Agenda - 7/24/2007

A G E N D A*
TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2007
9:00 a.m. 1. Approval of Claims and Informational Discussion of Agenda Items Listed
10:00 a.m. 2. Open Meeting and Approval of Minutes of the July 17, 2007,
10:01 a.m. 3. Human Resource J.D. Pellersels
a. Approval of Memorandum of Personnel Transactions
b. Authorize Chairman to Sign EAP Agreement
10:02 a.m. 4. County Auditor Patrick Gill
Re: Acknowledge the Appointment of City of Smithland Mayor
10:03 a.m. 5. Board Administration Karen James
Re: Approval of Lifting Tax Suspension for D. B.
10:04 a.m. 6. Receive County Sheriffs Civil Division Fourth Quarter and Year to Date Report
10:05 a.m. 7. Secondary Roads Richard Storm
a. Authorize Chairman to Sign Utility Accommodation Permit Submitted by
Qwest Communications
b. Authorize Chairman to Sign Utility Accommodation Permit Submitted by
High Tech Electric LLC
c. Receive and Take Action on Quotes for Maintenance Bridge Repair at Two
10:10 a.m. 8. Court Security Committee Mark Monson
a. Discussion and Request Funding for Network/AVI Cabling and Audio
System for LEC Courtroom Security Project
b. Discussion and Acceptance of Recommendation to Accept Bid for
Database Software and Proximity Card Readers at Courthouse, LEC and
Eagles Club
10:20 a.m. 9. Hearing of any Individual/Group to Make a Presentation of Item(s) Not On the
Agenda and Supervisors Concerns
10:25 a.m. 10. Closed Session {Iowa Code 21.5 (1) (a)}
Subject to Additions/Deletions
A G E N D A* (Tentative) Page 2
TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2007
MONDAY, JULY 23 7:00 p.m. Zoning Commission Meeting, Board of Supervisors Chambers
TUESDAY, JULY 24 1:30 p.m. Decat Board Meeting, Western Hills AEA, Room G
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 1 12:00 noon District Board of Health Meeting, 1014 Nebraska St.
MONDAY, AUG. 6 7:00 p.m. Board of Adjustment meeting, Board of Supervisors Chambers
TUESDAY, AUG. 7 4:00 p.m. Veteran Affairs Meeting, Veteran Affairs Office,
Room 702, Courthouse
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 8 8:00 a.m. Woodbury County Information Communication Commission,
Board of Supervisors Chambers
THURSDAY, AUGUST 9 7:00 p.m. Siouxland Mental Health Center, Board Meeting, 625 Court Street
7:30 p.m. SIMPCO Meeting, South Sioux City Council Chambers
TUESDAY, AUG. 14 10:00 a.m. Senior Center Board of Directors Meeting, 217 Pierce Street
TUESDAY, AUG. 21 4:30 p.m. Woodbury County Community Action Agency Board
Meeting, 2700 Leech Avenue
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 22 12:00 noon Siouxland Economic Development Corporation Mtg., Marina Inn
MONDAY, AUG. 27 7:00 p.m. Zoning Commission Meeting, Board of Supervisors Chambers
7:30 p.m. Fair Board Meeting, Woodbury County Fair Office, Fairgrounds, Moville, Iowa.
TUESDAY, AUG. 28 1:30 p.m. Decat Board Meeting, Western Hills AEA, Room G
MONDAY, SEPT. 3 7:00 p.m. Board of Adjustment meeting, Board of Supervisors Chambers
TUESDAY, SEPT. 4 4:00 p.m. Veteran Affairs Meeting, Veteran Affairs Office, Room 702 Courthouse
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 5 12:00 noon District Board of Health Meeting, 1014 Nebraska St.
THURSDAY, SEPT. 6 5:00 p.m. Conservation Board Meeting, Dorothy Pecaut Nature Center
Stone Park
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