Woodbury County Information Communication
Commission, Board of Supervisors’ Chambers
6:30 p.m. Woodbury County Solid Waste Agency (Sanitary Landfill)
Executive Committee Meeting, Public Safety Center, Climbing Hill
7:30 p.m. 911 Service Board Meeting, Public Safety Center, Climbing Hill
8:00 p.m. County’s Mayor Association Meeting, Public Safety Center
Climbing Hill
THURSDAY, MAY 12 7:00 p.m. Siouxland Mental Health Center, Board Meeting, 625 Court Street
12:00 p.m. SIMPCO Board of Directors, 1122 Pierce St, Sioux City, Iowa
TUESDAY, MAY 17 4:30 p.m. Community Action Agency of Siouxland Board Meeting, 2700
Leech Avenue
WED., MAY 18 12:00 noon Siouxland Economic Development Corporation Meeting, Marina
THURSDAY, MAY 19 11:00 a.m. Siouxland Regional Transit Systems (SRTS) Board
Meeting, SIMPCO Office, 1122 Pierce St., Sioux City, Iowa
MONDAY, MAY 23 7:00 p.m. Zoning Commission Meeting, Board of Supervisors’ Chambers
7:30 p.m. Fair Board Meeting, Woodbury County Fair Office, Fairgrounds, Moville, Iowa.
TUESDAY, MAY 31 2:00 p.m. Decat Board Meeting, Western Hills AEA, Room G
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