An amendment to the zoning ordinance map is intended to reflect changing use and development patterns in the county and to move the zoning map into compliance with the adopted long range comprehensive plan.


The Planning and Zoning Commission shall base their recommendations and the Board of Supervisors shall base their decision on any requested amendment of the zoning district map on the following criteria:

  • Conformance with the goals and objectives set forth in the approved Comprehensive Plan for Woodbury County including the Future Land Use Map.
  • Compatibility and conformance with the policies and plans of other agencies with respect to the subject property.
  • Consideration of the Corn Suitability Rating (CSR) of the property.
  • Compatibility with adjacent land uses.
  • Compatibility with other physical and economic factors affecting or affected by the proposed rezoning.
  • All other relevant factors.


  • A public hearing will be conducted with notice mailed to the owners of real property lying within 1,000 feet of the subject property.  Notice will also be published in a newspaper not less than four nor more than twenty days prior to the public hearing date.
  • A recommendation to the Board of Supervisors for approval, approval with conditions or disapproval on the proposal, shall be made within 35 days of the conclusion of the public hearing unless the petitioner consents to an extension of time.  If not recommendation is made within 35 days from the conclusion of the public hearing, the issue will be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors with no recommendation.


  • Three public hearings will be conducted with notice published in a newspaper of general circulation not less than four (4) nor more than twenty (20) days prior to the public hearing date.
  • The Board of Supervisors may:
    • Defer consideration
    • Reject the proposal
    • Proceed subject to the following:
      • Super majority required (60%) if the owners of more than 20% of either the area of subject property or the areas of property lying withing 500 feet of the subject property file a written objection prior to the conclusion of the public hearing.
      • May impose restrictive conditions upon the approval before the conclusion of the public hearing, the owner agrees to the conditions in writing.


A request to amend the zoning ordinance map may be filed by the Board of Supervisors, the Planning and Zoning Commission, or any person with an ownership or contractual interest in the particular real estate.


  • Name and address of the property owner and the applicant.
  • Address, if any, and legal description of the property.
  • Statement of the current and the requested zoning district classification of the property.
  • A map, drawn to scale, showing the subject property and sufficient area surrounding the property with information regarding zoning, land uses, streets, etc. to illustrate the relationship for the property to its environs. 
  • For planned development zoning districts, either a preliminary or final development plan as described in subsection 2.02-5.E. in the Zoning Ordinance.
  • A statement of the Corn Suitability Rating (CSR) of the property as established by the Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS).
  • A statement of explanation and justification for the requested change in zoning district classification.
  • A filing fee, as established by resolution of the Board of Supervisors to defray administrative costs, shall accompany the application. - FEE SCHEDULE
  • A certified abstractor's listing of the names and mailing addresses of all owners of real property lying within 1,000 feet from the subject property.


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This content was printed from the County website at woodburycountyiowa.gov on March 28, 2025.