Real Estate

Services Provided

Woodbury County’s real estate records began in the mid-1800’s. The county’s plat and transfer books are housed in this office for public view. The responsibilities of this area include maintaining the plat books, up-dating the transfer books, and changing the respective computer parcel records in accordance with the documents recorded. The records reflect information for taxation purposes only. This area works in conjunction with the GIS Mapping Department.

This area keeps the official records of all drainage ditches in the county. This includes documents and plats for over 22 main ditches and 61 lateral ditches. Levy rates are calculated and applied to respective parcels once a year.

Available Information

  • Plat Books
  • Transfer Books
  • Parcel Information
  • GIS viewing available
  • Drainage ditch parcel maintenance

Property Search

Auditor Real Estate Transfer Books (1960 through 2/24/2020) can be accessed using the Cott On-Line Book System. Search by Section/Township/Range or by Addition Name within a town in Woodbury County. To access, simply use the drop down arrow under "Type" and choose "Auditors Transfer Books". Choose the Section/Township/Range using the drop down arrows  OR  use the drop down arrow by "Township Lands" to access the City and then use the drop down to choose the Addition.  Electronically "page" through the selected Transfer Book to find the block/lot. Once the transfer is located, use the "Roll & Image" information on either the On-line Index Book Website OR Iowa Land Records Website to print the document.

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This content was printed from the County website at on March 25, 2025.