Agenda - 6/15/2004

A G E N D A*
TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 2004
9:00 a.m. 1. Approval of Claims and Informational Discussion of Agenda Items Listed
On This Agenda
9:15 a.m. 2. Canvassing of the Primary Elections
9:30 a.m. 3. Call Meeting to Order, Approval of June 8, 2004 Board Meeting Minutes
9:31 a.m. 4. Human Resource J.D. Pellersels
a. Approval of Memorandum of Personnel Transactions
b. Receipt of Bids for County Insurances
9:36 a.m. 5. County Auditor Patrick Gill
a. Approve Application for an Iowa Retail Cigarette Permit Renewal for Shop-N-Go
b. Approve Application for an Iowa Retail Cigarette Permit Renewal for Heritage
Express WinneVegas
9:37 a.m. 6. County Auditors Office Dennis Butler
a. Discuss and Approve the Following Resolutions:
1. Appropriation Resolution for Allocation of Funds to Departments/Divisions
2. Resolution Authorizing Inter-fund Transfers Involving Secondary Roads, County
Library and General Basic
b. Discussion and Action on County Share of Law Enforcement Center Funding
Involving the Underground Storage Clean Up
9:47 a.m. 7. Planning/Zoning John Pylelo
a. Consideration of the Zoning Commission Recommendations for the Preliminary
Plats and Recommendation of Final Plats to Zoning Commission:
1. Beem Addition Subdivision Parcel #750645
2. Jager Addition Subdivision Parcel #876813
b. Consideration of the Preliminary Plats and Forwarding to the Zoning Commission
for Review and Recommendation:
1. McQuade Addition Subdivision Parcel #769890
2. Miller Addition Subdivision Parcel #720480
3. Moville Heights Addition Subdivision Parcel #861121
9:55 a.m. 8. Adopt an Ordinance Establishing the Sanitary Storage Collection and Disposal of Solid
Wastes and Yard Wastes and Providing for Violations Third Reading
10:00 a.m. 9. Consideration and Approval of Appointment to Community Action Agency of Siouxland
10:01 a.m. 10. Approval of Resolution Establishing a County Enforcement Surcharge for Citations
Issued by County Sheriff
A G E N D A* (Tentative) Page 2
TUESDAY, JUNE 15, 2004
10:06 a.m. 11. Board of Supervisors Bob Batcheller
a. Action to Authorize Building Services to Proceed on Remodeling of Training Room
in Law Enforcement Center with the Total not to Exceed $10,000
b. Action to Authorize Building Services to Proceed with Replacing the Carpet in the
Sheriffs Office and Providing Paint for Repainting the Office
c. Authorize Chairman to Sign a Contract with Van Osdel Plastering to Fix
Plaster Soffit at the Prairie Hills Center
d. Authorize Chairman to Sign an Order with R.W. Rice Company for a Used
Compressor for the Air Conditioning System for the Prairie Hills Center
e. Authorize Chairman to Sign a Contract with RML Architects for Roof Replacement
for the Law Enforcement Center, Prairie Hills Center, and the Climbing Hill
10:16 a.m. 12. Hearing of any Individual/Group Wishing to Make a Presentation of Item(s) Not on the
Agenda and/Supervisors Concerns
Subject to Additions/Deletions
TUESDAY, JUNE 15 4:30 p.m. Woodbury County Community Action Agency Board
Meeting, 2700 Leech Avenue
11:30 a.m. Employee Appreciation Day Luncheon
WEDNESDAY JUNE 16 12:00 noon Siouxland Economic Development Corporation
Meeting, Holiday Inn (Charlies)
MONDAY, JUNE 28 7:00 p.m. Zoning Board Meeting, Board of Supervisors Chambers
7:30 p.m. Fair Board Meeting, Woodbury County Fair Office,
Fairgrounds, Moville, Iowa.
THURSDAY, JULY 1 5:00 p.m. Conservation Board Meeting, Dorothy Pecaut Nature
Center, Stone Park
MONDAY, JULY 5 7:00 p.m. Board of Adjustment meeting, Board of Supervisors
TUESDAY, JULY 6 4:00 p.m. Veteran Affairs Meeting, Veteran Affairs Office,
Room 702, Courthouse
TUESDAY, JULY 13 10:00 a.m. Senior Center Board of Directors Meeting,
217 Pierce Street
1:30 p.m. Decat Board Meeting, Western Hills AEA, Room G
Related Documents · 6/15/2004 Meeting