100th Anniversary

The Woodbury County Courthouse celebrated its 100th anniversary in May 2018. Find virtual tours, videos, fun facts, and more about the iconic courthouse building.

"Serene, almost impudent, it stands there. You feel a sense of illusion about its reality which leaves you presently to be followed by a feeling that building itself is the only reality and its surroundings are the phantoms.... The effect upon entering the rotunda, no matter how disagreeable the weather outdoors, is that of a delightful, radiant warmth. This is like entering a spacious living room with a hospitable fire on the hearth."

- The Western Architect, 1921

Courthouse Virtual Tour

2018 CElebration

Celebrating 100 Years of the Woodbury County Courthouse
Event Schedule, May 1-5, 2018

Courthouse Advisory Committee for Historic Preservation
Jim Jung, Sioux City Historic Preservation (Co-Chair) - Jeremy Taylor, Woodbury County Board (Co-Chair) - Matthew Ung, Woodbury County Board - Terry Glade, CMBA Architects - Kenny Schmitz, Woodbury County Building Services - Ed Storm, FEH Architects - Mike Walsh, retired judge - Pat Gill, Woodbury County Auditor - Leesa McNeil, retired district court administrator - Shane Albrect, Baker Group

Special Thanks

Sponsors: Irving Jensen; American Institute of Architects, Iowa Chapter; Lew Weinburg; State Steel; Hard Rock; Woodbury County Bar Association; City of Sioux City; Sioux City Brick & Tile; Siouxland Chamber of Commerce; Sioux City Historic Preservation Commission; Henry Metz; CMBA Architects; Downtown Partners; Ryan & Kelly Mahoney

In-Kind Contributors: Siouxland Public Media; Jon C. Nylen; Gretchen Gondek; KES Productions, LLC; G.R. Lindblade & Company

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This content was printed from the County website at woodburycountyiowa.gov on March 23, 2025.