The WoodburyCounty Auditor's duties include financial accounting, elections, real estate, and more.


The functions of the Board of Supervisors are varied and its authority embraces practically every aspect of County Government. Although these functions are primarily administrative in nature, the board exercises power characteristics of each of the three branches of government: executive, legislative, and judicial. For example, the Board fills vacancies in county offices by appointing successors, fixes rules relating to the use of county buildings and grounds, and determines the disposition of claims against the county. The board acts as a general business manager for the county government, plays a major role in matters of county taxation and finance, and is the governmental authority responsible for the construction and maintenance of the county road system. In some areas the duties of the board are nominal, while in others are extensive.

The term of office for elected members of the Board of Supervisors is four years. Sec. 331.201(4) The terms are staggered so that no more than a bare majority of the board will be elected in any given election. To accommodate this, elections are held biennially. Secs. 39.18; 331.203(2)(c), .204(3), .208 (4)

Board Meetings

The Board of Supervisors is required to hold its first meeting on the first day in January, which is not a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday. All subsequent meetings are held as scheduled by the Board and must be conducted in compliance with Chapter 28A (Iowa Open Meetings Law). A quorum must be present before such meetings can be conducted. (A quorum is a majority of the total membership of the board.) Sec. 331.212(1) If a quorum fails to appear at any meeting, the county auditor must adjourn such meeting from day to day until a quorum is present. Sec. 313.213(2)

Meetings of the Board of Supervisors must be open to the public unless closed sessions are expressly permitted by law. A “meeting” is defined as a gathering in person or by electronic means, formal or informal, of the majority of the members of the board where there is a deliberation or action upon any matter within the scope of the Board’s policy making duties. Sec. 28A.2(2)

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This content was printed from the County website at on March 4, 2025.