Agenda - 9/2/2003

A G E N D A*


TUESDAY, September 2, 2003

9:00 a.m. 1. Approval of Claims and Informational Discussion of Agenda Items Listed on This Agenda


10:00 a.m. 2. Call Meeting to Order, Approval of August 26, 2003 Board Meeting

10:01 a.m. 3. Human Resources J.D. Pellersels
a. Approval of Memorandum of Personnel Transactions
b. Authorize Chairman to Sign Authorization to Hire

10:03 a.m. 4. Board Administration Karen James
a. Approval of Resolution for Tax Suspension for B.D.

10:04 a.m. 5. Receive County Sheriffs Civil Division 4th Quarter and Year to Date Report.

10:05 a.m. 6. Planning and Zoning John Pylelo
Approve Final Plat for Russell Addition Subdivision Parcel #882422
Approve Final Plat for Fox View 1st Addition Subdivision Parcel #829487
Hilltop View Addition Subdivision Parcel #879555

10:10 a.m. 7. Secondary Roads Richard Storm
a. Receive Recommendations and Action on 2003-2004 Propane Letting
b. Authorize Chairman to Sign Request for Right of Entry to County Property at Climbing Hill, Iowa.
c. Receive and Approve Plans for Project L-PR 02(1) 73-97

10:15 a.m. 8. Siouxland Human Investment Partnership John Calhoun, Executive Director
Re: Approval of 28E Agreement between Woodbury County, Iowa and the Iowa Department of Human Services for Partial Funding of the Sanford Gang Prevention Program.

10:18 a.m. 9. Emergency Services Gary Brown, Director
Authorize Chairman to sign Local Hazard mitigation Planning Grant Application
Review and Approve Department of Justice Grant Expenditures

10:21 a.m. 10. WCICC-IT John Malloy, Director
RE: Status on Web Cam for Board of Supervisors Meetings

10:25 a.m. 11. Hearing of any Individual/ Group Wishing to Make a Presentation of Item(s) not on
the Agenda and/ Supervisors Concerns

10:30 a.m. 12. Closed Session { Iowa Code Section 20.17(3) }


Subject to Additions/Deletions

A G E N D A* (Tentative) Page 2




TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 4:00 p.m. Veteran Affairs Meeting, Veteran Affairs Office,
Room 702, Courthouse

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 7:00 p.m. Board of Adjustment meeting, Board of Supervisors

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 10:00 a.m. Senior Center Board of Directors Meeting,
217 Pierce Street

1:30 p.m. Decat Board Meeting, Western Hills AEA, Room G

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 12:00 noon District Board of Health Meeting, 1014 Nebraska St.

7:00 p.m. Woodbury County Solid Waste Agency (Sanitary Landfill)
Executive Committee Meeting, Public Safety Center,
Climbing Hill

7:30 p.m. 911 Service Board Meeting, Public Safety Center,
Climbing Hill

8:00 p.m. Countys Mayor Association Meeting, Public Safety
Center, Climbing Hill

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 8:00 a.m. Woodbury County Information Communication
Commission, Board of Supervisors Chambers

7:00 p.m. Siouxland Mental Health Center, Board Meeting,
625 Court Street

7:30 p.m. SIMPCO Meeting, South Sioux City Council Chambers

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 4:30 p.m. Woodbury County Community Action Agency Board
Meeting, 2700 Leech Avenue

12:00 noon Siouxland Economic Development Corporation
Meeting, Holiday Inn (Charlies)

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 10:00 a.m. Siouxland Regional Transit Systems (SRTS) Board
Meeting, Coyote Canyon, Sioux City, Iowa

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