Agenda - 8/24/2004

A G E N D A*
TUESDAY, August 24, 2004
9:00 a.m. 1. Approval of Claims and Informational Discussion of Agenda Items Listed
On This Agenda
10:00 a.m. 2. Call Meeting to Order, Approval of August 17, 2004 Board Meeting
10:01 a.m. 3. Human Resource J.D. Pellersels
a. Approval of Memorandum of Personnel Transaction
b. Authorize Chairman to Sign Authorization to Hire
10:02 a.m. 4. Secondary Roads Richard Storm
a. Adopt Resolution Setting Public Hearing for Establishment of Level C Road
b. Receive and Approve Plans for Project BROS-CO97(51)5F-97
c. Receive and Approve Plans for Project BROS-CO97(69)5F-97
d. Authorize Chairman to Sign Utility Accommodation Permit Submitted by Woodbury
County REC
10:10 a.m. 5. Board Administration Karen James
a. Approval of Resolution for Abatement of Taxes for the City of Anthon
b. Approval of Resolution for Abatement of Taxes for the City of Sloan
c. Approval of Resolution for Abatement of Taxes for Woodbury County
d. Approval of Resolution for Sale of Property.
10:12 a.m. 6. County Sheriffs Office Brad Carlson, Building Services Mark Elgert,
DHS James Thompson
Re: Electronic Entry Doors to the Trosper-Hoyt Building
10:17 a.m. 7. Building Services Mark Elgert
a. Bid Opening for Boiler for County Building
b. Awarding a Contract for the LEC Roof Replacement
10:25 a.m. 8. Social Service Coordinator Patty Erickson-Puttmann
Re: Consideration and Approval of Grant Contract with Iowa Homeland Security and
Emergency Management Division for the Law Enforcement Terrorism
Prevention Program Grant for FY 2005-06
10:30 a.m. 9. Adult Corrections Linn Hall & Court Administrator Leesa McNeil
Re: Funding Request for Criminal Justice Research Project
10:40 a.m. 10. Western Iowa Tech Julie Stoik
Re: Approval of Resolution Authorizing Certification of Two Sioux City Cultural
10:50 a.m. 11. Dakota County Commissioner Lyle Todd
Re: Formal Thank You for Agreement and Assisting the Dakota County Juvenile
10:55 a.m. 12. Siouxland Chamber of Commerce Deb Durham
Re: Presentation on the Long Lines Family Center Project
11:05 a.m. 13. Consideration and Approval of Funding for Solutions Software for City Assessor and
Woodbury County
11:10 a.m. 14. Hearing of any Individual/Group Wishing to Make a Presentation of Item(s) Not on the
Agenda and Supervisors Concerns
1:00 p.m. 15. Personnel Evaluation (Closed Session)
1:30 p.m. 16. Personnel Evaluation (Closed Session)
Subject to Additions/Deletions
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