Frequently Asked Questions

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Market Value
What is Market Value?
Market value of a property is an estimate of the price that it would sell for on the open market on the first day of January of the year of assessment. This is sometimes referred to as the "arms length transaction" or "willing buyer/willing seller" concept.
How does the Assessor estimate Market Value?
To estimate the market value of your property, the Assessor generally uses three approaches:
- The first approach is to find properties that are comparable to yours which have sold recently. Local conditions peculiar to your property are taken into consideration. The Assessor also uses sales ratio studies to determine the general level of assessment in a community in order to adjust for local conditions. This method is generally referred to as the Market Approach and is usually considered the most important in determining the value of residential property.
- The second approach is the Cost Approach and is an estimate of how many dollars at current labor and material prices it would take to replace your property with one similar to it. In the event improvement is not new, appropriate amounts for depreciation and obsolescence are deducted from replacement value. Value of the land is added to arrive at an estimate of the total property value.
- The Income Approach is the third method. It is used if your property produces income such as an apartment or office building. In that case, your property could be valued according to its ability to produce income under prudent management. In other words, the amount another investor would give for your property in order to gain its income. The income approach is the most complex of the three approaches because of the research, information and analysis necessary for an accurate estimate of value. This method requires thorough knowledge of local and national financial conditions, as well as any developmental trends in the area of the subject property being appraised since errors or inaccurate information can seriously affect the final estimate of value.
Why does value change?
State law requires that all real property be reassessed every two years. The current law requires the reassessment to occur in odd numbered years. Changes in market value as indicated by research, sales ratio studies and analysis of local conditions as well as economic trends both in and outside the construction industry are used in determining your assessment.
What if I disagree with my valuation?
If you disagree with the Assessor's estimate of value, please consider these two questions:
- What is the actual market value of my property?
- How does the value compare to similar properties in the neighborhood?
If you have any questions about the assessment of your property, feel free to come in and discuss it with the Assessor. You may file a written protest with the Board of Review which is composed of three or five members from various areas of the assessing jurisdiction. The Board operates independently of the Assessor's office, and has the power to confirm or to adjust upward or downward any assessment.
If not satisfied with the Board's decision, appeals may be filed with the Property Assessment Appeal Board or to district court within 20 days after adjournment or May 31, whichever date is later.
You can also find more information by visiting the pages below:
Property Tax
When does one begin to pay property taxes?
On values determined as of January First, one does not start to pay taxes until eighteen months later.
What is a roll back percentage and how is it determined?
The "roll back" is the percentage of actual value that is determined by the Director of Revenue and Finance each year on the several classes of property where the total value increase statewide, exceeds four percent for each class of property. The percentage so determined by the Director of Revenue and Finance is certified to and applied by the local county auditor to all property in each class affected throughout the State. Percentages determined by the Director of Revenue and Finance are the same for all the assessing jurisdictions in the State.
What is the rate of increase in assessed value of individual parcels of property as determined by the Assessor?
Increases in assessed value of individual parcels of property as determined by the Assessor, may exceed four percent within a jurisdiction.
How is agricultural property (except in agricultural dwellings) assessed?
Agricultural property, except agricultural dwellings, are assessed on the basis of productivity and net earning capacity using a five-year crop average and capitalized at a rate set by the Legislature. The rate is currently seven percent. Tentative and final equalization orders are issued by the Director of Revenue and Finance in odd numbered years on or about August 15th, and October 1st respectively. The orders are sent to the various county auditors who apply them to the classes of property affected, if any.
What are the appointment and reappointment qualifications for Assessors and members of the Board of review?
Assessors and members of the Board of Review are appointed to their terms of office. Assessors, in addition to completing the required 150 hours of Continuing Education, must be approved by a majority vote of the Conference Board in order to be reappointed.
Who should I contact if I desire further information or if I have questions concerning property values or other related information?
If you desire further information, questions concerning property values or other information relating thereto should be addressed to the Assessor's office in the respective jurisdiction and not the Board of Supervisors or Treasurer.
Who should I contact if I have questions related to taxes?
Questions relating to taxes should be addressed to the local county treasurer.
Tax Levies
What are tax levies?
There are a number of different taxing districts in a jurisdiction, each with a different levy. Each year the County Auditor determines for that district a levy that will yield enough money to pay for schools, police and fire protection, road maintenance and other services budgeted for in the area. The tax levy is applied to each $1,000 of a property's taxable value.
What is the assessed value?
The value determined by the assessor is the assessed value and is the value indicated on the assessment roll.
What is the taxable value?
The taxable value is the value determined by the auditor after application of state ordered "rollback" percentages for the various classes of property and is the value indicated on the tax statement.
Which values should I use when comparing the value of my property with other properties?
When comparing the value of your property with other properties always compare with the value on the assessment roll or the assessor's property record cards and not the value indicated on the tax statement.
Assessor (Sioux City)
Market Value
What is Market Value?
Market value of a property is an estimate of the price that it would sell for on the open market on the first day of January of the year of assessment. This is sometimes referred to as the "arms length transaction" or "willing buyer/willing seller" concept.
Why did my property go up when I didn't do anything to it?
While making changes to a property can increase the value of that individual property, the sales information from a jurisdiction indicates what trends occurred in the market as a whole. Since the assessor is required to be at market value on a property, if the market indicates that housing prices have increased, it is likely that most properties would have to increase.
What happens if the market goes down?
The assessor must value according to the sales of the prior year. We are not predicting the future, only responding to the prices that buyers paid to sellers. So if the market decreases, we will follow the market when we revalue property.
The market is just up because of inflation
We are required to follow the market, regardless of what caused the changes in the market. We follow the market transactions that buyer/sellers are making. The buyer and sellers determination of what a fair price was, dictates the market. If it becomes a deflated market we would follow that as well.
There is no way my house is worth $XXX.
The market has increased dramatically in the past 2, and often 4 years. Why do you feel the value is incorrect? Are there listing errors? Do you have sales information for us to review? Do you have a 2022 fee appraisal to submit to us? The value going up too much is not an argument.
My house went up 30%! Will my taxes go up 30%?
The entire state has seen dramatic increases in the real estate market over the last 2 years. The total taxable vlaue for a classification, such as residential, can only increase 3% statewide. In the fall of this year, the Iowa Department of Revenue will determin what percentage of the assessed value is taxable. Ultimately, we do not know how an individual's taxes will be affected as we do not know the tax levy, the special projects, the state rollback, or legislative changes that will take place.
Residential: Since the entire state has seen increases in the residential market, the amount of your value, which can be taxed should decrease to offset some of the increase. For 2022 values, approximately 55% of the assessed value will be taxable. For 2023, due to the increases across the state that number will decrease.
AG: Since the entire state has seen increases in the assessed value of agricultural properties, the amount of your value which can be taxed should decrease to offset some of the increase. For 2022 values, approximately 91% of the assessed value will be taxable. For 2023, due to the increases across the state that number will decrease. Historically, we saw the reverse of this during the revaluation of 2019. The assessed value decreased drastically but taxes did not decrease as the state increased the rollback so a higher percentage of the assessed value was taxable. The reverse will happen for 2023.
Why did my house go up more than my neighbor/brother/cousin's house?
An assessor uses the information from the sales in their jurisdiction to determine changes. This often means the entire class of property will need to increase a certain amount, but the assessor also looks at other information from those sales and applies that infromation to their mass appraisal system. One area of town may have had sales that showed they required a greater increase than other areas. For example, old but well maintained or remodeled 2 story houses may have sold stronger than ranch homes built in the 1970's when compared to their assessed value. The assessor applies the information they gather from the sales data to make the valuation decision.
How does the Assessor estimate Market Value?
To estimate the market value of your property, the Assessor generally uses three approaches:
- The first approach is to find properties that are comparable to yours which have sold recently. Local conditions peculiar to your property are taken into consideration. The Assessor also uses sales ratio studies to determine the general level of assessment in a community in order to adjust for local conditions. This method is generally referred to as the Market Approach and is usually considered the most important in determining the value of residential property.
- The second approach is the Cost Approach and is an estimate of how many dollars at current labor and material prices it would take to replace your property with one similar to it. In the event improvement is not new, appropriate amounts for depreciation and obsolescence are deducted from replacement value. Value of the land is added to arrive at an estimate of the total property value.
- The Income Approach is the third method. It is used if your property produces income such as an apartment or office building. In that case, your property could be valued according to its ability to produce income under prudent management. In other words, the amount another investor would give for your property in order to gain its income. The income approach is the most complex of the three approaches because of the research, information and analysis necessary for an accurate estimate of value. This method requires thorough knowledge of local and national financial conditions, as well as any developmental trends in the area of the subject property being appraised since errors or inaccurate information can seriously affect the final estimate of value.
Why did my property go up when I didn't sell or buy it?
Sales from the jurisdiction are used to determine the total value that is required for an entire classification. In order to reach the total value, most properties will see valuation changes based off of the Median sales number.
You've never been at market value, why are you now? AKA You're supposed to be at 50% etc
Since 1975 assessments have been at market value by Iowa Code. In a mass appraisal system, it is certainly possible that an individual property may have been assessed too low or too high. What matters right now is, are we at market value on your property for 2023? If not, what is the proof.
Who should I contact if I desire further information or if I have questions concerning property values or other related information?
If you desire further information, questions concerning property values or other information relating thereto should be addressed to the Assessor's office in the respective jurisdiction and not the Board of Supervisors or Treasurer.
Why does value change?
State law requires that all real property be reassessed every two years. The current law requires the reassessment to occur in odd numbered years. Changes in market value as indicated by research, sales ratio studies and analysis of local conditions as well as economic trends both in and outside the construction industry are used in determining your assessment.
What if I disagree with my valuation?
If you disagree with the Assessor's estimate of value, please consider these two questions:
- What is the actual market value of my property?
- How does the value compare to similar properties in the neighborhood?
If you have any questions about the assessment of your property, feel free to come in and discuss it with the Assessor. You may file a written protest with the Board of Review which is composed of three or five members from various areas of the assessing jurisdiction. The Board operates independently of the Assessor's office, and has the power to confirm or to adjust upward or downward any assessment.
If not satisfied with the Board's decision, appeals may be filed with the Property Assessment Appeal Board or to district court within 20 days after adjournment or May 31, whichever date is later.
You can also find more information by visiting the pages below:
Property Tax
How does the exemption for taxpayers 65 or older work?
This exemption is ON TOP OF receiving your yearly homestead credit. It takes $3250 off your taxable value for the 2023 assessment year (taxes payable Sept 2024/March 2025); $6500 off 2024 assessment year (taxes payable Sept 2025/March 2026). After applying, this exemption will stay on for consecutive years- there is no need to re-apply each year.
What do I have to do to get the 65 and older tax exemption?
A new application must be filled out that lists your birthdate on there. The forms are available on this website and also on our Beacon website. You may also stop in our office & we will print the form for you. You only need to file for this ONCE, unless you move.
Do I have to reapply for the increase in the Military exemption?
No. If you have already filed for a military exemption. The increase will be an automatic thing. You do NOT need to reapply.
What is changing with the military exemption?
The exemption amount is increasing from $1852 to $4000.
Where do I go to file for or find out about the Elderly or Disabled Credit?
The Woodbury County Treasurer's office at 822 Douglas St RM 102. 279-6535
When does one begin to pay property taxes?
On values determined as of January First, one does not start to pay taxes until eighteen months later.
What is a roll back percentage and how is it determined?
The "roll back" is the percentage of actual value that is determined by the Director of Revenue and Finance each year on the several classes of property where the total value increase statewide, exceeds four percent for each class of property. The percentage so determined by the Director of Revenue and Finance is certified to and applied by the local county auditor to all property in each class affected throughout the State. Percentages determined by the Director of Revenue and Finance are the same for all the assessing jurisdictions in the State.
If I file an appeal before April 2nd or after April 30th, is it valid?
The answer is NO. The appeal dates are April 2 thru April 30. Appeals emailed or mailed to us before that are considered invalid.
How is agricultural property (except in agricultural dwellings) assessed?
Agricultural property, except agricultural dwellings, are assessed on the basis of productivity and net earning capacity using a five-year crop average and capitalized at a rate set by the Legislature. The rate is currently seven percent. Tentative and final equalization orders are issued by the Director of Revenue and Finance in odd numbered years on or about August 15th, and October 1st respectively. The orders are sent to the various county auditors who apply them to the classes of property affected, if any.
What are the appointment and reappointment qualifications for Assessors and members of the Board of review?
Assessors and members of the Board of Review are appointed to their terms of office. Assessors, in addition to completing the required 150 hours of Continuing Education, must be approved by a majority vote of the Conference Board in order to be reappointed.
Who should I contact if I have questions related to taxes?
Questions relating to taxes should be addressed to the local county treasurer.
Tax Levies
What are tax levies?
There are a number of different taxing districts in a jurisdiction, each with a different levy. Each year the County Auditor determines for that district a levy that will yield enough money to pay for schools, police and fire protection, road maintenance and other services budgeted for in the area. The tax levy is applied to each $1,000 of a property's taxable value.
What is the assessed value?
The value determined by the assessor is the assessed value and is the value indicated on the assessment roll.
What is the taxable value?
The taxable value is the value determined by the auditor after application of state ordered "rollback" percentages for the various classes of property and is the value indicated on the tax statement.
Which values should I use when comparing the value of my property with other properties?
When comparing the value of your property with other properties always compare with the value on the assessment roll or the assessor's property record cards and not the value indicated on the tax statement.
Building Services
How do I see bid opportunities for Woodbury County?
Visit our Bid Notices page for Woodbury County for current bidding opportunities.
Who handles a building permit?
A building permit is handled by the City of Sioux City unless it is for rural or unincorporated areas. These building permits are handled by Woodbury County Community and Economic Development.
Secondary Roads
Does the County repair damaged mailboxes caused by snow removal?
Your mailbox and post should be able to withstand potential discharge from snowplows. The county will not replace, or repair mailboxes knocked over by the force of snow coming off the plow. Please take time, in the Fall of the year to evaluate your mailbox’s integrity. Mailboxes must meet the standards of the United States Postal Service. Inferior posts and mounts will not be repaired by the county. Posts should not be larger than 4”x4” wood posts or steel “T” or “U” posts weighing more than 3 lb. per foot. Concrete supports, railroad ties, and steel “I” beams are not allowed for use as mailbox supports. Mailboxes damaged by direct collision with county plows or equipment will be repaired by county personnel in a timely manner.
How can I get notifications or Information on road closures and construction projects?
How do I add a new or widen an existing driveway or field entrance?
Contact the County Engineer’s Office at 712-873-3215 or 712-279-6484 and a staff member will meet you on site to fill out a Driveway Permit application. Driveways must meet minimum sight distance requirements. Residential driveways may be up to 30’ wide. Farm and business entrances may be up to 40 feet wide. The county policy on entrances and driveways is located here.
How do I apply for dust control?
Dust control may be applied to county roads beginning in mid-May and may be maintained into early October. Two applications are recommended since it is difficult for a single application to last an entire summer season without becoming too rough. The county will only blade the road if it becomes rough and threatens safe vehicle operation through the treated area. The county allows lignin sulfonate (tree sap) or calcium/magnesium chloride to be used as a dust suppressant. Used oil is not allowed, nor are asphalt products.
A permit is required from residents applying any type of chemical suppressant to the road surface. The permit is arranged through the applicator. Residents are instructed to contact one of the approved vendors to perform this service. County staff will blade, add gravel as needed, and prepare the road prior to suppressant application to maximize the life of the treatment. Woodbury County will not guarantee the effectiveness of the dust control product, and any complaints regarding the quality of the product should be addressed to the vendor that has been selected.
Approved Vendors
Marx Distribution
2827 225th Street
Sioux City, IA 51111
Phone: 712-258-5884
Heffron Services
6611 University Ave., #201
Windsor Heights, IA 50324
Phone No. 515-321-5033
Jerico Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 607
Indianola, IA 50125
Phone: 1-800-397-3977
How do I report road concerns?
You can either email the county engineer or call the county engineer’s office at 712-873-3215 or 712-279-6484.
What if I want to do work along my roadside?
Any work done within the right of way requires a permit issued by the county. This includes building or paving driveways, installing tile or drain outlets, ditch grading, or other changes to the road right of way. Call the county engineer’s office at 712-873-3215 or 712-279-6484 to make an appointment with a county staff member to discuss the type of work you would like to do within the right of way.
Some work in the right of way is prohibited. You may not fill your ditch to make it more mowable or build obstructions within the right of way including large and heavy mailbox supports, decorative pillars, boulders, driveway headwalls, or other objects which would cause severe damage to an errant vehicle. Contact the engineer’s office before you build.
Why does it take so long to clear gravel roads?
Woodbury County snow removal is governed by County Ordinance number 1, An Ordinance to Establish The Policy And Level Of Service In Respect to Clearance of Snow or Ice and Maintenance of this County’s Secondary Roads During the Winter Months. Snow removal response is highly variable and is governed the amount of snowfall, the duration of the storm and the winds during and after the storm.
Restoring access on gravel roads is a slow process because motor graders are not built for speed and a typical route covers forty to fifty miles. Unlike plowing city streets, county roads do not have horizontal references like curbs, power poles, and streetlights to guide plow operators. County road snow removal is a daylight only operation, especially on the gravel roads which are sometimes drifted with snow from fence line to fence line. The county’s initial response is to make a single lane pass to reach every residence by the end of the first day following a snowstorm. This doesn’t guarantee that the road will stay open, especially if heavy winds persist, but we will attempt to reach every residence by the end of the first day. Once the roads have been opened to one lane of travel, the county will begin to push snow back on day 2 and open the full width of each road that is above Level B service. Depending upon winds and storm conditions, this may take 2-3 days after the end of the storm. Rural homeowners are encouraged to plan accordingly for the winter season.
Why does the County mow and/or trim trees in front of my house?
The County mows roadsides in order to maintain sight distance, vegetation, shaded roadways, undergrowth, removal of snow traps and clear zones. The County will not mow on any personal property, only the right-of-way. Trees overhanging the road may be trimmed to maintain sight distance and to avoid having limbs brush large trucks and farm equipment using the roads. Decorative bushes and trees are not allowed to be planted within the county right of way as they can screen sight distance at driveways.
How do I file a complaint against Woodbury County Sheriff's Office Personnel?
You can pick up a complaint form at the Woodbury County Sheriff's Office Monday-Thursday 8am-4:15pm and Friday 8am-3:15pm.
Is Your Child In The Right Car Seat?
Sheriff Sales
Where can I find a list of properties to be sold?
Per Iowa Code Notices of Sheriff’s Levy & Sale are posted in three public places:
- The Woodbury County Courthouse
- The Woodbury County Law Enforcement Center, and the Trosper Hoyt Building
- In addition, a listing of sales is available on our Sheriff Sales page
Where do the sales take place?
On the first floor of the Woodbury County Courthouse at the time specified on the Notice of Sheriff’s Levy & Sale.
How does bidding start?
Bidding begins at the time and place designated on the Notice of Sheriff’s Levy & Sale. The judgment holder almost always starts the bidding; generally by submitting a sealed, written bid to the Sheriff. The judgment holder’s bid, if given to the Sheriff prior to the sale, will not be disclosed until the sale is called at the specified day and time.
What is the bid based on?
The bidding is usually started by the judgment holder and it may or may not be equal to the full judgment. The bid may also not reflect the condition of the property or its assessed value.
How much do I have to bid?
If the judgment holder submits a bid, you will be required to bid at least $1.00 more than that bid. If there are competing bids, the winning bid will be the highest bid offered by all parties.
Can I enter the residence I plan to purchase?
If I purchase property at a Sheriff’s Sale, do I get clear title?
Clear title is not guaranteed. You should consult with an attorney to address specific title issues involved in property sales conducted by the Sheriff’s Office.
Do I have to pay the full amount of my bid the day I purchase?
How do I pay for a purchase at a Sheriff’s Sale?
Bidders are encouraged to provide a letter of credit from their bank at the time of sale. The successful bidder will have until noon the day of sale to present to the sheriff a cashier’s or certified check in the amount of their bid.
What happens if I am the highest bidder and change my mind about buying the property?
Pursuant to the Code of Iowa, 626.85, the judgment holder may proceed against you for the amount of your bid. You should contact an attorney to address specific questions regarding your liability as a bidder.
Does the Sheriff have keys to the residence?
Does the Sheriff have the abstract to the property?
What does redemption period mean?
If the sale notice indicates there is a redemption period, it is the amount of time the defendant has the right to redeem the real estate after the sale. If the defendant redeems the property within the specified time period they must do so at the Woodbury County Clerk of Court’s Office. If you are considering purchasing property with a redemption period you should contact an attorney to address specific questions regarding how the redemption period affects you.
If I purchase and there is a redemption period, can I enter the property before the redemption period is up?
You should contact an attorney to address this issue.
If I purchase and there is a redemption period, when do I get a Sheriff’s Deed?
If you purchase property with a redemption period, you will be issued a Certificate of Purchase at the time of sale. When the redemption period has expired, you may then return the original Certificate of Purchase to the Sheriff, along with $50.00, and you will then receive a Sheriff’s Deed. It is very important you do not lose the original Certificate of Purchase. If you lose it, you will not receive a Sheriff’s Deed until you get a court order directing the Sheriff to issue you a duplicate Certificate of Purchase. (626.96) This duplicate will be issued following the payment of a $50.00 issue fee.
When I get a Sheriff’s Deed, what do I do next?
You should contact an attorney for specific questions regarding a Sheriff’s Deed.
If I get a Sheriff’s Deed and there are people living there, how do I get them out? Do I have to go through the eviction process?
You should contact an attorney to address specific questions regarding the occupancy of the subject real estate.
Weapon Permits
How do I apply for a new, renewal, or duplicate Nonprofessional Permit to Carry Weapons?
Under Iowa law, the Nonprofessional Permit to Carry Weapons is issued to residents of Iowa by the Sheriff of the applicant’s county of residence. Several Iowa Sheriff’s Office are using an online version of the application form. An applicant should check with the Sheriff’s Office of the applicant’s county of residence to obtain details about the application procedure, including hours of operation, office location, and forms of payment accepted.
Is it legal for me to allow my minor children to target practice with my handgun?
For many years, the minimum age for supervised possession of a handgun by a minor had been 14. More recent law eliminates the minimum age provision, and explicitly states that the required supervision must be direct supervision, and the person who is supervising possession of a handgun by a minor must not be intoxicated or impaired by alcohol or drugs. Please note that ranges may have age requirements for use of their respective facilities.
I choose to wear a protective mask when in public, and I also have a permit to carry weapons. Is it legal to wear facial covering while expressing my right to legally carry a firearm?
Iowa code does not place any type of clothing restrictions on a permit holder in a public place. Please keep in mind that Iowa cannot speak for surrounding states, nor do we retain data associated with this.
I lost my permit, or my permit was damaged beyond recognition. Can I obtain a duplicate of a current permit?
Yes. A person who wishes to obtain a duplicate permit can do so by contacting the Sheriff’s Office in their county of residence and paying a fee set by law at $25.
I have moved since my permit was issued, or I will be moving soon. Do I need to obtain a permit showing my new address?
Iowa DPS recommends that a permit holder notify the Sheriff’s Office in their new county of residence by applying for a duplicate permit when moving between counties. While there is no statutory requirement to obtain a “duplicate” permit when you change counties, you may want to note that when attempting to purchase a firearm, there are federal firearms licensed dealers that may not accept the permit unless it matches the county listed on your Driver’s License or State I.D.
I live in another state. Can I get an Iowa Nonprofessional Permit to Carry Weapons?
No. Iowa nonprofessional permits to carry weapons will only be issued to qualified Iowa residents. Nonresidents will still be able to apply for professional permits to carry weapons if needed for employment related reasons.
Does my permit to carry weapons enable me to make a purchase of a pistol or revolver, or do I need to obtain a Permit to Acquire Pistols or Revolvers?
In the State of Iowa, a valid permit to carry weapons may be used to acquire a pistol or revolver without the need to also obtain a Permit to Acquire Pistols and Revolvers.
I have a Permit to Carry Weapons that will be expiring soon. What do I need to do to renew the permit?
Effective July 1, 2017, there is a 60 day renewal window. A person wishing to renew a Permit to Carry Weapons must apply within 30 days before the permit expires, or within 30 days after the permit expires. Any permits falling outside of the previously mentioned window must be charged the higher “new” permit fee. Please note that while a permit can be renewed within 30 days after it expires, a person whose permit has expired should not go armed in a fashion that requires a permit until a person has renewed their permit.
Is it possible to take online training to meet the legal training requirement needed obtain a permit to carry in Iowa?
Iowa allows for training courses to be taken online. Iowa Code 724.9 regulates the requirements for “training.” Prior to paying and taking the course, the Iowa DPS would suggest ensuring that the course you are taking, provides you with a certificate that fits the requirements under the 724.9. The Iowa Department of Public Safety does not have the ability to suggest one course over another, nor do we have the authority to maintain a list of qualified instructors.
Do I need to complete another training course to renew my Permit to Carry Weapons?
No. A person who holds (or held) a permit issued on or after January 1, 2011, is not required to complete another training course to renew or obtain a new permit to carry weapons. Please note that even though re‐training is not required, completing another training course or taking other steps to learn about law changes could be highly beneficial to a person who intends to go armed.
I’d like to give my family member my handgun, or bequeath them my handgun when I die. Do they need a Permit to Acquire Pistols and Revolvers?
A permit to acquire is not required IF, the person transferring the pistol or revolver and the person acquiring the pistol or revolver are related to one another within the second degree of consanguinity or affinity, UNLESS the person transferring the pistol or revolver knows that the person acquiring the pistol or revolver would be disqualified from obtaining a permit.
I am traveling through the State of Iowa, have a valid permit issued through a different state, and I’m not a resident of the State of Iowa. Will Iowa honor my permit?
Iowa has by statute (724.11A), “Universal Recognition” for people who are not residents of the State of Iowa, but have a valid permit issued to them through a different state. A person that benefits from this code section would be treated as though they have a valid permit issued by the State of Iowa (for carry purposes).
I am traveling to a different state, does that state have reciprocity with Iowa?
Iowa does not maintain a list of states that honor Iowa’s permit. A permit holder would have to reach out directly to the State that they are travelling through to establish whether or not the said state would honor a valid permit issued by the State of Iowa.
How do I check the status of my weapon permit?
The Iowa Department of Public Safety acts a secure gateway for the printing of uniform weapons permits for the 99 Sheriff’s Office in the State of Iowa. At present, once the permit is uploaded securely to the print contractor, the permit is printed and mailed that day, or the following business day. If you have further questions associated to the status of your weapons permit application you will need to direct your inquiry to the agency where you applied.
When are ATV’s/ OHV’s/ ORM’s and Snowmobile registrations renewed?
They are renewed between September 1 and December 31 for $17.75 every year.
When is my boat registration renewed?
Boat registrations are renewed every three years from January 1 through April 30. The next renewal will be due in 2025.
What is a rural user permit and how much does it cost?
The permit costs $25 per year (for Woodbury County only) in addition to the regular off-road registration.
This permit allows ATV or OHV (side by side) to drive on rural roads (not four-lane highways). The vehicle cannot exceed 35 mph when traveling on these roads. Vehicle must have headlights, a horn, turn signals, and break lights.
How much does a lifetime hunting or fishing license cost?
The cost for each is $61.50. The customer must be 65 or older.
I am a disabled veteran, is there a special hunting or fishing license for me?
Yes, please contact our office at 712-279-6492 for details.
Is there a disabled/low income hunting or fishing license??
Please contact our office at 712-279-6492 for applications.
Motor Vehicles
How can we pay vehicle registrations?
Payment methods for vehicle registrations:
- on the Iowa Treasurers website
- at the counter
- by mail
Do I have to have an appointment?
Walk-ins are accepted for all Treasurer's Office services unless you need four (4) or more title transfers.
You do have the option to schedule an appointment for any Treasurer's Office services. Click here to schedule an appointment
For those needing four (4) or more titles transferred, please call our office at 712-279-6500 to schedule an appointment.
If paying registration online, where can I find my PIN?
Your PIN is specific to you and should not change, so you can use it from year to year. The PIN is located on your renewal notice in the top right-hand corner. If you cannot find it, you can contact our office at 712-279-6500. If your renewal notice does not contain a PIN, you are not eligible to renew online. Please refer to the back of the renewal notice for more information.
Can I put a vehicle title into someone else’s name?
The new owner needs to be present at the time of transfer or have the appropriate forms completed beforehand.
If you are transferring a title on behalf of another person (i.e., acting as a runner), the owner(s) may download Form 411007 from the Iowa DOT website. The owner(s) must complete the form in its entirety and sign and date. If there are any cross-outs, alterations, incorrect, or missing information on the application, the owner will be required to complete and sign a new application. Postage will be collected at the time of processing, and the title will be mailed to the owner's address on file.
- If an owner wishes to authorize the Woodbury County Treasurer's Office to release their title, plates, and/or registration to another person (i.e., the runner), the owner may complete a Consent/Release Form. This form must be notarized to be valid.
- If the owner has a change of address, they will be required to update their Iowa driver's license first or come to the Treasurer's Office in person to complete their title transfer.
How do I get an Iowa replacement title?
Complete the Application for Replacement of Iowa Certificate of Title (Form 411033) and submit it to any county treasurer in the state of Iowa with the title fee. All owners listed on the face of the title MUST sign the replacement title application.
If the original title is lost, there is a 5-day waiting period for the replacement title.
If the original has been altered or damaged, submit the original title with the completed application and a replacement title will be processed the same day.
How do I order personalized/vanity license plates?
Most personalized license plates can be ordered online on the Iowa DOT website.
I have a salvage title. How do I get the vehicle inspected?
You must complete the Affidavit of Salvage Vehicle Repairs form and pay the inspection fee on the Iowa DOT website. Once you have completed the affidavit, you will need to schedule an inspection with a certified peace officer.
For more information on salvage titles and salvage vehicle inspections, please visit the Iowa DOT website.
Questions about abandoned vehicles?
Visit the Iowa DOT website for more information.
Plate Replacement Cycle
What is the Plate Replacement Cycle?
The Plate Replacement Cycle is a program that the Department of Transportation has implemented for license plates that are 10 years old or older and are still on a vehicle. The life span of a license plate is about 10 years. The goal is to replace those plates so there will never be a license plate on any vehicle over 10 years old.
When did the replacement plate cycle start?
The replacement plate cycle started on April 1, 2012 for the May 2013 registration renewal month.
When am I eligible to be reissued new plates?
If your plates were issued in: | The plate will be replaced in: |
2011 | 2021 |
2012 | 2022 |
2013 | 2023 |
2014 | 2024 |
2015 | 2025 |
2016 | 2026 |
2017 | 2027 |
2018 | 2028 |
2019 | 2029 |
2020 | 2030 |
What should I do with my old plate that I have on my vehicle?
You should recycle your old plate. You are not required to turn in the plates to the County Treasurer. The Vehicle system will record that new plates have been issued to a customer.
Were there changes to the license plate design?
In 2018 the County Standard plate design was updated to the “City and Country Reboot,” which features city and country images in the top blue border. In July 2011 the numbers and letters on the plate changed from blue to black color. In November 2011 the zero was changed to a circle slash zero to assist law enforcement.
Were the postage and handling fee increased because of the plate replacement?
No. Due to the higher cost of mailing envelopes and packages from the postal service, the cost of mailing a set of plates has increased. The cost to mail a set of plates is $5.00. The cost of mailing a registration with a tag is $1.00.
If my plate on my vehicle is still readable and looks okay do I have to get a new plate?
If your plate is 10 years old or older, you have no choice. The vehicle system is programmed to automatically issue a replacement plate.
If only one of my vehicles is due for a replacement plate this year, can I get new plates for my other vehicles so that all of my plates are in sequential order?
If you choose to replace plates outside of your plate replacement period, you will be charged a $5 replacement plate fee. You will also need to turn in your old plates and current registration. If you do not have the current registration to turn in, we will accept the plates alone.
I just received my renewal notice in the mail, how do I determine if I am getting new plates?
The front of the renewal notice will have a ‘Y’ in the ‘Plates’ column field.
Property Tax
When are property taxes due?
Because we run on a fiscal year and not a calendar year:
- First half taxes are September 1st, delinquent October 1
- Second half taxes are due March 1st, delinquent April 1
If a customer wants to pay the full year taxes at one time, they will typically pay the whole year in September.
How can we pay taxes?
You may pay by any of the following convenient ways:
- Through the mail. Postmark must be by September 30 for the first half payment and March 31 for the second half payment to avoid penalty.
- In our office from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- Online through the Iowa Treasurer's website. You must have the 5-digit receipt number located on your tax statement available.**
** If you do not have your tax statement, you may access a copy by scrolling down to the Tax History section of the Treasurers website.
When do I receive my property tax billing/statement?
Taxes are billed every fall and statements typically go out in the mail in mid-late August.
Where can I find my receipt number to pay taxes online?
Your receipt number is printed on your statement. You can also find it on the Iowa Treasurers website under the tax history section in the right column.
Where do I find out what I paid for taxes last year?
Your payment history can be found on your annual statements and also online through the Iowa Treasurers website.
Where do I file for homestead credit?
Almost all credits are applied for through the Assessor's Office. To apply for a homestead credit/exemption, please contact the City Assessor for all properties located within the Sioux City limits. For all other properties contact the County Assessor.
- The only credit handled by the Treasurer’s Office is the Disabled/Senior Credit. Please visit the Property Tax Credits page for more information.
What is the penalty if property taxes are paid late?
A 1.5% penalty is assessed per month after the due date.
What and when is a tax sale?
The tax sale is the sale of any unpaid property taxes within the county as of the first part of June. The tax sale is held electronically on the third Monday in June.
Veteran Affairs
How do I receive assistance from the Woodbury County Veteran Affairs Office?
Please call us at 712-279-6606 to make an appointment.
How do I receive a copy of my DD-214/discharge paperwork, service records, and/or medals?
Please call us at 712-279-6606 to make an appointment.
What is the process to have "Veteran" added to my driver's license?
Provide a copy of your DD-214 and visit our address so that we may assist.
What makes a veteran eligible for the VA Healthcare?
Veterans are eligible by meeting income guidelines or Active Duty Service or a Service-Connected.
Where do I apply for Veteran License Plates?
Provide a copy of your DD-214 and visit our office so that we may assist.
How do I apply for a Military Property Tax Exemption?
You can apply at the Woodbury County Assessor's Office and your DD-214 must be recorded at the Woodbury County Recorder's Office.
What are the eligibility requirements for Guard and Reserves for Veteran Benefits?
Please contact our office at 712-279-6606 for review of your discharge paperwork.
How does my Surviving Spouse qualify for Survivor's Pension?
- You or your spouse must have served during a wartime period of service.
- Contact our office at 712-279-6606 for recognized federal wartime dates.
What is the difference between Pension and Compensation?
- Pension is an income-based program with federal wartime-service requirements.
- Compensation is based on a service-connected injury or illness sustained or aggravated while on active duty.
What is the difference between Survivors Pension and Widows DIC?
- Survivors Pension is for the widows of wartime veterans that would qualify for Pension.
- Widows DIC is for widows of veterans who die of a service connectable disability.

