Agenda - 6/10/2003

A G E N D A*
TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 2003
8:00 a.m. 1. Approval of Claims and Informational Discussion of Agenda Items Listed on
this Agenda
9:00 a.m. 2. Call Meeting to Order, Approval of June 3, 2003 Board Meeting Minutes
9:01 a.m. 3. Board Administration Karen James
a. Approval of Lifting Tax Suspension
b. Consideration and Approval of Appointment to Woodbury County Library Board of
9:02 a.m. 4. County Auditor Patrick Gill
Re: Approval of Application for Cigarette Permit Renewal for Shop-N-Go Sloan, Iowa
9:03 a.m. 5. Approval of 28E Agreement with Woodbury Soil and Water Conservation District for
Funding and Management of a Watershed Inspection and Maintenance Program
9:08 a.m. 6. Woodbury County Community Action Agency Cindy Thomas
Re: Approval of Senior Aides Program Agreement
9:15 a.m. 7. Approval of Resolution Thanking and Commending for Years of Service to Woodbury
9:20 a.m. 8. WCICC John Malloy
Re: Discussion of Web Cam of the Board of Supervisors Meeting
9:30 a.m. 9. Secondary Roads Richard Storm
a. Authorize Chairman to Sign Farm-to-Market Voucher Reimbursing Iowa DOT for
Materials Inspection Costs
b. Receive Letter Requesting Permission to Purchase Excess Right-of-Way
c. Discussion of Maintenance Requirement for County Route K-35
9:35 a.m. 10. County Auditors Office Dennis Butler
Re: Budget Discussion
10:00 a.m. 11. Hearing of any Individual/ Group Wishing to Make a Presentation of Item(s) not on the
Agenda and/or Supervisors Concerns
10:05 a.m. 12. Closed Session {Iowa Code 21.5 (1) (c)}
10:20 a.m. 13. Closed Session {Iowa Code 20.17 (3)}
A G E N D A* (Tentative) Page 2
TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 2003
Subject to Additions/Deletions
TUESDAY, JUNE 10 10:00 a.m. Senior Center Board of Directors Meeting,
217 Pierce Street
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11 12:00 noon District Board of Health Meeting, 1014 Nebraska St.
THURSDAY, JUNE 12 8:00 a.m. Woodbury County Information Communication
Commission, Board of Supervisors Chambers
7:00 p.m. Siouxland Mental Health Center, Board Meeting,
625 Court Street
7:30 p.m. SIMPCO Meeting, South Sioux City Council Chambers
TUESDAY, JUNE 17 4:30 p.m. Woodbury County Community Action Agency Board
Meeting, 2700 Leech Avenue
12:00 noon Siouxland Economic Development Corporation
Meeting, Holiday Inn (Charlies)
1:30 p.m. Decat Board Meeting, Western Hills AEA, Room G
MONDAY, JUNE 23 7:00 p.m. Zoning Board Meeting, Board of Supervisors Chambers
7:30 p.m. Fair Board Meeting, Woodbury County Fair Office,
Fairgrounds, Moville, Iowa.
TUESDAY, JULY 1 4:00 p.m. Veteran Affairs Meeting, Veteran Affairs Office,
Room 702, Courthouse
THURSDAY, JULY 3 4:00 p.m. Conservation Board Meeting, Dorothy Pecaut Nature
Center, Stone Park
MONDAY, JULY 7 7:00 p.m. Board of Adjustment meeting, Board of Supervisors
TUESDAY, JULY 8 10:00 a.m. Senior Center Board of Directors Meeting,
217 Pierce Street
WEDNESDAY, JULY 9 12:00 noon District Board of Health Meeting, 1014 Nebraska St.
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