Land and Records Management

Services Provided

This area of the office is responsible for recording and maintaining official records of documents affecting real estate. The office records all instruments presented upon payment of the proper fees and compliance with other recording requirements as provided by law. Recording fees collected by the county provide a form of property tax relief. In addition, a portion of the fees collected for real estate conveyances are retained in the county’s general fund. Federal and state tax lien searches are also performed.

All records are opened to the public. Copies can be obtained in the office for a nominal fee.

Available Information

  • Book index from 1880 through May 1994 in the office
  • Book index for specific indexes online 
  • Book index with images from January 1972 through May 1994 online
  • Computer index from June 1994 to present in office and online
  • Microfilm images from January 1972 through December 2004 in the office
  • Scanned images from January 1972 to present in the office and online
  • Auditor Real Estate Transfer Books area available from 1960 through February 24, 2020

Types of Documents Recorded

  • deeds 
  • contracts
  • mortgages
  • assignments
  • releases
  • federal and state tax liens
  • affidavits
  • plats and surveys
  • section corner certificates
  • military service records
  • easements
  • condemnations
  • trade names
  • leases
  • 28E and drainage agreements
  • bills of sale
  • articles of incorporation
  • financing statements 
  • numerous other documents

Iowa Land Records

The mission of Iowa Land Records is to provide access to county and statewide land record and related information. Iowa Land Records provides a powerful search capability for land records in Iowa counties. Registered users have access to useful services including the ability to search, view and print document images at no cost. 

Woodbury County has the following information available on Iowa Land Records:

  • Index and images from June 1994 to present
  • New index and images are uploaded within 48 hours of recording

Iowa Land Records Website

Online Index & Auditor Transfer Books

Hosted by Cott Systems, this site provides service to search and receive images of specific index and record books. Users can search the name using the logic provided by the existing index, be placed on the first page of the index book where that entry resides, then electronically "page" through the index book to perform a visual search for the desired index information. Once an entry is visually located, if the image is available, the user simply enters the starting book and page of the document and the image is provided. The user has the ability to search, view and print document images at no cost.

Woodbury County has the following information available on the Online Index Book Website:

  • Indexes
    • Affidavits 6/1/1965 - 6/30/1994
    • Articles of Incorporation 1942 - 6/30/1994
    • Deeds 1/1/1970 - 5/31/1994
    • Misc Lots & Lands 12/1/1971 - 5/31/1994
    • Mortgages 6/1/1972 - 5/31/1994
    • Trade Names 1954 - 6/30/1994
    • US Tax Liens 1951- 1994
    • Iowa Tax Liens 1961 - 1994
  • Images
    • January 3, 1972 - May 31, 1994

Auditor Real Estate Transfer Books (1960 through February 24, 2020) are also available through the Online Book System. Search by Section/Township/Range or by Addition Name within a town in Woodbury County. To access:

  1. Simply use the drop down arrow under "Type" and choose "Auditors Transfer Books"
  2. Choose the Section/Township/Range using the drop down arrows  OR  use the drop down arrow by "Township Lands" to access the City and then use the drop down to choose the Addition.
  3. Electronically "page" through the selected Transfer Book to find the block/lot.
  4. Once the transfer is located, use the "Roll & Image" information on either the On-line Index Book Website OR Iowa Land Records Website to print the document.

Online Index Book Website

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This content was printed from the County website at on March 25, 2025.